I have been on the enhanced rate with pip. Had my review and they have taken that away and I now on standard. I have requested a reconsideration because they haven’t read everything that was put down in the review. I requested my report so I have all the information to hand. Do I get a form to fill in or do I write why it should be reconsidered with evidence? Any tips on what to write would be useful.
Reconsideration : I have been on the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Thank you for your reply. I have printed off the CRMR1 form and have also emailed the GP for a letter to state my health conditions will never change they are long term. So hopefully with the info, form and evidence it will hopefully reinstated to enhanced.
Thank you!
Sorry to hear they have reduced your PIP. The same thing happened to me following an assessment. I took it to a tribunal and won my case. I was only in there ten minutes!
DWP fail to recognise that if you have a disability like degenerative osteoarthritis arthritis (like myself), fibromyalgia or any other invisible illness, these types of conditions do not improve. The assessor I saw was very poor, made things up and never once made eye contact with me. When I read his report, I complained!! I had to keep checking the report was referring to me and not somebody else! He stated I drove a large family car, I don’t H is a small hatchback and we did not even discuss what vehicle I drive! According to the assessor, I go to the corner shop every day and chat with people while I am there, there is not a corner shop anywhere near my house and I do my shopping online which I can prove! I could go on and on with the list of stupid remarks that were made on my report, it seems just to fill gaps. I thought the clue in my condition was the word degenerative.,… obviously the assessor failed to notice that!
Please fight for what you are entitled to, it will be so worth it in the end.
Hi yes I will be fighting. I have a letter from my GP as further evidence stating that all my illnesses are long term and will not get better. They also said I drive and can plan a route. My husband drives and plans the routes around my needs. I have the assessors report now and it states what I said it’s DWP that have changed it.
i have spinal damage which is degenerative and progressive and this has been ignored, the assessor told the dwp that 'ON THE BASIS OF PROBABILITY' not on evidence, that i was lying, no evidence to prove this and i was not lying.
you also have the right under the right to information act, to ask for the assessors information they supplied and evidence to prove what the decision was made on, just write to them requesting all information including a copy of the form you sent to them, any medical evidence they have in relation to this assessment.
the also claimed that my condition hadnt changed since my last assessment which was in 2018, which is strange because in 2019 i had a full spine mri, which proved new symptoms, and in 2021 i had a serious reaction to the covid vaccine which has left me only being able to do 20 minutes a day of normal daily activity. so just how my condition cannot have changed since my last assessment 2018 is unbelievable.
my GP told me to make a formal complaint about what they did to me.
they also claimed that as my walking sticks were given to me by a physio and the grab rails i had installed myself, and NOT PRESCRIBED by a doctor, that neither of these are considered to be necessary aids, strange that the notes that came with the form states that these are necessary aids
they are just trying to take as much money from people who need it
Hi. Degenerated osteo arthritis is an age thing. I have it in my toes, hands, knees, hips, and Pelvis. Waiting on orthopaedic appointments for my back and neck. I also have fibromyalgia, COPD Asthma and only receive the standard rate of £61 a week ?
I've just been through this and I created a table on my laptop to address reach of their points. They won't send you a form to make it easy though and if they did it wouldn't have enough space on it. You definitely have to do it yourself. They did give me an extension of 2 weeks though; with knowing if you need more time.
Good luck
I`m afraid alot of people are getting PIP removed or lowered to the standard rate as the government are not wanting to pay people benefits as they want as many people working or dead. It`s getting worse all the time as I`m hearing and reading many stories now of people struggling to get benefits. I was speaking to someone whose sister has severe MS and is in a wheelchair and requires Carers to help her. The DWP told her she could work in an office licking envelopes. I`ve heard of people in their 60`s with heart problems and having had major heart attacks being forced to work as delivery drivers. I used to work as a Carer and I heard about a Carer who worked for the council who had terminal cancer and was told she could still work as a Carer. The UK government don`t give a damn about you and neither do any other governments around the world. It`s disgusting.