ENERGY: Hi everyone, Which supplements... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Syren profile image
33 Replies

Hi everyone,

Which supplements do you guys take for energy and breathing difficulties. I have asthma. I take B Complex and extra B3 and B12 but I'm wondering if there are some other supplements I could take that come recommended. Thank you xx

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Syren profile image
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33 Replies
Rosepetal60 profile image

Some people find Vitamin D good for energy. I’ve not noticed any difference myself. Many years ago, I used to take CoQ10 and I found that helped. I’m going to start taking it again soon. It comes in different strengths. But it is expensive

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to Rosepetal60

I take vitamin d and coq10 as well as a host of other vitamins and supplements. When I don't take them I can't get out of bed!!! Thanks for your reply xx

LoneEra profile image

Honestly, I’ve not found any supplements make a difference to my energy levels. What works best for me is healthy eating and pacing. Sorry not to have a magic bullet!

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to LoneEra

Healthy eating is always best. Thanks for your reply xx

Deeb1764 profile image

Only one I am trying for fibro is ginkgo biloba as meant to help with brain fog and other things. It is widely used in Germany as a prescribed natural remedy too. Worth reading up on it.

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to Deeb1764

I take Gingko already. My brain fog has improved. Thanks for your reply xx

saluhouse profile image

Hi Syren. I’m a bit of a vitamin junkie - trial and error - see how I feel. I think I get benefit from Co-enzyme Q10 /vitamin E/multi-vitamin /vitamin D. I’m trying some collagen at the moment.

Trouble is they are quite expensive. So I don’t take them all the time. In my opinion, it’s probably more important to eat a very healthy natural diet. Lots of vegetables and salads. In my case - no sugar coffee or alcohol. But everyone is different.

Good luck! Xxx

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to saluhouse

I am a vitamin/ supplement junkie too. I take all of those except vitamin e, I might try it. Thanks for your reply xx

DancingMama profile image

Hi Syren, I take vitamin D , Probiotic, Plant Sterols & Iron.

The Vitamin D & Probiotic I've bern taking for years now, as my immune system is shot to pieces.

I've only just started Plant Sterols as it meant to be good for your Cholesterol, the Iron again I've just started as I was taking an aspirin a day due to having had a heart attack a few years ago, I ended up having a bleeding ulcer therefore I stopped the aspirin, as my mother died of a bleeding ulcer.

I was Anemic, hence Iron, for energy also doctor said it's good for jumpy legs.

We are all different & what works for one might not for another.

Goid luck, take care & stay safe.


Syren profile image
Syren in reply to DancingMama

I take all of those and I tried the plant sterols because I have high cholesterol, I will have to start taking them again. Thanks for the reply xx

Anth14 profile image

Vitamin d tablets i take from the doctors. I also am looking into B12 injections.

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to Anth14

I would love to get B12 injections. Are you doing them privately? Thanks for the reply xx

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply to Syren

No chance of getting injections paid for here in Germany, I cdnt even find a doc who'd do them, I shd think similar everywhere.BTW - there are quite a few types of B12 = cobalamin. The normal one - cyancobalamin - is the cheapest, normal and least best sort...

After trying an oral combination of the various types to no avail (1g), I wanted to try injections. I contacted a specialized "Apotheke" called "Manufaktur" (Arnika Apotheke, Unteraching). I actually wanted 'only' 1mg, but they had only 5mg injections and I'd've preferred Adenosyl-Cobalamin, but they only had second best Methyl-Cobalamin at that time. My wife (ex-nurse) injected them s.c. into my belly every 2 weeks. Result: My levels rocketed to 1700 (max is 700) - no problem, surplus is simply excreted - but they didn't do anything for me. We repeated it a year later, cos I hadn't anything left to experiment with ;-) and nothing was helping my sleep enough. No help. But I don't regret trying them. Wasn't that expensive.

rosewine profile image

Not energy exactly but I have found Vitamjn D helps a d Coenzyme Q10. I know it can be expensive but I did t realise how effective it was until the first lockdown and I coukdnt get out to buy it so thought I would give it a rest. Within a couple of weeks I realised I wasn't walking so well and my muscles especially in my legs were really aching. I managed to get them over the Internet and within three weeks the muscle aches improved. If we are in constant pain or with a low old it affects our energy levels so anything that will help with the aches and pains can provide you with more energy. Good luck with whatever you decide to try.

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to rosewine

Thank you rosewine, I take these already. I stopped coq10 for a while, have to start it again. Thank you for your reply xx

Pte82 profile image

Syren, research high absorption liposomal quercetin for your asthma. Thiamine is needed for energy but is often at a deficiency as certain food products such as raw fish, and shellfish, contain thiaminases - enzymes that destroy thiamine. For more information about thiaminases search on " Thiaminases and other Antithiamin Factors." Large quantities of tea, coffee interfere with it's absorption too. The thiamine forms sulbutiamine and TTFD are efficient passing through the blood/brain barrier. Magnesium is a component needed to convert thiamine and vitamin D to their active forms. It too is often found to be deficient in the diet The krispin link contains information showing causes for loss of magnesium. Loud noise, heat and stress are among those listed. Also found there are forms of magnesium and a calculation for daily needs. Magnesium L-threonate is a form that can pass the blood brain barrier and can be included with other forms in calculating daily elemental magnesium. Boron increases magnesium absorption. Search on "nothing boring about boron" for more info. Research thiamine for the brain, gut and the vagus nerve. Research magnesium for athletic performance and endurance. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to Pte82

Wow, you really know your vitamins/supplements. I looked up quercetin and they have it in Holland and Barrett at the moment for half price so I will definitely try it. I take thiamine already in b complex but will look at adding it on as a stand alone extra. I take magnesium but will look into the l-threonate form. Boron is something I will also look into. Thank you for replying and all the info xx

Pte82 profile image
Pte82 in reply to Syren

Syren, here is a link about a form of boron called calcium fructoborate.

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to Pte82

Thank you Ptr82 xx

JayCeon profile image

The protocol a doc here suggests for fibro CFS etc. is 5 phases, each for about 2 weeks, before the next is added. I. vitamin b12 injections / II. potassium, zinc, selene / III. vitamins B1 + B2, C (for me: buffered), E (all 8 forms) / IV. flaxseed (& canola) oil for omega 3 / V. Q10. But you're doing all that I see/bet.

B3/niacin I've been told to be wary of, and I don't like the look of the side effects myself, but that's me...

The only supp that has made any difference to me without harming much is GABA. Melatonin ('hangover' all day), 5-HTP (too awake) & tryptophan (GI & drowsy) harmed. Serrapeptase is one thing I might still try. And praps returning to tryptophan - but this time capsules or powder in lesser dose with meals and liquid. The only ones I was originally deficient in were B12 and D.

GABA btw I started with 750mg capsules, side effects for 5 days are gone. I first took it with Mg (malate), passionflower and glutamic acid, then reduced and left the latter. After 1 positive month I'm starting afresh, opening the capsules and taking 100-200mg before sleep if I feel very awake when I wake up (but before 3am), according to need. This was recommended by my sleep lab psychiatrist based on my positive experience up to now. He wants me to try levodopa (RLS?) too, starting with small doses.

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to JayCeon

You really know your stuff JayCeon. I will try GABA and seraptese as well as tryptophan. I looked up the levodopa, I hope it works well for you. I have periods when I am well then I just get a dip in my mood and motivation. I am very tired all of the time too. Thank you for replying and all the great information. xx

LoneEra profile image
LoneEra in reply to JayCeon

Blimey. Not being a cynic, just genuinely wondering, do you get much benefit?

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply to LoneEra

Errh - what from? - Come again? ;-) (B4 I write an essay on about 3+ ways you might mean that - LOL..)

LoneEra profile image
LoneEra in reply to JayCeon

All of the supplements! As in do you think, on balance, it's worth the money, side effects and so on?

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply to LoneEra

Ah, I see :-). Yes, definitely! Praps it's not clear: I hardly take any at all, any more, just GABA & magnesium malate at the moment (and canola oil in my salad ;-)). If a supp harms, I stop taking it. Most didn't, but didn't help either, after 3 months, so I then stop taking those (i.e. "all of the above"). I'm no supp-nut at all, quite the opposite, and physical & environmental stuff is what helps me most.

The side effects altogether were nothing compared to the side effect of any one of the pain meds I tried (and stopped again, usually quickly; 4 months amitriptyline was the longest, with 8 side effects).

And the money? About 500€ altogether for fibro (herbs included) in the 18 months. From German Apotheken via an online comparison site (just added the amounts there). That's half of what I will "lose" per month having had to break off rehab and decrease work, half of what I'll get as disability pay, or rather: a quarter of what I got more before that. So it's been worth it money-wise to try "everything". And I don't need my money for much else except retirement...

I've spent another 500€ altogether on uninsured left-overs of physical stuff like my mainstay, 2h/wk of cryotherapy plus acupressure. If my half-private insurances didn't pay for that, or if they ever stop, that'd be close to 1000€ per month. But that's what's brought my pains down, plus more (e.g. cold tolerance), with continuing increasing - tiny - benefits, has absolutely no side effects and makes it possible for me to able to and want to work at all, plus have energy etc. for a 2-3h/d of activity like sports, self-treatment, housework, grandchild.... life... ;-)

LoneEra profile image
LoneEra in reply to JayCeon

Right...did sound like you would be rattling with all of the things listed above :) Interesting. And definitely worth it for you with those benefits. I have never really found any difference from supplements and there are quite a few just sat in the kitchen cupboard having been abandoned! Like you, I find physical therapies very effective - swimming, foam rolling and physio/acupuncture etc. Reducing stress is also a massive help for me.

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply to LoneEra

Hehe - my supps & herbs are in 5-6 small cardboard boxes, sorted by symptoms etc. (pain, cold, teeth, gut, misc...), under my bed - helps get them quicker at night. :-) (On one long broad thin cardboard box, with which I can pull out all at once, e.g. for cleaning.)

The abandoned ones are those few that harmed.

The rest I used up and didn't order again....

I admit if 20 don't work, it takes a load of perseverance to try a 21st. But I keep getting that itch that something might work one day. And that's fuelled by continually finding small successes and that the most improbable things suddenly did do something...

Hehe - foam roller & acupuncture: Two of the most terrible torture instruments for my fibro... ;-D

JayCeon profile image

I've edited the last paragraph above on GABA a little bit, but haven't dwelt on magnesium yet - then saw Pte82's take on it:

I take magnesium malate quite a lot of the time. No idea if it's helping, but it's not harming. Praps magnesium threonate would be better for brain/sleep, but I can't afford to trade that for GI problems.

Yassytina profile image
YassytinaFMA UK Volunteer

Agreed with other reply that eating healthy is the way forward but I am taking vitamin d at the moment as lack of months without Sunshine might be helpful, my practitioner nurse says good idea ,she is doing the same, I read natural honey each day is good , some good brands on the market, I use Manuka doctor, even better someone who makes their own , a friend made some and the bees had taking a liking to the Lavender , boy it was tasty 😀xx

JayCeon profile image
JayCeon in reply to Yassytina

OTOH I've heard you get a little bit of vit. D just being outside with face uncovered even if the sun doesn't shine?? (I can't find nought on that tho), and I play 1h outdoor table tennis almost every day, almost whatever the weather and cycle 30-90'/d. OTO I'm at the lower end of vitamin D levels despite taking 1x20.000 I.U. of D3/wk for years. So my doc's glad he's always told me to keep taking it. (Some people even propagate / profit from doubling/trebling that dose.)

(On the money note, why not, now we've started it: He prescribes it, but it's non-prescription here, so only one of my 2 insurances pays for it (= 50%?) - but buying the identical product online is often 60% here.)

Syren profile image
Syren in reply to JayCeon

I had low vitamin d so I take it. It's inexpensive here in the UK xx

JayCeon profile image

Once doesn't count, but/and this is too good to be true...: Up early with full energy - after brilliant almost normal sleep, up 2x5 mins, having taken 50mg levodopa (12,5 benzerazid) 1h before sleep, and 300mg GABA directly before. Dopamin plus serotonin... 🥳

LoneEra profile image
LoneEra in reply to JayCeon

Fingers crossed for it being a trend! x

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