Amitriptilyne: So after starting on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Acdf profile image
44 Replies

So after starting on this medication after a month there was no difference my pain, I phoned the doctor who advised to double it,I have done this for a week still no pain relief and feel exhausted , really struggling to go to work, wondering if I should just keep going with this and will the tiredness go after time but the whole point was to help pain but so far no difference don't where to turn now,any advice would be welcome so fed feeling tired and trying to carry on with work and everything

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Acdf profile image
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44 Replies

Sorry things aren’t helping with your pain. What dose of amitriptyline are you on? I have found amitriptyline is good BUT only when taken alongside another painkiller like co codamol or tramadol. Way back I was taking amitriptyline on it’s on it did nothing. But I am now on many medications that all combine to “help” yet though am I to find a combination that eliminates all symptoms, I don’t think it exist. a big part of Fibromyalgia is acceptance and working with it. Harsh as it sounds

Acdf profile image
Acdf in reply to

I know maybe I need to lower my expectations, I've gone from 10mg to 20, was also advised to take 8 paracetamol a day I'm taking 6, think I just thought oh I've got medication now I'll be feeling a lot better but sadly doesn't seem to be the case, thanks for replying

in reply to Acdf

Oh wow, I have never been advised to take paracetamol up to max dose a day. Could play havoc with your liver. If you have increased your amitriptyline I would give it at least 4-6 weeks for the new dose to help potentially. Have you ever asked for something potentially stronger?

Acdf profile image
Acdf in reply to

I was only diagnosed about 5 weeks ago so this is the 1st medication I've had, he did mention if I wasn't seeing any difference after another 2 weeks we can change to Duloxetine

in reply to Acdf

Ah ok, sorry this is all so new to you. Yes give it a bit longer, our bodies need some time to adjust. How do you feel now you have a name for your condition? Does it bring any sort of relief in a way? Have you thought about how your employer and family can support you going forward? Don’t let this condition beat you

Acdf profile image
Acdf in reply to

Honestly still trying to come to terms with the fact that I've got this for the rest of my life find it quite depressing I used to be such a fit active person,I have informed my work and they are organising an Occupational health referral, my boss is pretty good and at least it's part time but even struggling to do that just now with the fatigue

in reply to Acdf

Of course, I do understand. I was diagnosed as a teenager. It’s very hard. I think with Fibro you have to think short term, not too many months ahead. You could have times where your symptoms are really calm and other times the total opposite. We just don’t always know from one day to the next. I hope OH can offer you some support and at least you working PT can give you more break times if that makes sense. I fear one day I will need to go PT but right now I am battling doing FT. If you have a supportive boss that’s even better. It’s hard, if you want to ask any questions feel free

Acdf profile image
Acdf in reply to

Thanks so much it's so helpful to hear from people with the same thing makes you feel it's not just you

in reply to Acdf

Suppose that’s one good thing, you are definitely not alone, good luck with it all. And take care

Gigiruth profile image
Gigiruth in reply to Acdf

HiSorry to hear you are having such pain. I had an OHS that suggested a spaced out working pattern so I could rest and also leave to go home immediately if I needed to die to chronic fatigue. That meant I could get home safely.

Cant suggest meds as nothing suited,but other adjustments like bath salts and diet have helped.

You are not alone.


in reply to Gigiruth

That’s a really good pattern and I am glad your employers support it. And hope it really helps you. Medications I suppose keep my head just above water and I also take vitamins and willing to try other things to just get rid of the symptoms but I have to keep telling myself nothing will cure any of us from Fibro

Lolabea profile image
Lolabea in reply to

I take paracetamol daily, 2 4 times a day, is this bad then? The GP advice was to take regular paracetamol. I've also put myself on ibrofen 1 4 times a day as well as my prescribed medications. Am I having too many over the counter drugs?

Lolabea profile image
Lolabea in reply to Lolabea

2 tablets 4 times a day and 1 tablet 4 times a day *

in reply to Lolabea

You just need to be careful with paracetamol long term the liver isn’t a big fan of it. Also try not to take anti inflammatory meds like ibruprofen without taking something like omeprazole or lansoprazole to protect your tummy. You would need to get that prescribed if taking anti inflammatory meds long term. what other prescribed meds are you on? You don’t have to tell me or you can message me if you prefer

Lolabea profile image
Lolabea in reply to

Thanks for replying Wink, I'm on 1 per day omeprazole 20mg.Amitriptyline 1 in the morning 1 at night 10mg.

Cyclizine 50mg 1 daily.

Dihydrocodeine 1 tablet 4 times a day 30 mg.

Gabapentin 4 times a day 100mg. With the paracetamol and ibuprofen like I first stated.

I do have non alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Enlarged spleen and heart failure. ( Sticky valve)

Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated x

in reply to Lolabea

Ah good you are on omeprazole, defintely keep taking that. And cyclizine is an anti sickness if I recall, I also take anti sickness but I am on procloperazine. Quite a low dose of amitriptyline. I would just be care mixing anything with codeine and ibruprofen both attack the stomach lining-I mean the omeprazole will help but long term may not be beneficial. It’s so hard Isn’t it?

Lolabea profile image
Lolabea in reply to

Thanks Winkwink, in your opinion should I come off ibrofen and paracetamol and just up my gabapentin? I use to be on the highest does per day of gabapentin but I swopped it to paracetamol and ibuprofen. Your wisdom would be very much appreciated.

in reply to Lolabea

I would give the pharmacist a call my lovely, just to be on the safe side. They may say it’s totally fine just perhaps long term not necessarily the best thing. would you feel ok speaking to a pharmacist? Or if you can your GP it so hard these days to speak to a doctor!

Lolabea profile image
Lolabea in reply to

Many thanks Winkwink 😊

thefreakyfairy profile image
thefreakyfairy in reply to Lolabea

The Ibruprofen is actually more harmful than the paracetamol! Paracetamol is safe to take 2x4 daily its only when you start to take more that issues can occur! Most known liver issues come from people who have tried to overdose on them! Whereas Ibru will cause all sorts of gi issues if taken daily over long term! X

Lolabea profile image
Lolabea in reply to thefreakyfairy

thanks for your response, so I can continue to take paracetamol daily but to cut out the ibrofen?

I do worry about my liver 😩

Rosy_Holly profile image
Rosy_Holly in reply to

Hi. Amitriptyline is for many a very difficult drug to come off. Please check out Amitriptyline withdrawal. Look online and discuss with your GP before making any changes

AliMS profile image

Not sure of your dosage but Amitryptaline affects me the same way.

Cakeygirl profile image

I take this also, it makes no difference with the pain. All that helps me is Co-codamol. Amytriptyline make feel giddy and tired.

Astonvilla68 profile image

I found none of the drugs really work and just make you feel rubbish with lots of side effects ( give any side effects time to go first as some drugs may work for you) we are all different. Good luck . Ps I was always told to take that med at around 7pm before bedtime as it make you very sleepy

Wem60 profile image

Amitriptyline and me don't go together. It makes me stiff. Worse pain than ever, keeps me awake ( like no sleep instead of the usual 4 hours interrupted every hour wee sleep)

Cat00 profile image

I'm on 90mg Amitriptyline. Is doesn't help with pain but it helps me sleep and my sleep is appalling so I wouldn't be without it.

Are you sleeping better on them? I think that the main benefit I had was actually being able to stay asleep therefore I had a better day because I was able to rest better. I was actually taken off them because I had a heart attack and people with cardiac issues cannot take them.

goldilocks54 profile image

What suits one person and works for one person doesn't work the the next. I'm afraid it's trial n error as I've been on tramadol before pain clinic recommended I came off that and then had amytriptiline. I would prefer tramadol but medics seem to be against it. My saviour is my electric blanket . I couldn't survive without it

johnny8oy57 profile image

Amitriptyline is an antidepressant but also works for nerve pain and helps take the edge off pain when used alongside pain relieving medication but just maybe you should ask your dr for stronger pain meds as i find paracetamol only good for headaches.

fibropatient profile image

Hi, Sleep is so important as if you don't sleep every thing is so much harder to deal with. I would only give one week trial with the increased dosage. If it does not work increase again. Are you taking your Amitriptyline at the right time? I would recommend taking it with 2 pain killers on going to bed. If you are not asleep within 3/4hour within a week you need to up the dosage. I eventually took 100mgs, but it took quite a time to reach that dosage. But I managed working full time as a nurse and looking after a husband and 3 children for many years. Just a thought, have you thought of having a break from work by being 'off sick'. I'm sure your GP would sign you off for a length of time for you to rest and relax for a time to help come to terms with your fibro. I wish you good luck in coping with this horrible life long disease.

Acdf profile image
Acdf in reply to fibropatient

I am taking it about half an hour before bed and a couple of paracetamol before it, slept fairly good last night but still woke in quite a bit of pain and stiffness and bit of a thick head at the moment, GP did say if no pain relief to increase again after a week but I'm wary of this in case it makes me feel even more tired and groggy but feel the whole point was for pain relief so GP said may try Duloxetine, I've been trying to work through friends and family think I'm daft but don't really want to be just sitting around the house takes my mind off it for a wee while

fibropatient profile image
fibropatient in reply to Acdf

Yes I understand you don't what to be sitting around the house but, you do need to get into having a good sleep pattern. Perhaps you could go out for walks and do things you are able and enjoy whilst having time off work. Maybe visiting a hypnotist, they are very helpful in aiding relaxation like you've never known it. Rest at this early stage is so important. Why not try it? You may find it really helps.

ER66 profile image

Good morning, Amitriptyline is known as having the ‘hang over’ effect which make it very hard to get up in the morning. I’m not sure if the dose you’ve been given but it will normally take a little while to feel the benefits, if any.

You can adjust the ‘time of day’ you take it to suit you. I take mine at 7pm and no later…alarm on my phone as reminder.

You really need to come off the drug slowly and with your doctor or surgery pharmacists advice…. Rather than just stop taking it. Due to the type of medication it is.

Hope it helps you . Take care.

Acdf profile image
Acdf in reply to ER66


Do you find it helps with your pain, it's 20mg at the moment

ER66 profile image
ER66 in reply to Acdf

I do… 20mg is my dose too. I also take paracetamol 4 times a day on bad days. What works for one person isn’t always what helps you. Go back to you gp but maybe give it a few more weeks first. Stay positive and don’t give up on finding ‘your’ pain relief.


Mobill profile image

I take 25mg Amytriptolene and 120mg duloxetine that combination works for me.

MaggieSylvie profile image

I ditched Amytriptilline a long time ago. I am now on Pregabalin and I have to say the sleep I am getting - falling asleep quickly and staying asleep - is amazing and, while I'm feeling very sleepy today, (perhaps I took twice my dose??!) it can have the effect of making my day more livened up, with more motivation. I came downstairs this morning with no back pain and no KNEE PAIN! It's worth a try if your GP agrees.

KMatrix profile image

Hi sweetie, sorry you're having such a hard time. Obviously I don't know how your Dr explained how amitriptyline works...this is how it was explained to me. Amitriptyline helps to relax the tendons and ligaments around your body so that you are more comfortable and not moving around so much and not waking up because it hurts to move. This means you go into the deeper sleep. That's whatmore people with fibro are missing out on which leaves you feeling more exhausted every day. 20mg is still a very low dose. I take between 35-50mg depending on flare ups, but you definitely need something more meaty than paracetamol though. The other things to look is your mattress and pillow, they can make a huge difference. You said you have always been fit and active, one of the most important things is to keep moving the less you do the more it hurts, stretching is really important. Find an excercise that suits you, I have recently started belly dancing which I've found to be fantastic, anything that lifts your mood is great, just don't overdo it and stretch.

Hope that helps, even just a little xx

HetHeru profile image

It does take some time to adjust. Try to take it as early in the evening as you can. On this medication I’ve learned that if your awaken out of sleep to early you will be groggy for the rest of the day.

Geriinaz profile image

HI Acdf I've been a member of this "family" for a long time, and sadly, I have become just an observer and don't provide much input. I really don't have the time to say all the things I want to. When I came upon your post, I felt the need to reply. Not just necause of the medication issue, but because you are a "newbie" to this sometimes horrible affliction. I may just touch on some points, in this post, as I could write a book. I have other pain related problems, but I have had fibromyalgia for about 23 years. It wasn't heard of much then, but luckily, I had a doctor who recognized it. I've tried several meds over the years, but as we all know, they all have side effects and the results are different from person to person.

Amytriptiline makes me sick to my stomach. I have taken duloxitine for years, but here is my concern....It is worse than an opiod to come off of. I started with 2 a day. It took me a week to get over the "brain zaps" and uncontrollable twitches after taking each dose. Once it settled in, my pain was lessened. I kept to that dose for a couple of years. Then, a friend told me of tome of the problems she was having on it and that it was horrific when she decided to taper off and stop altogether. I then decided that I didn't want any part of duloxatine, so I decreased my dose to one per day. The withdrawl was pretty bad and lasted about a week. I settled into my new dosage (didn't feel any difference in pain relief). Although I would like to stop taking it altogether, I am afraid to. On the good side, I think it HELPS, and because it's primary use is for depression, etc., it helps with that aspect of fibro.

Ask your doc about lyrica. It is an anticonvulsant drug that is widely prescibed for fibro. I took it many years ago while taking neurontin. I stopped neurontin because it it gave me horrible brain fog. It started to scare me. After all these years, I am taking lyrica now, 1 at night, and I am getting a decent night's sleep without waking up several times from pain.

You will probably go through some changes with medication, but the things that MUST stay constant are your mental attitude, family support, rest when you need it. Warm baths and heating pads will probably help, especially where you live. Humidity makes fibromyalgia very angry. I live in Arizona and although it is VERY hot in the summer, we have a monsoon season for 2 months, and I can hardly move because of the humidity (although low compared to other places).

I am not a medical professional: just a 74 year-old woman who has lots of experience. I have also been caregiver to my son. He became quadreplegic 12 years ago. I've learned alot about our bodies, medications, etc., while on this journey with him. My final bit of advice is that ---although you need your rest, try not to over do it. The best thing for fibromyalgia is MOVING, so try to be active, even though the fatigue gets in the way.

Sorry this was so long! Good Luck

Acdf profile image
Acdf in reply to Geriinaz

Thank you for replying with your words of wisdom. This morning I have just had enough, woke at 7 am with full aching pain right across my back then I can't get any more sleep almost feel my pain is worse instead of better, now exhausted again for work later and you also get fed up having to say to people you're feeling awful again!

3hampam profile image

I have been on amitriptyline for about 17yrs i started on 20 but can take up to 50 when having a flare up it took about 6month to have any effect but dont stop the pain altogether just relax me and helps me sleep, i take naproxen along side these and zapain if in alot of pain

klr31 profile image

Have you checked your vitamin D level?

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