Lingering side effects from vaccine .... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Lingering side effects from vaccine . Flare up ?

Mariechristine profile image
34 Replies


I am so mad at myself for getting the vaccine. I got the J and J on April sixth. I was VERY reluctant to do it. I have ( had) mild case of fibromyalgia.

Seems the vaccine made it worse and I am 100% positive the muscle pain, the headache are due to the vaccine. I had mild joint pain prior to the vaccine but never experienced such muscle pain in my legs. It litteraly started two days after my shot. Headaches came a bit later that week.

It’s been 4 weeks now. Still in pain. I am devastated and scared it won’t go away.

Anyone had a simple expérience ?

Thank you

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Mariechristine profile image
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34 Replies
Dizzytwo profile image

Hi there, as far as im aware there is no reason for anyone with fibro to suffer any worse side effect from the vaccine than those with out fibro.

You say you (had) fibro? Does that mean you don't have it now?

May I suggest if your still suffering from side effects for so long you should speak to your GP no one should be having side effects 4 weeks after the vaccine.


Mariechristine profile image
Mariechristine in reply toDizzytwo

Thank you.I had a very very mild version ( joints pain mainly)

The pain was worse years ago, it kind of subdued .

I don’t understand why I still feel such muscle pain and headaches wich both are symptoms from fybro and the vaccine.

Not sure what to do at all 😞

Dizzytwo profile image
Dizzytwo in reply toMariechristine

I would call your doctor if you are concerened. My personal opinion would be speak to your GP. But after 4 weeks I find it hard to believe it would be anything to do with the vaccine.

May I ask how long have you been fibro free? I have heard some people say fibro can get better for a short while. This unfortunately has never happened to me :(

Mariechristine profile image
Mariechristine in reply toDizzytwo

Thank you.It has been 2 years since I didn’t have major joints pain. No idea what fybro was until a doctor told me that based on my symptoms it was most likely Fybro. The pain was bearable to start with.

I have been fine since then.

Then my vaccine on April 6th : major muscle aches on both legs and headaches until today 😞

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply toMariechristine

Fibro is chronic widespread pain and not just joint pain and it does not tend to go away. It can be managed but is a lifelong condition. Except for rare situations like pregnancy people do not become symptom free.

There are many conditions that present like fibro and if you have been free of fibro for 2 years then I would speak to your GP not only about the symptoms that coincide with the administration of the vaccine but your initial diagnosis.

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply toDizzytwo


I don't think you can be so categoric, if you will forgive me for saying so, about post vaccine effects.

This whole situation we find ourselves in worldwide is totally new and unprecedented. One thing I know for sure is that nothing is written in stone. Medicine is a constantly evolving science.

I would agree with Dizzytwo I'm afraid.

I am very concerned about having round two of the vaccine. It will be due again in June and I'm not over the first yet... In fact the area where I was injected has become more and more painful, permanently! That is the least of what I'm contending with...

We have a huge amount to learn and the medical establishment should be garnering all the experiences of people and surveying their underlying conditions in conjunction with their reactions.

This is s golden opportunity, one in a Lifetime chance to use and observe the data, to join up the dots, but I fear it is being wasted...🙄


Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply toPoppy_the_cat

Apologies, mistake Dizzy...I meant I agree with Marie-Christine, with regard to suffering longer than expected issues post vaccination. I fear that it's a combination of two things; firstly we just don't know what to expect, we've not been 'here' before. And secondly, if we were told the truth about the 'possible' reactions it would scare many people off, which is not good.

My response to the vaccine has been pretty vehement...the on-going alterations/effects are somewhat of a concern to put it mildly...but the alternative of the virus is even more scary. So in a way I feel caught between the Devil and the Deep blue Sea! Hhmmm 🤔🙄... I know I must have the second, but I am concerned, very concerned to say the least.

Poppy the 🐈

Midori profile image
Midori in reply toPoppy_the_cat

The second doses are often much milder, I have had both doses of AZ, and the second was much easier for me that the first.

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply toMidori

Thank-you. So I've heard but sadly O don't do things by I'm praying you are right 🙏🙏🙏

Dizzytwo profile image
Dizzytwo in reply toPoppy_the_cat

Hi Poppy, I'm a great believer in if you think something will make you feel better it will. If you think it will make you feel bad it will.

My hubby had is second shot yesterday. Went had it came home and got on with his day. This morning hes fine just a bit of a sore arm.

Maybe this is where the men come into their own. Total different mentality 😄😄

I wish I was bit more like my hubby he's so laid back. I swear some days I feel like putting a mirror in front of him to see if hes breathing lol

Now im totaly different I'm a massive worry wort lol I'm just glad I have him to help keep my thoughts facing in the right direction at times.

I still have to have my second jab. I had to be took screaming and shouting for the first lol but I will be having the second jab soon.

All I know is the way hubby thinks and the way I think shows who suffered and who didn't. I honestly do believe its a mind over matter thing. You will be fine we both will be fine I'm sure 🤗

Dizzytwo profile image
Dizzytwo in reply toPoppy_the_cat

HI Poppy I am not sure was you reply meant for me or in response to what desquinn replied ? I am sorry your replies are not very clear. I see you have now replied to your self so forgive me for not knowing who you are replying to. At the end of the day we all have a personal opinion and that's all we can offer up. Like you say nothing is written in stone. But I have to agree with Des and his last reply. And no we don't agree on everything LOL Take care and I hope you have a pleasant weekend xx

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply toDizzytwo

😂😂😂😂I think I'm more dizzy than your handle implies 😂😂😂😂 that's what comes of trying to do more than one thing at once!I was simply trying to say that nobody can really pronounce anything with complete certainty, this situation really is so unprecedented and like you say, everybody is an individual.

Our only weapons are, a healthy gut biome, good nutrition and good quality of sleep! A panacea for most of us sadly, but something we should all try to aim for, no matter how small.

There hope I did a better job of it this time 😊🙏


Dizzytwo profile image
Dizzytwo in reply toPoppy_the_cat

Got ya Poppy LOL thanks for the clarification xx

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply toDizzytwo

😁😁😂😂😂 I'm feeling rather like PoOH Bear today...”the bear of little brain” must be the dull weather 🙄

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply toPoppy_the_cat

We can be categoric or sure of things within the groups of population but there is a lack of certainty with each individual. The studies are showing that :

a) about 25% of people will get some (side) effects of the vaccine from sore arm to things with more impact.

b) individual conditions like ours do not have any real bearing on the effects of it

c) Each person whether healthy or with fibro or something else has the luck of the draw as to what negative effects they may get.

d) complications of covid are worse.

e) Vaccines are working in many ways to help us get out of this.

If you have effects from a vaccine that is longer than 3-5 days then the advice is to see your GP. Report it on the Yellow card scheme as well so the safety signal can be picked up on if it is relevant.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnowFMA UK Volunteer

I am very sorry that you are not feeling well.. Vaccinations for COVID and flu affect the immune system by teaching it to recognize the virus and to eradicate it. Symptoms of fibromyalgia are not caused by the immune system, therefore the worsening pain you are experiencing is not at all likely to be from COVID vaccine. Like Momo said, you should seek advice from you physician to identify the real causes of your new symptoms so they can help you get better.

Mariechristine profile image
Mariechristine in reply toLisaSnow

I apologize, i am a bit confused.You don’t think the vaccine could have cause the worsening pain because fybro is not caused by the immune system ?

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

cannot really add beyond what others have put but this is a previous conversation that I normally share with these posts

Mariechristine profile image
Mariechristine in reply todesquinn

Thank you so much.Must be me only 😞

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnowFMA UK Volunteer in reply toMariechristine

You are certainly not the only fibromyalgia patient who has lasting pain for over 4 weeks. What would help you most is to set up an appointment to see your treating physician to get a comprehensive evaluation for the new pain, and get on treatment to ease the pain.

Mariechristine profile image
Mariechristine in reply toLisaSnow

Thank you.

VoxAngelica profile image

I had my 2nd vaccine a week ago. For two days afterwards I had increased muscle pain, the pain was much greater than I am used to. I have put that down to the vaccine. Mercifully for me, it only lasted two days.

No side effects from vaccine it did not effect my fibromyalgia. See your GP

Mum007 profile image

I had muscle and joint pain like real flu, stomach pains like labor contractions, headache and nausea for 2 days. I have fibromyalgia. My friend doesn’t have fibro and she had all the above plus retching. I will still get my second jab. Imagine what full blown coronavirus must feel like compared to this.

Maud-ie profile image

I should see a GP. I have never heard of a short 'case' of fibromyalgia as it is a syndrome you have or don't have? I had the Astra Zeneca and had a horrible headache for a day and my painful fibro was about the same as it always has been for the last ten years plus. Maybe the start of a long Covid? Get yourself checked out.

Cybergirl profile image

Hi Marie, I'd trust your instinct. Only you can understand how your body is reacting to the vaccine. Drink plenty of fluids and rest, almost as if you have the flu, then hopefully these dreadful symptoms will start to diminish of their own accord.

Mariechristine profile image
Mariechristine in reply toCybergirl

Thank you 😞 Never again.

Midori profile image

Go to your doctor. It could be a worsening of your condition, triggered by the Vaccine, or it could be a flare up'

Please don't regret getting the vaccine; it is far better than catching COVID.

Fillingincake profile image

I have had a flare of fibromyalgia, after first jab, just started to get well, and had another flare after second jab, I still believe we should have the vaccine the alternative is grim. The problem is you can put it down to other problems. But I think we know our own bodies.

Sarahvit profile image

Hi Marie, I have full blown fibromyalgia and CFS/ME along with all.....well a lot of their little friends (all those diagnosis that go along with it neuropathy, GERD, achalasia, esophageal spasms, MDD, interstitial cystitis to name a few). There is more like asthma, thyroid goiters that turned into cancer in 05, cancer free now, MCI, Barrett’s esophagus oh low vitamin D and B12. So I didn’t go into getting the Pfizer vaccine asymptomatic but after the second shot was the worst for me. Yes a flare up came but I had been getting the B12 shots monthly but the doctor didn’t have me scheduled that month to get the B12 shot. So I wasn’t sure if it was that, the vaccine causing a flare up or something else making me feel so weak, exhausted and just not feeling right. When I saw my doctor she felt it could be a mixture of all 3 so she ordered more blood work and I see .....well a new doctor who is taking over her patients because she left the end of April. I see the new doctor at the end of this month.

I would suggest you talk to your doctor too. My husband had the J&J was was sick a couple of days afterwards and he has all the high risk factors asthma, diabetes type 2, morbid obesity, high blood pressure, being a male with blood type A- and he felt better after a couple of days.

Makie-Uppie profile image

I felt a bit rough after the vaccinations but was never sure if it was a reaction or I was going to feel bad anyway. A lot of the time I feel like I've been run over by a road roller anyway.

Browneyes1 profile image

Me too. Neck shoulders and head pain was horrendous also exhaustion like the worse flu. 2 and 1/2 weeks on and its still present albeit less intent. I am scared to have the follow up.

Adele101 profile image

Hi - I had no flu-like symptoms at all, so thought I was one of the lucky ones. But 2 days after the vaccine, I had a bad reaction at the injection site - I had a huge lump (the size of my hand) which was hard, red, painful and very itchy. It looked like an enormous bite and took over 2 weeks to go. The pharmacist thought it was an allergic reaction and I've been left with a lump about the size of a pea. My fibro tends to come in flares, the rest of the time it's manageable. At the same time as the lump appearing, I had one of the worst flares I've ever had. My fibro usually affects my joints (knees, feet, hips, elbows and shoulders) and I've been in agony with my knees ever since. I know I haven't injured anything as the pain moves around and I woke up with it having done nothing the day before. The right knee has been worse up to now but yesterday it flipped and my left knee is worse. Walking is painful and stairs are almost impossible.

I can't be sure the vaccine triggered the flare-up as who knows what causes them? Maybe it was my body reacting to the lump on my arm. In any case, it won't stop me getting my second vaccine, although I will make sure I explain about the reaction in my arm in case an allergic response would make them not advise I have it. Maybe it was a coincidence that it happened at the same time. It does make me nervous for the second dose but I would rather have it than Covid. I need to be fully vaccinated so I can travel to see family again too.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnowFMA UK Volunteer

I have had no reaction to either of my two shots other than soreness and redness at the injection site.

Specifically, my fibro symptoms remained exactly the same.

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