Earthing: I do not take medication for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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29 Replies

I do not take medication for my fibromyalgia pain as it is manageable.

In 2021, I started earthing and within 3 days, my fibromyalgia pain was gone!

4 weeks later, the pain slowly trickled back in.

It was recommended by the earthing company, where I bought the earthing products from, that I ease off on earthing as often as I had been doing as there is a detoxing component to earthing for fibromyalgia sufferers.

I have been easing off, but am still in pain. It is a different experience of the pain though, so I believe positive changes are happening.

I am especially interested in hearing about the experience of other fibromyalgia sufferers who are earthing.

29 Replies
Blublu112 profile image

What is earthing ? I've never heard of that.

Kind regards xx

in reply to Blublu112

Quite simply, it is grounding yourself to the earth. Here is a very interesting documentary about it, called the Earthing Movie:

Blublu112 profile image
Blublu112 in reply to

Thank you, looks very interesting, I'll be watching the video, cheers Hun x

Angiedeaks profile image

Very interesting.. glad its working for you. I do find my pain eases when I do a detox, relaxation and eat well with no animal fats and sugars. I will definitely look into it as I will try anything x

Cat00 profile image

I'm sorry but this is nonsense, if this was true there would be no illnesses in those countries of the world where going barefoot is common. The thing about electrons is ridiculous. Someone sent me this video when my daughter had colic, it has no scientific basis. Honestly I'm often outside and barefoot and riddled with illness.

Wisdomhunter profile image
Wisdomhunter in reply to Cat00

‘The thing about electrons is ridiculous’

The earth’s crust is negatively charged, that’s a scientific fact.

Our body’s can build up and hold charge and that’s a fact. Ever had a static shock in a super market? That’s evidence for you right there.

The concept of us holding a charge that we never discharge because we never ground ourselves makes absolute sense. Holding charge like that is unnatural. I am gonna play it safe and ‘earth’ myself like nature intended.

Midori profile image

Each to their own, It may be nonsense to you, but many folk find it efficatious.

Cat00 profile image
Cat00 in reply to Midori

It's one thing to try harmless anecdotal things etc but honestly they've managed monetize the actual ground? While simultaneously leveraging on the placebo effect, this is what double blind scientific trials are for after all.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Cat00

This is Alternative and Complementary Therapies. Someone will always find a way to monetise them!

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Midori

but there should be some logic to the "practice" and ideally some science that makes sense. The distrust we show to big pharma seems to absent to all other "natural" things we are prepared to inflict or put in our bodies.

And when the justification turns to pseudoscience or nonsense it does not help. At least with this the risk is losing some cash or a splinter and not some dangerous interaction.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to desquinn

True, but there is the Psychological effect of the Natural world. Desperate folk will try anything, and who are we to say it won't help them? We cannot know how they experience the world, we cannot use their senses, as they cannot use ours. Faith itself is a great healer. With all our 'civilisation', we can still become frightened little beings when we are faced with the Ultimate Reality, or the possibility of it.

In Japan there is Forest Bathing and Onsen, (Hot Springs) which help to ease elderly folk with arthritis and stressed Business folk relax after the weeks work. It works well with Buddhist and Shinto teachings.

It makes as much sense as going to a Spa for beauty treatments, diets, massage and whatever. The main problem, as with buying online medications, is that some unscrupulous folk will find ways to separate desperate folk from their money.

I personally have taken great benefit from solitude and running around barefoot (or even naked) at times in the past. I can offer up my aches and pains to the Infinite, and gain much relief, (even if temporary). I don't recommend it to all and sundry. It works for me.

Apart from nursing (now retired) I have qualifications in Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Image Consultancy, and Soul Midwifery (yes it sounds very odd), and helps the dying person through the process, helping to alleviate fear. Quite often we can be called through Hospices. (No I am not touting for Custom, I'm retired!) Yet, should I have the need, I would not hesitate personally, to call one.

Cheers, Midori

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Midori

I appreciate that and its why with this topic I was staying away with my dose of rationalism :) but the OP has unfortunately left but anyone searching would see my thoughts on it.

"Desperate folk will try anything, and who are we to say it won't help them"

That's the rub right there. Loss of cash for people on benefits is despicable in itself. And I have seen people at support groups doing circus tricks to convince the group of their treatment.

But even more so there are people that have been convinced off cancer treatments for alternative meds and died perhaps when they did not have to.

I do not understand Acupuncture but believe there is not negative aspect to it and there is trial evidence as well as a lot of anecdotal evidence that supports its use and it is offered by health services.

On the other hand the placebo (and nocebo) effects are real and suspect better bedside manner and being listened to makes a difference. But if someone justifies or uses a product that justifies itself with pseudoscience then it is fair game. I do not know how it works but it does I can work with. It works because the electrons are magnetically enhanced to jiggle your phlobotometer in a positive indices resulting in better metabolism and better general health ........ deserves scrutiny :)

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to desquinn

I agree.

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to Midori

"In Japan there is Forest Bathing and Onsen, (Hot Springs) which help to ease elderly folk with arthritis and stressed Business folk relax after the weeks work. It works well with Buddhist and Shinto teachings."

meant to add that this not only sounds nice, no negative aspects as long as you do not slip getting in but will have overlapping evidence with hydrotherapy and magnesium / mineral salts most likely. As well as being refreshing, relaxing and meditative.

Would be easier to get my head from leisure activity to clinical on this than just a leisure/lifestyle choice with going barefoot.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to desquinn

Ah, for me it's the joy of being a 73 year old retired lady!

Cat00 profile image
Cat00 in reply to Midori

All of that is perfectly valid and indeed backed up by science. The positive effects on blood pressure and heart rate alone caused by time spent in nature is a much recorded and observed thing. The benefits of the natural world and indeed the maladies caused by our disconnection with it are also well recorded and observed. But that is not what this is, this is actually using the vocabulary of science to falsely justify its validity. Saying that grounding benefits us because the flow of electrons act like a bath of antioxidants is completely false, it misrepresents the concepts of how anti-oxidants work and the flow of electrons is the really only a description of the shedding of static with takes place in milliseconds and doesn't not require contact with the ground itself necessarily to happen. As far as I am aware there is little evidence if any that static electricity has ever caused chronic pain.

Pseudo science and this sort of rubbish damages the reputation and trust in valid medical care and in complimentary therapies also. It is propaganda like this that makes some people who might benefit from complimentary therapies not use them and makes people who might benefit from actual medical care stay away from that also. It is not harmless.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Cat00

Totally agree. There are always folk who see a chance to separate others from their hard earned money. I think it is despicable. I cannot do much lately but i used to hold a meditation group years ago, and grounding was a part of it. They were all upset when I became too old and infirm to continue. Only thing I asked for was a contribution to the tea and coffee fund and the pleasure of their company.

I have always known that there are no pockets in a shroud, so you can't take it with you!

Cat00 profile image
Cat00 in reply to Midori

Many years ago I turned to Buddhism to help with my chronic pain it helped me come to terms with it, as much as I have at least. You have to let it sink in though so ot takes time. I did a colossal amount of meditation, at my peak I did 2 hours a day (obviously before I had children!) I can't say I enjoyed it though I'm a highly strung person and I did it out of necessity. There were always the buddhists that got on my nerves though they tended to harp on about visions of green taras, waffled on about incense and chakras but I generally found it was those buddhists that did not practise what they preached, they would smoke a lot and still eat meat, which obviously was their choice but seem to miss the fundamental point of it all. ( Not very buddhist I know to be so judgemental but then my nickname was the angry buddhist....)

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Cat00

I'm not and never have been a Buddhist; I'm a Druid!

Meditations are very much a comfort to me, as I can get very agitated by family, and what is going on in the world.

I find it helps me discard the unnecessary, and centre on the important things, while clearing the mental 'clutter'.

Cheers,. Midori

Im sorry but all these videos how i cured myself of chronic pain cfs fibromyalgia ect ect by going vegan grounding to the earth or trying carrot juice for 6 weeks at night its bs i can take magnesium vit d and turmeric until its comming out my ear holes to no effect,,,,,, theres no cure for fibromyalgia as of yet....

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to

I agree; I'm less than happy with the charlatans who will sell you their own brand of Snake Oil. But try for yourself; as long as you are not harming anyone, (especially yourself) It won't hurt to try grounding, even if you just clear a patch in the garden and sit in it.

in reply to Midori

Yes il try anything x

Dizzytwo profile image

Hi, this seems to have been doing the rounds for a number of years. Personally I would keep my money in my pocket. This is just my personal opinion. But I do believe its hog wash.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Dizzytwo

Nobody needs to pay to learn to 'ground'.

Think of it a bit like electricity. Our experiences throughout the day will all have their effects, good or bad, on our moods and wellbeing.

If you have a lawn, walk on it barefoot., sit on it, imagine your spine extending like a root into the ground.. let the worries escape through the root. Take a cuppa out and maybe a biscuit or two to have while you sit. Music through headphones if you like but uneccessary. Birdsong is just as good.

It's a form of meditation, and nobody need know what you are doing.

Cheers, Midori

Greenpeace profile image

Hi, I must admit, I take all these videos about curing your pain by doing xyz that are on uTube as a load of rubbish preying on people who are sick and looking for cures or a least a little relief.

It also damages the opinion of others towards people who have Chronic Pain/illness. It does this by, and I’m sure most of us have heard at sometime, “ oh it can’t be that bad,” “ I saw someone on uTube saying “ if you follow my method of....and there’s usually money involved, why don’t you try that?”

The video in question is only a feel good method of doing something we’ve all done, walking barefoot, and if you feel better after that its because it feels good, nothing else.

I’m not against alternative methods, or some New age treatments, but you’ve got to be realistic in your expectations of what you’re getting.

GP. 😊😊

J2302 profile image

I agree. If only we could get a fraction of pain relief from this type of thing I'm sure every single fibro sufferer would be at it.It would be amazing if it helped but I worry that people will look at us thinking "well you only have to do that and you're cured". It's already enough of a battle getting some people to remotely understand how debilitating and life changing this horrible illness is..

I'm very open minded and have tried many alternative therapies but I can't help but think are these people thinking they have a captive market of people desperate to try and alleviate their pain.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to J2302

You are correct. Any 'new' therapy will get people trying to cash in on it. It's just a Try it, it may help.

Aslanlover profile image

What is earthing please?

Hope444 profile image

Hi, I’m with you. When my hands are beyond painful, I go into my garden and bury my hands totally under the soil. Somehow and I don’t know how this works, but after a few minutes my pain fades, although I have to repeat this over days when my pain returns. I have a place in my garden ready dug. Big hugs xx

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