Hi. I've recently been to the Dr who has told me that I may have symptoms that fit under the umbrella of fibromyalgia. Vague I know. Still not sure if that's a diagnosis or not. In a lot of pain and so confused. Any help would be appreciated
New here and not sure if I have fibro... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
New here and not sure if I have fibromyalgia

Hello there, and welcome to our site I think you have chosen the best possible site for information and support. If you go to our mother site fibroaction.org you will find a lot of very useful information which could be of great help to you.
I am pleased to hear that your doctor actually acknowledges Fibro, as some don't, but my suggestion would be that you make an appointment to see him and ask him to do the trigger point test, you will find information about that on the site, there are 18 trigger points and if you react to 11 or more then it more than likely that you have Fibro. Also you need to ask for help with the pain you are experiencing and perhaps you need referral to a pain management team.
I'm sure lots of others here will be able to offer you more ideas, but in am sending lots of positive healing vibes your way and look forward to seeing you around the forum.
We do try to have a bit of fun too and do feel free to join in with any post that takes your interest
Foggy x
Thanks for this. I have had a look at the trigger points and that is what led me to ask my GP if it could be fibro. His response was that the symptoms could fit into that but he didn't want me to focus on what it is but rather on how I can help myself deal with th symptoms. He has given me some info about CBT and recommended a book about dealing with chronic pain, but it's so difficult to get past the pain in my head to focus on other things I've been on amitriptyline for nearly 3 yrs and have recently come off of this because it was making me so groggy. The pain us v bad now but I hope it may reduce a bit as I get used to being off the amitriptyline . The Dr has suggested pregabalin but I'm reluctant to jump from one prescription drug to another.
I applaud your doctor for recognizing the "umbrella" fo fibro, as it is a collection of a number of signs and symtoms that fit the "syndrome." However, telling you to focus on other things besides thinking you have fibro is not helpful at all, IMHO. I think it helps to understand that you do have fibro and begin there. Foggy is right on. You will find way more than you expected to find here about how to deal with your issues, and what fibro is all about. It's a journey. Stick with it and you will find more than just acceptance of pain. You will find help for it.
Hello and welcome,
you have landed on a very helpful and supportive site. My diagnosis was similarly vague but the more I have learnt , etc I know it is correct. You are bound to feel confused. It's a lot to absorb. Make yourself at home and ask any question that occurs to you.
Thanks Jilly, I'm having some investigations for TMJD at the moment so whether that will bring up anything I don't know. It's so difficult to get to the bottom of things. Been feeling really bad for 3 yrs and headaches, tiredness etc for a few yrs before that. Although I'm 49 so some of these things could be hormone related too. What a mess! Thanks for your support
Hi Mooma28
Welcome to the forum, and I sincerely hope that you are feeling well today? I have pasted you a link to the WebMD site, to a page called 'tender point trigger tests' as this is probably one of the best ways to test for Fibro, and many Rheumatologists use this when testing for Fibro. So I hope that you find the link useful:
It may help you if your GP would give you a referral to a Rheumatology Clinic or Pain Management Clinic?
I want to wish you all the best of luck with getting a diagnosis, and I genuinely hope that you are not in too much pain.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Mooma28
Welcome to the friendly fibro forum and I hope we can help to support you through your journey of Fibromyalgia.
You have already been give some useful links including our Mother site where there is a wealth of information including a section explaining fibromyalgia.
The link to that section is included in our FAQ- I have symptoms of Fibro, how is it diagnosed? here is the link to that FAQ as I think you may find some answers there
I also think asking for a referral to see a rheumatologist for diagnosis is a good idea, also maybe a referral to see the pain clinic and a pain management course . I found the pain management very educational and very useful with regard to learning how to manage my daily life with a holistic approach.
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I hope the information is helpful mooma28, I can imagine your confusion right now and I hope you and your doctor can work together to help you manage the pain.
Looking forward to seeing you around and sending fluffie hugs to you