Hello every one,as any one be to Croydon for there pip assessment.as I have my coming up.and all the worry that go with it.
Hello every one,as any one be to Croy... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hello every one,as any one be to Croydon for the pip.assessment.as I have a appointment coming up.and all the worry that go with it.

I'm sorry, I've not , mine was in Oldham. They might ask you a question and further down they might ask you the same one a different way round to see if you give the same reply. Don't wear makeup or dress up. Take someone with you, if you can. You will be ok. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Ok thank you.x
Hi, yes I had mine there and it was awful. It has a small reception area with cameras watching you. When it was time for the interview, the assessor asked me to climb some stairs to get to the interview room and I told her I couldn’t. She got upset with me and raised her voice at me because she had to use a room downstairs. She wrote a negative report which meant my PIP was stopped. I appealed and got it backdated.
I took out a complaint against her and was told that it was my words against hers so they wouldn’t do anything about it. Remember you are being watched as soon as you arrive and go with someone to support you. If it’s not too late, find out about the procedures for recording the interview. I hope this helps.😊
Oh ok not that great then.
Just wanted to reply as I had my first pip assessment a couple of days ago...I'm in Wales...
What I didn't fully realise is the first part of my assessment was spent asking me about my health conditions in order of how they affect me and I had to give dates of diagnosis operations and if any treatment is planned. Now I used to be very "on the ball" with stuff like this I had such a good memory and could tell you dates of things for most things but since becoming so unwell, living with a lot of pain, not eating regularly due to Crohn's and having chronic iron deficiency anaemia and multiple vitamin deficiencies I was shocked at how badly my brainfog affected me and had to remind her several times that my inability to focus is part of my illhealth and due to lot of factors. She was mostly ok but I can't say there was any recognition of how not eating to try and manage diarrhoea (sorry tmi) needing strong pain killers and still suffering plus having b12 deficiency all causing brainfog and affecting my memory and concentration and there was no compassion shown which in some ways made it more matter of fact to disclose things yo her as I do get upset if someone is too nice when I'm having to share how my health affects me if that makes sense. My struggle during the assessment was that she explained a lot of the information I told her she was unable to put in the box as the computer is designed to get specific facts such as date of diagnosis, last date you saw consultant, when surgery treatment was performed and further treatment planned...therefore as I struggled to recall as I have quite a lot going on with my health and few conditions overlap she did get frustrated with me and I kept saying sorry, she wasn't horrible about it but kept pointing out the time it was taking which got me further pressured and my main worry is that the second part of the assessment where I was asked how my conditions affected me was really rushed through. I thought the whole assessment would be focused on gaining more knowledge of how the aspects of daily living are affected by my health issues not asking me to recall dates which I'd already put on my pip form. At the end she asked me to do some "basic" movements which I couldn't do a few but I had the impression she didn't quite believe me but I was honest throughout. She asked twice for me to run my hands down my legs to my feet despite me saying how I struggle as can't bend due to back and hip pain plus abdominal pain and have to sit to shower so they do go back to ask things in a different way, however I was telling her the truth so her attempts to get me to do something I can't do in everyday life were unsuccessful. Overall it wasn't a terrible experience but I wish I'd known beforehand how long it takes going over facts they already have as I needed to explain things in detail but wasn't allowed to due to time limitations.
Hope your assessment goes well. Try not to worry...
Try not to worry about it too much. I haven’t been to the Croydon one, I went to Wandsworth for my last PIP, I believe it can be hit and miss with assessments, it also depends if you fit the boxes easily or not. Just take your medical file with you so you have all the information on hand. I had my ESA re assessment today and was assessed by a lovely understanding doctor again.
Remember if things don’t go well you can always appeal
Good luck 😊
Ok happy things want well for you.