Is this a thing in fibro? Driving me mad! Also im on 20mg of Amitriptyline at night still wake up with pain! Any advice please 🙏
Raspy Voice: Is this a thing in fibro... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Raspy Voice

my hubby calls it my 0800’voice as raspy from fibro/RA. I take pregabalin and still have pain. It’s worth talking to your GP for ideas on how to deal with the pain. I had about 4 drugs before I settled on pregabalin but that was more for sleep and nerve endings. 🥰
Morning sweetie.Hope you can smile on this wet miserable day🤗🙂.
I have Copd and my Gp noticed my raspy voice.
I've had it for a while but it's rare anyone notices their own voice?
As for pain relief at night I'm coming off Tramadol but increasing Gabapentin.
Have you tried other meds?
There are so many.
Yesterday it didn't matter what I took was in a lot of pain. Last night I slept zero🤶.
I cried a lot last night and am weepy today.
I wish you well in trying new meds😀.
Hugs sweetie dawn x
Good Morning, sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit down, this damn weather doesn't help! I also have a raspy voice, but I've put that down to my COPD not Fibro. Send you a gentle hug and hope you feel better soon. 🙂
I'm sorry your feeling weepy today You need sleep, refreshing and 8hrs would be great for me, Havn't had it yet still waiting,From Tuesday night I knew it was going to be a right royal arse, Done all the usual, took meds and 3hrs later I'm wide awake, Still awake at 5 o'clock, At 7, I went down and fed the animals and let them out and made Hubby and I drank our drink and having a chat, I swear I have no idea how or why, I woke up at 10, The curse of sleep or lack of it, I wouldn't mind if I could get some ironing done or clean the bathroom,
Take care Fluffyhuffer
I'm sorry you slept so little. Hopefully you sleep tonight sweetie 🙂. Let me know how it goes.My eyes are dry itchy and sore.
The last time I got 8 hrs straight was just before Christmas.
If fallen and couldn't get up again.
My Carer was at his mother . I couldn't find my phone even though I could hear it.
My Carer noticed I didn't reply to his texts or calls. He got my neighbour to knock and he called an ambulance.
Weird thing is I don't remember much about it.
PTSD the Doctors said.
I'm far from right. My walking was already bad but now I'm worse.
Let's hope we both sleep😵😃lol
I got out of hospital in time for Christmas and Jon spoiled me rotten lol..
I'm glad you have someone 🤗
Dawn😃hugs x

I get this occasionally - mostly when I'm about to go into a flare up. I've totally lost my voice at times
I have a raspy voice but I think it's my COPD that's causing it, not my Fibro, maybe wrong? Regarding your pain and Amitriptyline, I take 50mg at night, started off on 10 and was gradually increased to 50, helps a bit with the pain, some days better than others. Have a chat with your GP about it, there are lots of meds out there.
Never effected me to be honest . It could be due to a whole host of things totally un related to fibro . Medication, central heating even excess acid and sinus issues to name but a few. But because we suffer with fibro I guess we automatically put everything down to fibro. IMO I think blaming fibro for everything is a very dangerous thing to do. Serious health issues can get overlooked. If your ever unsure please speak with your GP or even your pharmacist. Just to put your mind at rest.
My advice would be to ask your doctor if you can have a higher dose of amitriptyline, If it's just for sleep, I have to take 100mg amongst other stuff and I can honestly say,
I still have trouble getting to sleep and then waking up in pain, I don't think I've ever been pain free in all the years I've had Fibro, I'm sorry I have to say, It really is one thing for one and one for another,
If you put 10 Fibro's in a room together you'd probably get 10 with different symptoms and 10 different meds they take to ease the pain, I have tried all sorts of meds and at different times but never had a raspy voice sorry, I keep researching for the magical meds
Take care
Hi,,, I've got a raspy voice voice but don't have Copd. All very odd. I wasn't sleeping well some time ago and didn't want to take anything else on top of the pain killers, so bought some magnesium threonate. I tend to take 3 or 4 of them early evening and my sleep has improved... the only time I can't settle or wake at silly o'clock now is when I've got things on my mind. Sometimes I've woken up on the settee with the tv on long after I should have been in bed! Take care xx
I used to get a dry horse voice from amitriptyline so the pain clinic changed me to nortryptaline. I'm still having similar symptoms though.
I was told it was one of the side effects of the meds but I have also had a stroke since and am snoring loads (even in the day when I'm awake I make a raspy throat noise) and have been referred for the sleep apnea clinic. My nose always feels blocked and it feels like I have a frog in my throat.
Maybe try a dehumidifier? It might help?
I do sleep with my fan on and my throat is so sore and croaky in the morning and then I realised the cold air was not helping. Same with having the heating on too high. Sadly I can't get an even comfortable temperature.
Would definitely pop to the GP and get them to check your throat though.
Hope you get some relief soon.