Duloxetine and insomnia : Hi all I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Duloxetine and insomnia

Winter_night profile image
52 Replies

Hi all

I reached out to the group recently about switching to duloxetine from amitriptyline and got lots of helpful advice. I’m now on 30mg of duloxetine and will be increasing further soon but I’m struggling with the side effect of not sleeping. I know it’s common but hoped this would have passed after the first weeks but it doesn’t seem to be getting better.

Has anyone experienced insomnia on it, that subsequently went away or got somewhat better?

Other than that it’s working reasonably well I think.

Thanks in advance….

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Winter_night profile image
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52 Replies
Cookingcookie profile image

Thinking of you wishing you well......it I'd hard not sleeping......good luck with your trial of duloxetine.......I expect you'll get lots of replies .....just saw this will follow your post to see how you get on.....I tried nortiplyine but made my heart fast ......they all have some side effects just some easier to tolerate than others........I hope settes down for you...sorry know very little about these meds.....but wanted to say I was thinking of you and wishing you well.....insomnia one of hardest things to cope with.....I cope reading watching films having hot drinks watching moon or sunrise......enjoy hearing the birds sing......but have found it quite distressing at times....need to have good chat to my dr soon.........all the best xxxxxx

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Cookingcookie

Thank you for your lovely message Cookingcookie - I got a few hours last night and the night before as have been taking the meds in the morning rather than evening. Hopefully things will continue to improve. Wishing you all the best too, and that it all goes well when you speak to your GP xxx

Elaine200756 profile image
Elaine200756 in reply to Winter_night

Brilliant! I'm glad that you have been able to sleep a little better Winter_night. Not getting any sleep is horrendous and makes it harder to cope with the fibro. I hope things continue to improve. I was taking amytripylene 10mg some time ago and I couldn't continue with it as I was just zombiefied. I now take 30mg Duloxetine and find it helpful, especially with my mood and ability to cope with the illness.

I wish you the best xx 💝

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Elaine200756

Hi Elaine200756 - that’s good to know, I have felt like I’m getting a bit better emotionally the last few days with a bit less gnawing anxiety. I’m on 30mg too at the mo so I think it’s probably having that effect for me too now even if I’m still waiting for the pain effect to fully kick in. Fingers crossed, we can only hope! Thanks for the advice and the lovely wishes xxxx

Elaine200756 profile image
Elaine200756 in reply to Winter_night

I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you Winter_night xx 💝

Acho80 profile image

Hi Winter Night,

I have been on it for over a year, I don’t have an issue sleeping, just very drowsy in the mornings. Best to take them in the morning.

Note, do not stop taking them. Horrid down if suddenly stopped or you forget.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Acho80

Good to know - thanks Acho80 - there is a shortage of one of the brands of them at the moment apparently; not really an issue in bigger towns and cities but I'm in the countryside and had to travel to get my latest prescription. Will make sure I dont get close to running low! I've switched to taking them in the morning now and have managed to drop off around 3am and sleep late two days in a row so that is progress! x

Mille21 profile image

Hi I'm on 120mg a day and sleep really well also on morphine how long have you been on it?xx

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Mille21

Hi Mille21 - only 4 weeks so I guess I need to give it a bit longer. I've now switched to taking them in the morning now and have managed to drop off around very late (3am) and then sleep late until 11.00 for two days in a row which is some progress... x

Bertiemum profile image

I am taking duloxetine but with amitriptyline as well, which my GP advised is a good combination for dealing with fibromyalgia pain. Had some side effects at first, ie headaches, dry mouth but these eased off after a few weeks. Generally I sleep very well. I still have a dry mouth, but that is better than the constant pain I was in,

It is so much a case of trial and error, until you can find something that will ease your aches and pains without numerous side effects.

Good luck. ❤️

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Bertiemum

Thank you Bertiemum - I have come off 90mg a day of amitriptyline which I found great for sleep but less effective for pain over time and I gained a tonne of weight which was starting to affect my joints. Like I was saying above to others, I have started taking the duloxetine in the morning now and have slept for7 hours the last 2 nights albeit from 03.00-11.00. So I am feeling less frazzled and sleep deprived which is helpful! I also have some way to go with duloxetine as only on 30mg at present and my GP thinks I'll need a higher dose for full effect - fingers crossed! Hope you're having a good week yourself x

Bertiemum profile image
Bertiemum in reply to Winter_night

I am pleased that you are making some progress and sleeping at last. All the very best!❤️😀

Ellenindigo profile image

Hi there

Are you taking it in the morning or evening? I take 30mg in the morning and sleep like a baby… but also had initial side effects for 3 weeks five days of awful sleep.

I also take magnesium supplements at night - maybe that’s helping

Hope it eases for you soon

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Ellenindigo

Hi Ellenindigo - I'm only beginning week 4 at the moment so I guess I should expect the side effects to continue for a bit longer. I switched to the morning like you and others suggested and for the last 2 nights I have eventually dropped off around 3am and slept for 8 hours which is progress so I'm hopeful things will continue to get better! Thanks for your well wishes - hope you're having a good week yourself x

Ellenindigo profile image
Ellenindigo in reply to Winter_night

my doctor said it can take about six months for it all to settle so I think i was “lucky” - doesn’t feel lucky at the time though, does it 🙈 I know have a medication alert on my iphone that means I take the tablets at exactly the same time each day which has made my sleep more predictable

let us know how you get on


Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Ellenindigo

I will Ellenindigo , of course x

Dogwalkingsunshine profile image

Hi I take my Duluoxtine in the morning as advice by doctor.As can effect sleep been on about 8 years .Hope this helps always take after food .

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Dogwalkingsunshine

Very helpful yes Dogwalkingsunshine - I switched to morning dosing over the weekend and I have slept the last 2 nights for 7 hours, albeit from 3am! Which is why I'm now finally coherent enough to reply to these messages which were a godsend (GP told me nothing about side effects to expect). Hope you're having a pleasant week x

Elaine200756 profile image
Elaine200756 in reply to Winter_night

Aww, great news 🤗👍

Lesblackbox profile image
Lesblackbox in reply to Dogwalkingsunshine

May I ask whst strength of duloxetine u take? Iv been given 20mg once in a morning but have read I should be on 60mg for fibro? Should I be asking for it increasing as its not doing much? X

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Lesblackbox

Im taking 30mg at the moment, will be increasing this week to 40mg I think. I don’t think 20mg is prescribed other than as a starting dose. I seem to remember a pharmacist telling me that x

Ellenindigo profile image
Ellenindigo in reply to Lesblackbox

I am resisting upping from 30mg as I read it can become less effective over time so want an increase “in my back pocket” if that occurs.

Maybe discuss upping in v small increments - it’s certainly what I will do, having read the doses of others on here as the GP was going to jump me to 60mg when i had a flare. I would prefer a 10mg at a time rise.

Personally found 30mg to be really effective in the day to day and deal with flares wirh naproxen v occasionally (plus omeprazole as a one off with it).

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Ellenindigo

good advice Ellenindigo - thank you x

Ellenindigo profile image
Ellenindigo in reply to Winter_night

pleasure, keep smiling and get some sleep 🤞

Purplebluebell profile image

I'm sure the suggestion has been made to take the drug two hours before bed.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Purplebluebell

Hi Purplebluebell , I think I read or heard that somewhere too but I'm pretty sure it was what was keeping me wide awake for 24 hours as now I've switched to taking it in the morning I'm finally sleeping again albeit dropping off very late. Hope you're having a good week x

Polly1999 profile image


I was on Duloxetine and then they added amitriptyline too. I went down to 5hrs sleep a week so please just keep an eye on it. I also got lots of other side effects too. I kept getting them checked but didn’t realise they were side effects of the meds. They also turned me into a zombie with no pain relief.

A lot of people it calms down and they work great though so perhaps try for a while and keep a record of how you feel if you can.

Good luck. I hope it works for you.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Polly1999

Hi Polly1999 - thank you for sharing this. I managed to sleep the last 2 nights having switched to taking it in the morning. Not until 3am but still progress! I havent had any other side effects I dont think, other than feeling absolutely wiped the first 2 weeks - more so than usual - but that now seems to be lifting thankfully, Im hoping it will calm me in time, as well as helping with pain and bladder issues. Hope you're well and having a pleasant week yourself x

Polly1999 profile image
Polly1999 in reply to Winter_night

Has it settle down now that’s it’s been another 18 days? I didn’t want to message too soon as it does take time. Hoping it is working for you!

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Polly1999

Hi Polly1999 , I’m now on a low dose of gabapentin alongside 30mg duloxetine but I’m still not sleeping very well 😩 I’m hoping as I increase the gabapentin it’ll cancel out the insomnia - apparently it’s good for that. Fingers crossed! Thanks for checking in - how are you doing? X

Polly1999 profile image
Polly1999 in reply to Winter_night

Good luck but keep an eye out for weight gain with the gabapentin as that’s one of the most common side effects.

There are other things that might help with the insomnia so please message if I can help.

I just don’t want you to be like me and keep on the meds that might not be right for you for years with such little sleep etc and then taking ages to recover ❤️

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Polly1999

Thank you so much Polly1999 , that’s really kind of you. I’ll stay in touch X

LouG28 profile image

Hi Winter_night, Re: duloxetine - I know it works well for most people and I have a friend with fibro who it also works well for. My experience has not been positive though. I moved from Amitriptyline as that didn't help with my pain and I started on 30mg Duloxetine for a few months and too couldn't sleep. This was my only side affect and no relief from pain. I was upped to 60mg, still no relief from pain, still not sleeping, but with added side affects of a very sore throat on one side only, a dry mouth and terrible constipation. After 4 months I couldn't take the side affects anymore and am currently at the end of being weaned of the duloxetine. This itself has been quite bad, as others have said never just stop taking this. Even with the GP lowering the dose slowly I have had tingling and fizzing nerves all over, brain zaps, dizziness and nausea. All this and I was down to 7.5mg because I had to keep halving my tablets (as agreed with my GP - never do this either unless GP says its OK) I am nearly two weeks now without Duloxetine and still feeling the fizzing, tingling and zaps although a lot less - it can take 3 weeks to come completely out of your system. I have a week to go.

I wish you luck with the duloxetine and hope it works as well for you as it did my friend and others on this forum :-) xxx

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to LouG28

Hi LouG28 , thanks for your reply and sorry to hear you've had such a rough time with it. Hoping you'll feel better again once you've fully cleared it out of your system. I have had a bit of progress in that I've managed to sleep the last 2 nights albeit not until 3am, but it's something I guess! I'm on it for bladder issues as well as pain so I have real hopes it will be suitable for me long term. Good luck with remainder of the weaning x

Loobielu profile image

Hiya, I was the same amitriptyline to Duloxetine, neither helped with pain for me but I know it's a popular choice for treatment of fibro. I actually slept ok on the duloxetine but had dreadful insomnia when I weaned off them. I agree with LouG28 above, the coming off Duloxetine was horrendous and it did take 3 weeks before I started to feel half human again. Best of luck, it seems there are side affects with everything, even when I started HRT (I'm now 18 months in with that and I feel no better! Maybe its not the magic cure after all🤔) xx

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Loobielu

Hi Loobielu , no sadly nothing seems to be a pancea for fibro/pain - and it takes a help of a lot of motivation and energy to keep trialling different combinations! Things have improved on the sleep front somewhat now I'm taking it is the morning rather than evening so fingers crossed there's still more improvement to come. Hope you're having a good yourself x

2pods profile image

Been on 2 x 60mg daily for a few years. Now take with Morphine

Certainly helped my anxiety, but just dulled the actual pain. However, tingling and zaps are almost gone.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to 2pods

Hi 2pods , yes I have also noticed the tingling, zapping and buzzing pains have gone which is a relief but I'm still struggling with bone and fascial pain although I have Ehlers Danlos and mast cell disease also so it's hard to tell where the overlaps are! I've made some progress on the sleep front now at least - not great but I have had some sleep later on the night over the last couple of days since I switched to taking it in the morning. I hope the anti anxiety effect kicks in when I start to increase up from 30mg as I could really do with that too. Thanks for your reply and hope you're having a good week yourself x

Zeek2021 profile image

I'm the same as you. I hardly sleep through the night due to pain and insomnia. I changed from amitriptyline to duloxetine 120 mg in the mornings . Luckily I can nap during the day but try not to.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Zeek2021

Hi Zeek2021 - the temptation to nap is real! Why is so hard for us to sleep during the night but all I want to do all day is nap!? :-D I have now actually made some progress with sleeping on it as have switched to the morning and although I'm still not dropping off until 3am, it's better than no sleep at all so I'll settle for it for now. Hope you're having a good week yourself x

Zeek2021 profile image
Zeek2021 in reply to Winter_night

Yes, thanks so far I am . This is a rest day for me .

Broadfield profile image

As in one of the other replies I take my 30mgs in the morning and sleep well, if I forget and take it late it keeps me awake till the early hours. I am retired so it's not a problem for me to lay on the sofa and listen to Classic fm. I have just reduced from 40mgs and although the pain is slightly increased I can manage with paracetamol and rest.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Broadfield

Hi Broadfield - thanks for your reply. I switched to taking it in the mornings a few days ago and thankfully I have made some progress - the last 2 nights I have slept eventually, around 3am, which isnt great but it's much better than no sleep at all! Classic FM on the sofa sounds like my kind of afternoon too :-) x

M0wnt profile image

I take the sister drug Venlafaxine. It took me a good year to settle on them but knew after a couple of months that they helped my mood. I take gabapentin for my pain and they have a really calming affect. So maybe gabapentin for the nighttime to calm you? Speak to GP.

Gabapentin is better for you than amitryptaline, amytriptyline (can’t spell) is an older drug which has longer term side affect’s apparently such as dementia 🤦‍♀️. I read this study about five years ago so I asked to come off it and up my gabapentin instead which was better for me.

It’s all trial and error and all the drugs we take have side effects anyhow 🤣🤣. I feel like a walking pill factory!

Best of luck.

Winter_night profile image

Hi M0wnt , you're not wrong about feeling like a pill factory - I swear I rattle when I walk these days :-D

I have felt some improvement the last 48 hours and have managed to drop off late - around 3am - and then sleep for the usual 8 hours so I am feeling better and more positive about continuing with it. It's only week 4 but I'm hopeful. I stopped amitriptyline because of loss of effect over time (3 years) and weight gain but my Dad has Alzheimer's and there are other types of dementia in the family too so I was super conscious of that also once I found about anti cholinergic effects. I did try gabapentin but I had such severe emotional side effects that I had to stop and I'm hesitant to try anti seizure drugs again as a result. Thanks for your reply and I hope you're having a good week, all that aside x

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Hello , just read your post, I take my duloxtene an hour before bed. mostly I do sleep (also wear full face mask for sleep apnea 😞) I have too try and go off quickly if not it’s hours before I go off,(last nite 3oclock , I do think I was thinking about everything and couldn’t switch off) i try watch another drama on my iPad (I know they say don’t before bedtime) but I focus on that then try again, if that doesn’t work off too the kitchen for a hot chocolate . I ve tried the whale dolphin, waterfall music as well. I guessing if you’re increasing your dose you have seen your doctor? I take 60mg xx

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Yassytina

Hi  Yassytina , yes I have to see my GP before going above 30mg and I expect it’ll be 40mg or 50mg before we go to 60mg as she likes to do things by the book :-) I also use a tablet for watching dramas in bed, tbh I think it’s far better than lying awake thinking/focusing on not sleeping. I’ve been trying every hour then doing the same - either another episode or chapter, or downstairs for water or yet another loo trip, fluff up pillows etc. My husband would sleep through a hurricane which is fortunate… 🙄😆 I really sympathise with you.. sleep apnea that severe sounds tough to live with. We don’t half have some luck! Xxx

Chuckles11 profile image

I had the same issue, it was like my brain w pop uldnt switch off and was going ten to the dozen. I realised it was because I was taking it before bed so I switched to the morning. It was a lot better then.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to Chuckles11

Hi Chuckles11 - I can really relate to that feeling! Glad you’re finding it better now x

secondhandrose2 profile image

Hi, I have been on Duloxetine for 15 years for fibromyalgia plus a previous history of depression. I haven't found it interferes with sleep at all but it may be that the amitryptyline is still interacting with it. I am lucky in that I have a tendency to sleep more rather than less than many people.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to secondhandrose2

Hi secondhandrose2 , I’m now on a low dose of gabapentin as well and I’m getting some sleep but still not enough. My GP isn’t keen on amitriptyline and duloxetine together, but sounds like you’ve found that combination good?

secondhandrose2 profile image
secondhandrose2 in reply to Winter_night

I'm not on amitriptyline, just a low dose of Duloxetine, decided long term side effects are not worth it.

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