Recently Diagnosed at 24 : Hi, I am... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Recently Diagnosed at 24

Yellowcat135 profile image
21 Replies


I am 24 and have just recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I’m so in the dark on how to manage my condition, I have three young boys under 5 and I feel so useless. Dr reluctant to prescribe pain meds, offered antidepressants.

im so in the dark on how to manage my condition, any advice appreciated.

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Yellowcat135 profile image
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21 Replies
stephen111 profile image

I feel sorry for you getting this so young and three young children. First you need try to get as much sleep as you can, this definitely helps. For me I have been on tramadol for about 13 years. I have tried various things nothing seemed to work then I was in hospital for something else and they gave me tramadol and all of a sudden my fibro disappeared and have been on it ever since. Not everyone can take tramadol and doctors may be reluctant to give you them due to your age, but they certainly changed my life back to normal I started on one capsule a day and now on four. You are allowed up to eight a day., but you must keep as low as possible for as long as possible, it is addictive, but for me it was either that or no life. That is one suggestion, others will give you more. Everyone is different so other suggestions might work for you also. Good luck I hope you find the right solution for you.

Fra22-57 profile image

First you must be kind to yourself and rest when you can.with 3 young children I know that is easier said than done .try get more help. People tend to think you are lazy but they should try having the disease.Antidepressants work in different ways and can help alot with the pain and fatigue. This isnt the end and withmy fibro my health swings around alot when sometimes I think I am alot better but things also trigger me to be more ill. Health can improve .our body is very strange

Elizahl profile image

Hey there sorry to here you have joined our club no one wants to be in but glad we are here to support one another. I do not take a lot of medication as I am sensitive to meds so have had a tough journey. However I have started to ease up this year after weightloss it really helped I had gain a lot from antidepressants and although I am off them 4 years I just could not shift the weight without help. I also got steroid injections this winter for the first time which I believe helped also and have been put o metatroxate which may be contributing to my ability to do more and not suffer as much my flare ups are only for a day or so now as apposed to weeks or even months and I do believe that was down to weightloss. That does take time and effort though and with 3 kids I know it is not easy. I would rest when you can give kids some screen time during the day I know mommy guilt kicks in for this but needs must and you have to look after yourself to. Maybe be organised for the week with dinners so you can just heat things up on your bad days on good days batch cook. I learned the hard way to listen to your body or it gets worse not better. Slow down the trauma of childbirth can do crazy things to our bodies and in time it may ease up again. Epson salt in hot baths I found helped and a tens machine when in a flare I git one on amazon for about e25. I hope this helps and I am not saying you need to lose weight just sharing my experience in the hope it helps you I do wish you well as a mom of 3 myself I know how hard it can be. Also be sure to ask for help from family and friends it's OK not to be able to do everything take the help when you can get it. Day care for a couple of hours may help give you quiet time of it is an option I am not sure just you are no good to others if you do not mind yourself also. Last suggestion maybe counselling would help as with such a young age and three babies maybe the trauma of childbirth triggered your fibromyalgia and counselling might help you deal with it worth a try. I did counselling to. At the very least it will help wrap your mind around diagnosis. Best of luck going forward I really feel for you although I am older I have walked in your shoes and feel your pain x

Yellowcat135 profile image
Yellowcat135 in reply to Elizahl

thank you, we’ve been referred to a care service which will provide physiotherapy and counselling I believe, however I’ve had this pain for as long as I can remember. Even as a child I constantly hurt all over and just blamed all sorts of other things! I’m finally glad to have some clarity, I managed to get help due to it being suspected SPD in pregnancy which never went away and only got worse, since having my youngest a year ago I’m in agony and every day is a task, I just need any kind of relief so I’m glad I found this forum!

Welshcatlady profile image
Welshcatlady in reply to Elizahl

Hi, I'm desperately need to lose weight, any tips? I have developed a really sweet tooth and cannot control myself to having just one or two sweets, if the packet's open I'm a glutton, can't stop eating them, same with a bar of chocolate. I know I shouldn't buy them, but I am so weak willed about it.

Elizahl profile image
Elizahl in reply to Welshcatlady

I went the extreme root not for everyone but I got a gastric sleeve after trying and falling everything else nothing worked for me. There is a health store supplement you could try in Holland and Barrett to help prevent sweet cravings and nuts help to to kill the craving for sweets.

Welshcatlady profile image
Welshcatlady in reply to Elizahl

Thanks for your reply, I will look for the supplement in Holland and Barrett. I do eat nuts most days. If all else fails I might have to do what you did! Thanks again.

Elizahl profile image
Elizahl in reply to Welshcatlady

Feel free to message me on fb if you like my name is unusual so easy find Eliza halpin liddy I don't want to take up feed as its off topic and not for everyone but if you want to know how I got on or ask questions it's easier there ☺

Welshcatlady profile image
Welshcatlady in reply to Elizahl

Thank you, I will try to find you.

Latics1989-90 profile image
Latics1989-90 in reply to Welshcatlady


I was just like you up to May '22!! I've been on and off diets over the years but like you I love anything sweet 😋😋 Anyway, my sister in-law was 60 in May last year. They had a lovely house party. Obviously, photos were taken and I asked Pam to send me copies!! Well, I looked at one of me!! I said to Dave "***I need to lose weight!! I joined Slimming World the following Tuesday and to date I've lost nearly 2 1/2stones!! It's just a suggestion but it's one of the best decisions I've ever made!! I honestly thought I'd never lose a lb never mind nearly 2 1/2!! I am no longer diabetic so it's been well worth it

Pm me if you need to

Lots of love Lynne xxxx 💜💟

Cat00 profile image

I was a child when I was diagnosed, no one had heard of it then. It's actually quite common now really. Doctors are generally unhelpful and the NICE guidance discourages the prescribing of painkillers, and endorses antidepressants. I don't use medication as nothing worked, which is common with fibromyalgia, I exercise to rid myself of the stiffness. I have a 5 and 8 year old, my house is a mess and I forget things I'm supposed to remember for them. I do my best to not berate myself, that's probably the biggest challenge really...

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Hello , i feel for you younger people joining this huge unwanted club (my fibro diagnosed in my 50 s ) must be a huge strain with 3 little ones, do you have much in the way of any family help ? You differently could do with some extra support, even close family having the children for a couple hours for you too rest , long soak in the bath and time out (easier said than done I know) my daughter is separated now and has fibro/endometriosis has 2 boys aged 9 and 6 so we try and do what we can, Keep in touch with your doctor or even practioner nurse mine seems too go the extra mile and have more time too spend with patients and being female they quite often relate too what’s going on. Sending lots of hugs xx

hi-I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling with this condition at such a young age - and with young kids too… have you thought about contacting Homestart? They provide support to families under 5 years old- their volunteers are well trained and they can help you with tasks and organising your time more effectively… please take care of yourself x

Matrix profile image

I have had fibromyalgia since I was 11 years old and I’m a nana now .I also have three children and six grandchildren .I know how painful it is ,just don’t push yourself because if you do too much you will pay with pain and exhaustion.It’s a lot to get your head around .The most important thing is to pace yourself ,say cleaning so do say 15 mins then I rest for double that or more if needed ,then carry on .

I remember when I had 3 little ones I was exhausting and sometimes I would have to go to bed when they were at school but I had some good friends I could call if that day was un doable for me and they would pick them up for me .

If you can get a hobby you love then that will take your mind off it ,it’s a wonderful distraction I’m a crafter so I immerse myself in that when I’m able .Just do what you can .I had two of the grands over last night to sleep ,I didn’t sleep hardly at all and they were in my bed at 4-45 am on full pelt and today I have already slept on the sofa .Today and tomorrow will be tough and we going to see two of our other grandkids an hour away .I promise you once you get your head around it and have meds to help etc you can have a life .Gentle hugs🤗🤗

dg70 profile image

You could find some really good podcasts from Rheumatologists to listen too which I find helpful. The Royal Bath Institute for Rheumatic Diseases (BIRD) have several podcasts on Fibromyalgia as well as other connective tissue disorders. Just make sure what you listen to or watch is from a reputable source.

Purplebluebell profile image

Firstly let me say how sorry I am to hear your story. I was diagnosed in mid 30's and was put on Amitriptyline. I continue to take 10mgs at night, two hours before bed and can honestly say I have after a fashion managed to have a life. I'm now mid 60's. Also try to keep mobile and balance this with rest on the bad days. I know as woman we are not great at asking for help but you may have to.

I wish you all the best. Take care.

klr31 profile image

Have you had your vitamin D level checked? Low D can cause pain.


CM1EDSUK profile image

Hi - you have my sympathy as I also suffered SDP with the birth of my last child, & thought I'd never get over the pain, but it did improve after about 14 months. It limits you in so many ways & with fibro on top (in my case it was however the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) it's certainly not easy.

You've received excellent advice look after you; take up any offers of help; learn to try & pace whenever possible; be open to the fact that antidepressants at a low dosage help some with pain, & I'm pleased you have been offered physio & other help. We're all different, & it's finding what works for you, which is often a bit of trial & error, & it's found that often several things are better than just one. Gentle exercise is key, as can be some medication, distraction, etc; it's finding out how to 'manage' your pain. There's also some good info here:

Meditationlover profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed 6 months ago, am on amitrypline, gabapentin , tramadol and naproxen, really makes a difference, I would recommend investing in a weighted blanket, it really helps me. Also meditation music and a lie down at some point in the day

Polly-S profile image

Hi there, I am sooo sorry for you 😔. It is going to be hard till you learn how to deal with the pain...

Once upon a time I have been a mum of 3 under 5 - it's exosting even without chronic condition...

For the time being:

1. Push on your GP for prescription medication

2. Collect evidence and read about PIP and when ready - APPLY !!!

3. Vitamin D and all other supplements are your friends.

4. Creams - CBD, Hemp, etc. - multiple times a day.

5. Learn fast how to pace your self, or you will be worse afterwards...

6. Ask for help!!!

7. All advice above is brilliant - read the forum posts - you are not alone!!!

8. Take Care of yourself, so that you are able to care for your kids.

Gentle Hugs

Dash01 profile image


I am 25 and recently received the diagnosis too. I would definitely push to seek a second opinion as I have been prescribed pain medication, your going to need it with kiddos, I mean don’t get me wrong it still a battle every single day and sometimes I think is it even working? I wonder if he would have prescribed me pain medication if I wasn’t on medication for my mental health.

Like you I was very in the dark but this group made me feel better as I was feeling very down about it , don’t get me wrong I suffer every single day and I think I have a longggg way to to should I give up now? I am fearful that my depression will over power me and I will get into a depression episode - But I know I need to keep pushing and that I have my family and friends support.

I am also super lucky I have changed role into a mainly administrative role which to be honest I am struggling with the screen at times and also sitting, sometimes I’m so uncomfortable.

You just got to work out what is best for you and reading these posts for a while I don’t really think anyone has an answer other than to keep going and not to give up!

I also take co codamol when it is bad and also use ibuprofen gel at night time, maybe try this?

Take care and here if you need a chat x

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