I’m just wondering had anyone else ha... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I’m just wondering had anyone else had extreme fatigue after their 2nd Covid19 Jab

tas69 profile image
43 Replies

I have ME and Fibro

I was really poorly after the 1st jab in April with aches, pains and fatigue for 5 days and with the 2nd also but with the 2nd jab I physically couldn’t get out of bed.

Now I’ve been left with finding it difficult to wake in the morning, today is a good but there’s some days where it’s been 3:15pm before I’ve woken up properly.

It’s really starting to get on my nerves now.

I had b****y taken add they are all fine, they doctor said it was a possible side effects of the jab.

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tas69 profile image
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43 Replies
Lizardelle profile image

I reacted pretty badly too, was really really exhausted and sore for a few days after the first but the second made me flare up like crazy for a week and a half, I couldn't get out of bed or even scratch my own nose because I was so achy and exhausted! It got better though and I was able to ease myself back into work so I hope you find it getting easier soon ❤

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Lizardelle

Thanks for getting back to me, it good to know I’m not alone 🤗

Pipido36 profile image


I have had the same experience with the 1st vaccine and the 2nd one made me end up in A and E with pain all over body, the arm was swollen and was feeling very cold. I have Lupus, fibromyalgia, vasculitis etc I was put on high dosage prednisolone for 2 weeks which helped with the pain and my arm was better but still have fatigue and as it's also a symptom for Lupus it doesn't get any better.

Hope you get the info you need and will get better soon. 🤗

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Pipido36

Thanks for replying, hopefully the extreme fatigue will subside in time the🤗

Dizzytwo profile image

Hi, just the normal run of the mill mild symptoms for me. Hope you feel better soon.

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Dizzytwo

Thank you DizzyTwo

honeybug profile image

Hi 👋 tas69 😊🌿🌸🦋. I had my first jab in January second in February. I have severe FM and 61 other conditions that are progressing and all were effected leaving me nearly bedridden for 6 months with weakness and extreme fatigue.

I have only been able to to do dinner and a few other things for about a month now.

I have extreme painsomnia and sleep deprivation beyond measure and this has worsened it.

I’m due for booster jab soon and can’t imagine what state that will leave me in but I DO NOT want COVID and I AM getting my booster jab regardless of side effects I will endure.

Because my medical history is so complex my experience will not be everyone else’s; so don’t fret you’ll suffer the same too.

I just wanted to make my stand on Covid + variants noted and how imperative taking the jabs are to protect US from how deadly it is.

Keep hope alive that you will recover from the side effects…however long it takes. Take things one day at a time which is much easier to cope with overall instead of imagining the future which hasn’t happened yet.

All we have control over is the moment at hand. Deal with that and do your best at that moment ; which is all you can do.

This will be best for your mental health.

I just prayed for you and everyone for help with whatever side effects experienced from the jabs.

Please take care and my best wishes for feeling better soon.

Sending love and prayers.

EJ 😊💗😘🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to honeybug

Aw thank you HoneyBug, great advice as I was looking to the future, I have found myself saying, “when this extreme fatigue eases” it’s also just a comfort that it’s not just happening to me🤗

honeybug profile image

You’re most welcome hun. 🤗I’ve been alone in my suffering most of my life. Until I found this forum which has helped me beyond measure and blessed me abundantly.

It’s wonderful to have others who truly understand our plights and give their support friendship and love.

I give this to you and everyone on HU.

Much love ❤️ best wishes my new friend.

EJ 👋🤝😊🤗💗😘🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋

fenbadger profile image

Definitely not just you. I was ok after both jabs but know a couple of people who reacted and they didnt have fibro. And I know of 4 deaths close by so I fully support you. Get the booster. I certainly will.

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to fenbadger

Thank you, I’m worried about getting the booster, I’m unsure if I can go through all this again. Also I very rarely leave the house if I do it’s just for medical appointment and I always wear my mask and gloves. I just wonder if it’s worth putting myself through that again for the sake of leaving the house 4 times a year😏

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to tas69

if you're inside that amount then your risk of infection is very low. When yo do go out, make it very safe by following all the government advice and go when it's hopefully quiet.

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

I hope it starts to ease off very soon, I was in bed for 3/4 days with the 1st jab but lucky not the 2nd, I have read /heard people without conditions having a few off days after , glad you have been in touch with your doctor for a piece of mind though, rest up and hope symtoms jog off very soon xx

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Yassytina

Thank you, sending you lots of air hugs 🤗

frances8a profile image

I had a bad reaction to 1st jab. Lots of pain and fatigue that seemed to exasberate my fibro and othe health conditions. Was very poorly for 6/ 7 days. Was apprehensive about 2nd jab but not as bad as 1st. Had 4 days of struggling to get out of bed and dizziness. Not sure if I will take a booster as my daughter who is double jabbed ended up in hospital with covid. Not sure the side effects for me are worth going through again. Am giving it a lot of thought!

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to frances8a

That’s how I feel too🤗

Everyone is different thankfully. I had no effects from the vaccines at all. My daughter who is 41 reacted badly to the first but only mildly with the second.. let us hope you do not suffer for too long Wishing you well MistyA x

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to

Thank you kindly 🤗❤️🤗

goldilocks54 profile image

As well as me having same side effects as you I also after getting 1st Jab the most horrendous headpains . I rarely get headaches so this was something new . I mentioned it to gp nurse and she said it will probably go away in time and to get the 2nd jab. I said i was reluctant to have it. Forward to after getting 2nd jab..... i thought my brain was going to explode within hours of having Jab. Gp sent me straight to a+e for brain scan.I was kept in overnight as was 4 others with same symptoms. 2 docs said nothing to do with jab ...migraine .... but another consultant said in his opinion was more likely the vax that's caused it.

Now waiting for head pain clinic appt. I empathise with anyone left in more pain lethargy etc after the vax. As if living with fibro daily isnt bad enough !

tas69 profile image

goldilocks54 I feel your pain, I’ve lived with a permanent headache since I contracted ME back in 2006 I take Feverfew as it helps take the edge off.

If I don’t take Feverfew then my head feels like yours, as if my brain is going to bust out of my scull. 🤗

These are part of the daisy family. They’re expensive but I couldn’t get by without them
Aoibheann profile image
Aoibheann in reply to tas69

Thank you for the pic. Take care ❤ ☺☺

Muffin888 profile image

Yes for a week

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Muffin888

Will you get the booster jab

1dten profile image

Yes! It was like winter fatigue all over again. Also delayed menstruation. It was wild. Doing so much better now, but it was hard for two full months. 😱😱😱

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to 1dten

My 2nd jab was 3rd June so hopefully this fatigue will subside soon. Thanks for replying 🤗❤️🤗

Sarahvit profile image

Yes I had exhaustion after my second shot. Fibro flare, CFS/ME flare and low vitamin B12 flare. It all lasted about a month or so before I felt somewhat better. My doctor said it was a combination of all the above that was playing a role in making me feel bad. Drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest would be my advice. Take it easy. 🤗💕🫐🦋🌷

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Sarahvit

Thank you, I will do🤗❤️🤗

Sarahvit profile image
Sarahvit in reply to tas69

Hope you feel better soon. 😊💕

Cuddleybear profile image

I have been struggling for weeks sleeping 16-18 hours a day I have very strong pain meds but things are getting worse I didn't think it could be covid jab

Cheekybacksid profile image

I was extremely tired after the second vaccine and struggled for weeks.I was on a few weeks ago complaining about my aches and pains but for the past week , I feel how I used to feel, the reason , I bought level thrive black patches, the girl selling them said they were good for fibromyalgia pain and at the point I was at , I was willing to try anything!

One week on I feel great, my sweats are minimal, my pain is minimal too.

Long may they continue x

Aoibheann profile image
Aoibheann in reply to Cheekybacksid

Hi, level thrive black patches? What are they and where can they be purchased? It's great that you are doing so well now. 😊😊 🙏🙏

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Cheekybacksid

I used to take CBD purple edition, I had 18 months of pure relief, I walked everywhere, then out the blue both my fibro and ME took a turn for the worse and I got no relief what so ever from the oil.

Now I’m back in my wheelchair, great while it lasted. Are these level thrive black patches a similar product.

Cheekybacksid profile image
Cheekybacksid in reply to tas69

Hi tas69, I'm not sure, I know its nothing to do with cbd, they are on ebay, there isn't much of a description with them, I think I read up on them but can't remember ( doesn't help with the mind).I'm so sorry you are back using your wheelchair, we do what we have to to make things a little easier, that's why I started with the patches.

I have only been on them 8 days now and so far my relief is great but I'll keep you updated on this x

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Cheekybacksid

Thank you so much🤗♥️🤗

Evietime profile image

I had my second one at the end of April ,

went to work for about four weeks and found l was in pain more in my legsAnd hips could not sleep at all went to see the doctor and was told the jab could cause my flare up been off work foe four months now waiting to see a pain doctor

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Evietime

These symptoms from the jab seem more and more common yet nothing in the main stream media about them🤗♥️🤗

Wobblygirl profile image

I was really disadvantaged for about 6-8weeks after the first vaccine. Really felt so weakened and life wasn't really available!! I spoke to my GP about the second vaccination as I was really worried that it was going to happen again... she advised to rest before and after the second vaccination. So I really rested week before and did very little at all, had the vaccine and then rested for another week. I was fine! No repeat of the first one's reaction!

However, I'm not sure whether it was the restful preparation or just that the second vaccine didn't affect me as badly???

I have a 'flu vaccine lined up in November and dreading that impact too!

Who knows what triggers these awful reactions???

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Wobblygirl

I guess we all have different body up, so we are going to react differently to all kinds of medication whether it’s tables or jabs.

I’m glad I asked the question it proves to me, just because we have the same illnesses we don’t always have the same side effects but do have similar outcomes 🤗❤️🤗

Adlon57 profile image

Something similar tas69 to yourself, I suspected fibromyalgia, but I have had confirmed reactions to AZ jab, putting up with the bl###y pain, although osteoarthritis does not help, I am determined not to take any pain killers, bad days like today I hope becoming rarer, as other side effects of the AZ vaccine, 2nd one, end of April, are definitely wearing off [swelling of left arm and pressure on the brain both receding?], advised not to get AZ booster! The fatigue wears it's merry way onward [sarcasm] 🥴Another incentive my youngest sister coming out a mental breakdown, the harm those "painkillers" did to her🤬Just grin and bear it!🙄

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Adlon57

I did wonder if it was because I had the AZ jab, if I decide to get the booster I may ask for the Pfizer 🤗❤️🤗

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to tas69

It was just an idea, if you do get a different booster, PLEASE ask for medical advice as you said yourself "guess we all have different body up, so we are going to react differently to all kinds of medication whether it’s tables or jabs"👍

tas69 profile image
tas69 in reply to Adlon57

Oh yes I will do, thanks for the prompt ❤️🤗❤️

Adlon57 profile image

Good Luck!👍

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