Dear everyone after years of constant fighting through all changes from incapacity benefit to esa and indefinite dla to pip constantly having review assessments even though doctors had said my condition will never improve so eventually last November after waiting 18mths for review of pip was given 10yr award on enhanced on both elements now all I here is how gov looking to change pop again with vouchers or removing payments for one off grants etc I know its not certain yet but does anyone else think this government hates disabled people
Pip worries: Dear everyone after years... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip worries

I have the same worries at present however this is still at the consultation stage at the moment. Sadly the media as normal are presenting it as a done deal and putting out what ifs and opinions on what's going to happen as facts. The truth is that things will not happen overnight and it could be five years before any changes are made. Think about it in order to make the changes all pip assessments will need to be reassessed etc and there is a huge backlog already. It took years for DLA to migrate to PIP I cannot see any changes being any different to that. My advice would be to stop reading media scare stories about possible changes and wait until concrete details are released.
Thank you for your reply just hate the way they demonise everyone saying its a lifestyle choice pip is a very hard thing to navigate and receive just when pm makes speech about it you can't not see it it's everywhere and it took years of constant assessments etc and alot of people won't survive without the extra help to pay for mobility and help doing stuff
To be honest I have never met anyone on PIP who would much rather work if it were possible. As one lady said to me " I would much rather have the stress of work than the stress of PIP". Sadly I have met people who give genuine claimants a bad name. A classic example was my first visit to job centre plus. They were not very helpful but a man said go and have a word with them pointing out a group of men to me. They knew exactly how the system works, how to claim etc etc. Sadly it is the genuine people who do not know the system that tend not to get the help they need or are forced to go through appeals etc.
The issue for Government is large numbers of people successfully claiming PIP for anxiety and depression who are in their 20s and 30s. How can an assessor possibly know whether such claims are genuine? The state is faced with such people claiming benefits for a lifetime. It also has to contend with unemployed people claiming ESA and the Universal Credit equivalent, not because they are sick or disabled, but because it is well known amongst claimants that while the assessment process is under way, you receive the same amount of money as you would get on Jobseeker's Allowance, but with virtually no requirement to engage with the Job Centre or apply for jobs. It can take 6 months for the claim to be rejected, at some considerable cost for taxpayers, and then the Job Centre requirements kick in. It's this kind of abuse that is making it so difficult for the genuinely disabled.
ive had so many assessments and tribunals, nearly every year, your suppose to still be able to work ect and claim pip as its to help *better* ur life with a disability but u basically need to be a slug unable to do anything to get it.. i wish i could go back to work but theres no way id cope at the moment or anytime soon... i know folk who get it and should and folk that should get it dont. the gov just gonna make it worse on oeople who need help as the only ones who will get any benefits soon are the ones who know how to work the system. and we all get left to take the punishment of the ones who know how the system works.