Hello! I have been trying to get a diagnosis for my pain condition for around 7 years now. It's daily, I get pain and stiffness in my lower back in the mornings but gets worse leading up to ovulation up to my period where I get lower abdominal pain which radiates to the back and what feels like up the bottom. I have IBD too (positive faecal calprotectin). I've been told endometriosis or possibly fibromyalgia. Laparoscopy was negative.
I do have Adenomyosis however and get large ovarian cysts. A CT scan recently showed "severe degeneration of the pelvis".
My GP thought I could have Ankylosing Spondylitis and ran bloods but they were all negative. I was hoping to get somewhere and finally get help for this but I'm feeling so stuck, relying on oramorph and pregabalin and trying to maintain a full time job.
Does anyone have any experience with negative bloods but a diagnosis of ankylosing Spondylitis?
Thank you for reading ❤️