Hi all. I have read a huge amount of posts that mention Amitriptyline.
When i was diagnosed nearly 30years ago with ME by National Hospital of Neurology and Neuroscience in Queens Square London one of the top hospitals, after having a near fatal strep tonsilitis where i was put into isolation.
I saw one of the top Neurologists i was prescribed with Amitriptyline, NOT for depression but for all the many symptoms of ME, wide spread muscle pain, insomnia, photophobia (sensitivity to bright lights) night fevers, constant fatigue, stiff spine, constant neck pain, brain fog and many other symptoms that i cannot remember at the moment.
Amitriptyline helped me so much. I have never really suffered with depression and mentioned this to him. He explained that this medication also helps so much with neurological pain which is what causes a lot of muscle pain and spine pain.
I am still taking amitriptyline for this reason.
I understand that many people think it is for depression as its an anti-depressant but i just wanted to let people know that i had the medication described to me in full with my mother sitting next to me and i haven't looked back since.
It really is worth trying this medication if it has been offered.
Just wanted to put this out there and hope i have not caused any issues with doing so.
Yes i do also have fibro.
Keep well and keep as happy as you can be with this horrible debilitating illness.