Hi all. Has anyone been required to produce a fitnote to Universal Credit from their doctor even though they are on pip and have fibromyalgia? thanks.
Fit Note UC: Hi all. Has anyone been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fit Note UC

Hi there, I'm sure someone will be able to answer your question. But as PIP Is a separate claim from UC and not means tested in anyway I am guessing you would have to provide a fit note for the UC. Having fibro makes no difference. It's how the illness effects you. Not what the illness is.
hi, initially, you provide a sick note, until your illness and all other ailments have been sent by you or your doctor, if you get higher rate, the sick note stops, I only had to provide one, in the beginning, as I had all the proof, universal credit, is means tested, pip is not, so once UC get all the information they need, the sick note should stop depending on how your disability affects your life.
Morning Blue-52, I wish it were that simple. I'm waiting for a tribunal date because UC are still saying I'm able to work 30 hours a week, something I haven't been able to do for years.
What proof do they have to warrant this.??
I have no idea, I have sent them fit notes from my gp and they have letters from consultants at the hospital listing what conditions I have. I may now have to go for another Workplace Assessment as they have found more fibromas (I have Neurofibromatosis Type 1).
Hi ScouserA. I hope you are ok. I'm currently in a battle with Universal credit and have been since January 2022! I have been waiting for a tribunal date since September last year. I have Fibromyalgia, amongst other issues and they are still saying I'm fit enough to work 30 hours a week, something I haven't done for years. I get higher rate PIP.
Morning Littlefighter82. I'm sorry to hear this, as if you need the added stress to an already debilitating illness! Did you have to have a Work Assessment?..
The jobcentre said I needed one because I can't work full time. I claim UC to top my wages up. There have been several occasions where I've nearly cancelled my claim, but others have persuaded me to stick with it. The extra money really does help though.
Yes that is normal you can work and receive PIP
Just wondering if you cannot work, how long these notes have to been given in..
So, once you’ve submitted 3 months worth of consecutive fit notes, you’ll trigger an assessment.
(The rest though is clearly different for each person, as others experiences differ from mine)
I was sent a paper form to complete (why not online, I’ll never know), which I struggled to complete due to my hand pain and didn’t submit. Despite this, I was sent an appt for a video assessment. It lasted 10/15 minutes and he simply verified a few things from my fit notes.
I asked about not completing the form etc and he said they don’t insist on it if there’s any mental health issues (anxiety in my case).
A couple of weeks later I received word that I qualified for LCWRA (limited capability for work related activity) which meant I didn’t need to search for work and it comes with a monthly addition to my UC claim.
I hope it’s as straightforward for you 💕
Well explained 👏🏻 thank you so much.
PIP is paid to people both in work and out of work, and it is based on what you can and can't do, not the medical diagnosis. Universal Credit when it paid for health reasons is an out of work benefit and they need FIT notes to confirm that a GP considers you are not capable of work at the present time. When your claim is assessed, there are three outcomes, Fit for Work, Not Fit for Work but Fit for Work Related Activity, and Not Fit for Work or Work Related Activity. Only for the last of these are FIT notes no longer required.
So if you provide your first requested fit note and it says not fit for work, but it's only a 3 month fit note, will they require a new fit note every 3 months (or whatever the doc gjves) do you know? Thanks.
Yes, you have to supply FIT notes unless the assessment outcome is Not Fit for Work or Work Related Activity. If they decide you are Fit for Work, ignoring what your GP says, they will move you to Jobseekers Allowance. If they decide you are Not Fit for Work but Fit for Work Related Activity, you will be expected to engage with the Job Centre and undertake training for potential jobs in the future.
Yes, I have to provide a fit note every 3 months but I’m self employed on part time hours and I have fibromyalgia plus a few other things and get pip
Thank you 😊