Amitriptyline? Or something else? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Amitriptyline? Or something else?

Blueholidaytime profile image

I’m advised my by GP to take 30mg Amitriptyline daily. However, this amount makes my restless legs worse. I’m lying in bed now awake at 3am, so I’ve taken two paracetamols and 30mg codeine. I sometimes think the drugs we take makes things worse.

What do you take for Fibromyalgia?

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Blueholidaytime profile image
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42 Replies
lexi1966 profile image

I take pregablin an tramodol. I also take meds for anxiety and depression. I don't have restless legs very often now x

Motherdev profile image

HI, I take Nortriptiline instead of Amytripiline, but I also take Valerian (a herbal remedy which I bought in Holland and Barrett for anxiety) I sleep right through now, nothing worse than lack of sleep, hope you get it sorted x

Dizzytwo profile image
Dizzytwo in reply to Motherdev

Using nortriptyline together with valerian may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating.

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to Dizzytwo

Haven't had any of that but thanks anyway. Massive sleep for me has made a huge difference x

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Motherdev

Hace you disclosed to your GP so they are aware you are taking it? Always prudent to clue in the GP even when it is supplements or even in the case of thigs like street cannabis.

Callo56 profile image

I take Amitriptyline 60 or 70mg a day. I adjust the dose depending on the level of pain. It's effective with the pain without restless legs.

Vontrap profile image

hi I take Duloxitine. I started off from 30mg then 60mg up to 90mg. I didn’t have the sleepy effect that I had with Amitriptyline. I have restless twitchy legs also. Unfortunately I still have it but not as bad as I was. Perhaps that’s because I am trying to come off the drugs altogether and try and put up with it. My personal view is the longer you take them your body gets used to it. I put up with the pain for years before taking the drugs therefore I’m just going to get on with it without them. If your not happy with what your on ask the doctor to put you on something else. Good luck.

Kryptonite59 profile image

I was on Amitriptyline, which worked for a while, but gradually lost its effectiveness. I then changed to Gabapentin, which didn’t really do anything for me. I’m now on paracetamol and codeine three times a day, which help’s better than any of the aforementioned. It got to the point where I wasn’t feeling too bad. So much so, I tried coming off them for a day thinking I might be on the mend. That was the biggest mistake I’ve made since this all began over a year ago now. I was suffering all yesterday evening and up most of last night thinking I hadn’t long to go. I think I’m in agreement with my GP. Painkillers for the rest of my life. Hope you’re feeling better today.

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to Kryptonite59

Rock on Krypton I take Cocodamol twice a day and more when pain gets bad. Nothing else works except Tramadol and associated opiate based drugs but they are addictive, like you, not for me xxx

Stoont profile image

I am on 225mg of venlafaxine , paracetamol, ibuprofen, 100mg if pregabalin, I also had to take omeprazole, the pregabalin were for pain and horrendous restless legs, but the side effects of the pregabalin and omeprazole were making me feel so much worse although it did help with pain, I am now the same as you and I weaned myself off the pregabalin and omeprazole, yes I have got pain but the side effects were so bad I'm just putting up with the pain, swimming helps as does gentle walking, massage, hope this helps.

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to Stoont

Hi hun, just try 2 Co Codamol in the morning along with immune vitamin tablets c b12 then later on 1 Co codamol a swig of dulcoease then at night Nortriptiline and Valerian (herbal) it works for xxx

Dizzytwo profile image
Dizzytwo in reply to Motherdev

While its ok to share what works for you. It is not acceptable practise to advise others what to take. Also it can be dangerous to do so. Using nortriptyline together with valerian may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating

ColetteLee profile image

It's a nightmare trying to find what works for YOU!! I've tried everything and am now taking Lyrica. I take one at night along with one Paracetamol and it works, for me. It's worth trying at least. Also, it may take a while for one medication to leave your system before you really know if the new medication is right for you. Best of luck!

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to ColetteLee

Collette first off calm down love, there's a herbal remedy called Valerian, you can probably buy it online it's not a painkiller it's a calm downer. Take before bed and you'll sleep right through thus yes still hurting in the morning but refreshed 😌

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnowFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Motherdev

I think other forum members should consult with their doctor before taking any unproven supplemental agents.

ColetteLee profile image
ColetteLee in reply to Motherdev

Calm down? If there's one thing that will absolutely guarantee that I am not calm, is to be told to calm down!! I'm not sure how you established that I needed to be told that, but you're mistaken, I was simply sharing what worked for me after 12yrs of trying everything. Have a lovely day.

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to ColetteLee

Am sorry hun I didn't mean to upset you. Am just saying there are other things you could try xxx

Luckylady1978 profile image

I take pregabalin and Meloxicam if the pain gets too bad which has been lately I’ve had bad hip pain since January and the physio thinks it’s some sort of inflammation.does anyone else get hip pain with this condition?

Blueholidaytime profile image
Blueholidaytime in reply to Luckylady1978

I have hip pain as well as every other pain. I was sent for an X-ray and I have some arthritis in both hips and my spine.

Luckylady1978 profile image
Luckylady1978 in reply to Blueholidaytime

I’m hoping I can get a scan or x ray but doc hasn’t offered yet !

Maud-ie profile image
Maud-ie in reply to Luckylady1978

I've had MRI scans and XRays - damage extensive but still no real pain relief offered. ( In UK).

Maud-ie profile image

I take co-codamol or co-drydamol which take the edge off the pain. Nothing really works and my legs and hips feel like they are being torn off 24 hours a day.

Luckylady1978 profile image
Luckylady1978 in reply to Maud-ie

it’s a horrible feeling and it makes you feel low doesn’t it

Freddie20 profile image

I take 60mg Duloxatine. It really helps with the small pains, but not really with tight muscles. A bath with cdb oil helps

Luckylady1978 profile image
Luckylady1978 in reply to Freddie20

I only have a wet room !id love a bath

Freddie20 profile image
Freddie20 in reply to Luckylady1978

That's a shame. Could you ask a friend. Mind you after having my knee replaced last year, it's not pretty seeing me a) trying to get in and B) getting out. Take care. X

catherine19611 profile image

i had amytriptaline it caused bladder problems, it was changed to its sister drug noritriptaline, no problems with that, and paracetamol, cant say that any of them are that effective. i have also tried duloxetine which caused a rash all the way up my left arm which looked and felt like psyriorsis, stopped taking it and the rash went away in about 2 weeks. i also tried gabapentin, pregabalin, and another one but cant remember the name of that one but had side effects with these.

Phanerzoic profile image


I take 40mg of Amitriptyline and magnesium malate - see below link - which prevents the restless leg interfering with sleep. Take the Amitriptyline 3 -4 hours before you want to be in bed asleep.

PM poster for link.

Hope this helps.

Scoo1961 profile image

Hi 👋

I take the same med Amytripiline only 10mg at night only . It should help you sleep .

Sleep is the best thing to help you rest?

Tranadol is addictive but good pain killer .

I had zoplcone very good for sleep 😴 but they won’t proscribe it to me as that is addictive as well . But worth a try short term ?

Hope you feel better :)

Jasmeet12 profile image

I have amitriptyline, I take 3 a night and they really help easy the pain and help me sleep. Sometimes I take Zaplin if the pain is really bad. I used to get restless legs but it seems to have gone. Whether its all the extra vitimins I take I'm not sure?

Jasmeet12 profile image
Jasmeet12 in reply to Jasmeet12

The previous oerson also mentioned magnesium, which I also take. So maybe thats the key?

Filey profile image

I have taken Amitriptyline for years and it’s the only thing that makes me sleep. Take it maybe an hour or so before bed. I take 20 mg or 40mg when I”m having a flare, it doesn’t work for everyone and there are lots of meds that I can’t take but it works for me.

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to Filey

Do you wake up though with your tongue extra dry?

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Motherdev

typically the dry tongue can be made better by taking ami / nori an hour or two earlier than you currently take it. Can also offset the groggy head that some get as well.

MaggieSylvie profile image

I take pregabalin and tramadol - not prescribed for FM, but I sleep SO MUCH BETTER and FEEL SO MUCH BETTER during the day, and I think that in itself helps the FM. Amitryptilline has been in the news a bit this week as being a drug that has noticeably been prescribed for huge numbers of people who don't need it for depression. It doesn't suit everyone (nor does pregabalin for that matter) and after a long time on it, I hated how zombie-like I had become. Just try and get an appointment to talk to your GP or specialist.

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to MaggieSylvie

Tramadol is OPIATE based you know that don't you?

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to Motherdev

No wonder you feel better

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to Motherdev

Yes, and when Pharmacy2U held back my prescription of aspirin, paracetamol and pregabalin, because the first two were out of stock, I ran out of pregabalin. Not nice at all, when they could have sent it without the other two! After a few days they sent it and then they sent two packets of tramadol (that I hadn't even requested). If I remember, I take one tramadol when I go to bed because pregabalin doesn't calm my back pain on its own. Then I might take one during the day. That's it. I woudn't miss it too much if I was without, but now I have enough to last me for the rest of my life!

Dash01 profile image


I was given amitriptyline and omg it was horrible I was in more pain then I was before taking it. It was like every single nerve turned on, it also really counteracted with my medication I take for my depression so it made me feel not great and suicidal. I am now taking pregablin but I’m only on 100mg daily as I’m medication sensitive and have to have increases slowly. But it may work wonders for you, but for me if your getting more symptoms taking it then is it work it

Motherdev profile image
Motherdev in reply to Dash01

Hi hun, everyone is different but for me Sertaline works 100mg in the morning and 20mg Nortriptiline at night along with Valerian herbal (Holland and Barrett) 2x Cocodamol 2 times a day, I was at my wits end aswell. It seems to be working for me, also get vitamin D supplements and Immune support supplements. Swallow the lot in the morning. You watch and see the difference xxx

Motherdev profile image

Hi Blue, try Valerian, it's a herbal night time sleeper along with Nortriptiline 20 mg. I guarantee you'll sleep through.All my pains are in my legs...random ones in my thighs mostly the top then like if you are watching TV or something all of a sudden you're like ouch, inside knees, down shins, burning pain down the neck ahh god it blood hurts some times worst thing is takes you by surprise. Loads of love..fellow sufferer, Julia x

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

Admin note- please remember that just because supplements are natural, does not mean that they are necessarily safe to take with other prescribed medication

It's always safest to check with a health professional or your local chemist if you are considering something that may cause an interaction

Also because a medication /supplement (or a combination) works for one person it will not necessarily work for others

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