Hi to all my fellow warriors I’m not going to cry and give myself a pity party but I do feel that this ugly condition has robbed me of my life, of who I used to be… I know we have to fight and carry on but how many times do you hear you self say ouch or arrrrggghhh or grimace in pain because of the never ending list of symptoms we are having to endure. On top of my fibro I have allodynia which a lot of doctors and various medical consultants were not even aware existed so my goes on lichen sclerosis, lichen planus, under active thyroid, oesophegitus, helibactop pylori, severe migraines etc etc and for the last 3 months bottom bleeding ??? Not cancer have been tested but still bleeding on random occasions not necessarily when deficating could be when urinating or passing wind so after my long winded post does anyone else have this ? Or is this just a me thing.
Fibromyalgia and bottom bleeding - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia and bottom bleeding

Hi, bleeding from the back passage is not fibro related to the best of my knowledge.
Has no one here is medically qualified to answer your question. May I suggest you go back and see your GP.
Bleeding from the back passage can be caused by many things. Obvious one is hemoriods. But there are many not so obvious reasons. You really need to speak with a doctor xx
Probably the most obvious would be piles, possibly caused by the meds used for Fibro symptoms. Could be unaware of them if they're internal, Anusol Suppositories might be worth trying?
It's like a big vicious cycle, take one med to fix something then it causes problems elsewhere 😩 Always best to check in with your GP though, especially if all the most obvious, such as piles have been ruled out.
I'm sure I've read though if blood is fresh ( bright red ) it's never anything to be too alarmed about.
Ps. Wish I was as polite as you with ouch etc ..... 😳
HAVE U GOT cant think what they called, them with them call them 'grapes' inside the bum, damnit i cant think damn these illnesses. ThnQ google, haemorrhoids they can bleed apparently. Has your doctor checked internally or u not told them? do u get constipation a lot because straining isnt good for haemorrhoids. Only thing i can think of if already been tested for big C.
hi thanks for your reply no I have been checked and no sign of “ grapes “ 🤔 or piles but I do understand why you asked me that one.
I had unexplained bleeding also colonoscopy was clear but a mini colonoscopy showed I had hemorrhoids 2 of them which they tied off on Tuesday. I was so relieved to hear that was all it was as although like you they said it was not cancer they didn't say what it actually was until then. He asked do I suffer with constipation when I said yes he said I need to take a laxative daily so now I am on movical to keep bowls clear and pressure off them so I Don get them again. It may be something like this causing your issue with bleeding to. It is worrying not knowing though I hope you get answers soon
Sounds like you have a lot to deal with I feel for you. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis. Everything and everyday I am in pain . I was a carer before this and yes I feel robbed of all what I use to do I can not work at the moment do any physical exercises hardly just little walk etc . I have not bean able to work since November. I sometimes think to myself is there not anything to take the cronic pain away.... I can not do anything I use to. I just take each day as it comes. I was up early this morning kn pain just could not sleep. My feet everything is so painful burns I've put on a stone where I am not being as active as I was. But I guess I have to watch what I eat. I hadnthe job I loved looking after people and now all that has bean taken away. I feel like people do not understand the pain at all.
I feel your pain regards the weight issues I have not changed my eating habits and my doctor says I don’t eat enough but the hospital always says I over eat, when I was diagnosed with my thyroid my Dr at the time said I have good and bad news the bad news is you will always struggle to loose weight and the good news is you don’t have to pay for your prescription 😢 I cried and said I would rather pay than be unwell so fibromyalgia on top is a kick in the teeth.
Worth another trip to the doctor, I wonder, do you have varicose veins? May seem like an odd question. but if you do, it's possible to also have Haemorroids, as I do, and you can get blood when you pass a stool especially if you get constipated.
I would definitely see the doc and get a proper diagnosis, though.
Cheers Midori
You need referring to Gastro Department. Maybe severe piles which can be treated. Could be Crohns, ulcerated gastritis etc but you should get further testing. X
ps…you can be sedated for a colonoscopy and believe me it makes a big difference…not asleep but feel very little.
Hi I've also got thermal allodynia which is really hard to manage with painkillers as they make me extremely constipated and GP has put me on a high dose of Senna to help things, but it's not completely effective. What type of allodynia have you got as I've heard it quite rare and I'm struggling to get an effective treatment?