hi I applied for pip for my fibromyalgia and have had a letter this morning from them advising me I have a phone consultation at the end of the month. I did not realise I need a phone consultation when I sent them the evidence needed from my G.P. Has anyone had the phone consultation?
fibromyalgia : hi I applied for pip for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

hu Kaz, yes if this is your 1st claim, they have to access you, they will ask you questions about how your illness affects your daily living, walking eating taking meds, they ask quite a bit on your 1st claim. Did you think to keep a copy of what you sent?, if not, write everything down on how every day you struggle to get through the day, and how it affects you, write down alll your illnesses and conditions, so you are ready for your phone appointment. Good luck.
Hi, yes its normal procedure. And you get assessed again when your award comes up for renewal. Should you be lucky enough to get the benefit. Good luck.
I too applied in April and sent all evidence. They text and sent a letter that I have a telephone assessment. My appointment on Tuesday was cancelled as they said the assessor couldn't make it. They reschedule for 28th June.
Don't worry, i know of other people who have had telephone or face appointments. Let's hope for a positive outcome 🙏🏾 😊
Hi Kazzza, as you did not keep a copy of everything you sent it may be an idea to have a look on line at the questions and try and remember what you put. That way during your telephone consult you will be able to refer to the questions yourself and have some idea of your replies.
During the telephone assessment make sure you have a drink nearby as it can be thirsty work answering questions for an hour or so. If you are uncomfortable and need to move around say so, likewise if you don't understand a question ask them to repeat it, don't try and guess what they want. Also if you think they haven't given you enough time to answer or interrupt ask them to give you time to reply. Lastly don't forget to breathe😁 Good luck
Thankyou for your reply I am a bit worried about it . I did not think about keeping a copy of what I sent.
hi kazzza I’ve applied as well it’s early days yet but they sent a text saying I might need a medical assessment but only might so not sure, they did advise at the beginning it could well be a phone consultation, they ask you questions which you’ve already answered in the application and if you didn’t download a copy of your application then it’s worth writing down how fibromyalgia affects your daily life in everything you do so not to worry hope it works out for you good luck x
From my personal experience of going through a claim for PIP & being rejected last year(Fibromyalgia & other chronic medical conditions). I would telephone DWP & ask for a copy sending back out to you (say you didn’t realise needed to keep a copy ) also, advise them you want to record the telephone assessment. They LIED on my outcome report so I learned the hard way! I found the whole PIP application / experience a horrible ordeal for nothing in the end. But, you must take deep breaths and just do it & try not to worry as we all know it can cause flares in symptoms! Good luck 🤞 I sincerely hope that you are successful and get the PIP £award xx
yes I have read a lot of people saying that they lie . I will call them and ask them to send me a copy out and Thankyou
Yes I have, but I still had to have face to face as well
Hi, I have Fibromyahia & I was receiving DLA & I now receive PIP. I had to have a phone assessment for my renewal and I’m lucky as the lady that I spoke to was really nice & friendly. My son took screen shots of my renewal form & emailed them to me. I do keep a daily diary as I suffer from ‘Fibro fog’ and can find it extremely difficult to remember things. I will say that I found this website to be amazing for help with people that receive/apply for benefits. They have free info & a year long subscription which you have to pay for. I have recommended this website & I know people that have appealed using the advice & won. I advise people to check it out. Good luck!
hi I also had a call when info was at GP SS are still asking questions about my mobility. They then said they would keep in touch with the GP and I shouldn’t hear back until claim has been passed. Ridiculous as you have good mobility days and bad ones.
I had a phone consultation a couple of months ago and she went through a couple of the descriptors again to clarify them. A good piece of advice I read was to read what you wrote on your initial form and have those answers with you on the call. After the call I was expecting to have to go through another appeal but went from the standard rate to the inhanced rate.
Good luck with your consultation and try not to panic. Becky
Hi yes I have tried for PIP for fibromyalgia and failed. I went all the way to tribunal and got rejected. It did start with the phonecall tho x
Hi I am just waiting for tribunal & I am worried sick. Only just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Why didn't u get it & can u reply coz don't think it's right u didn't get. Why is it so hard to get with this.
Hi they didn't award me enough points. Tribunal agreed with the decision. Didn't even get my day in court. I will try again at some point but cannot face it again at the moment. Too stressful and exhausted. Good luck with yours tho xx
hiya yes everyone has a phone consultation, it used to be having to go to the office but since lockdown it has been phone call, they just basically ask lots of questions, def keep a copy of your call because they do like to twist things, my daughter had that so we asked for a reconsideration I think it is called xx
hi I had a phone consultation also which I just spoke to someone on the phone and they completed the rest of the form for it to be processed and have a claim awarded
Yes, I had one back in November last year. After reconsideration I was awarded higher for both.