Hi everyone I’m new on here just sent a post to don’t know who because I didn’t really know what I was doing ! Iv suffered fibromyalgia and other health problems for about 8 year iv just been took of pip after appeal the judge just said he didn’t believe me in his statement of reasons ! He has made all my conditions a lot worse I’m not in a very good place because of him! Why should he get away with calling me a liar.
Very unhappy: Hi everyone I’m new on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Very unhappy

So sorry to hear your news. I can only say do not give up. If your condition changes in anyway try again. But next time get some support before you apply. I disability rights group is normally best. A Judge can only go by the evidence given to him.
When you reapply for PIP, please, for your own sake, contact CAB or a local welfare group, that help with these forms, and will represent you and accompany you to any face 2 face or appeal hearing. It is surprising that by answering a question slightly differently, can make a massive difference to any award.
Can I assume that you say a judge took you off PIP you went to court of appeal? Next step then is a solicitor with all your medical notes , letters and support from your g.p.. Why did he not beleive you?

Hi Thank you for replying!
I didn’t really explain things properly witch is what I’m good at unfortunately 🙁I was on enhanced for both care and mobility about 18 month ago on review I got drop to standard because nothing had changed I appealed it,it took a year to be heard. The judge award me 0 points he clearly had no idea of fibromyalgia or my other illnesses. I told him a rheumatologist had diagnosed me he said in his statement of reasons that he didn’t know who had, he had put a few things in it that made it look different to what I’d said. He said he didn’t believe that I was in the pain that I was making out and basically didn’t believe anything I said. So sorry for this being so long I didn’t know how else to explain.
Explaining various conditions and how they affect your daily life are spool difficult to get across to a non sufferer..make yourself a word document of how you are affected I. Graphic detail..I agree with others get help from welfare rights officer, or !one me your local m.p. It is imperative to get points across on how you suffer and the drawbacks it brings.....good luck

Hi , thank you I have got the details of my m.p I just havnt got the energy at the minute to get in touch. It is hard to get across what you want to say . I find it really hard explaining things . When I go for these interviews my anxieties through the roof which makes things worse. My interview was in may and I have been I’ll since then I don’t think iv even had one good day. I seen my gp because although I don’t sleep more then 3 hours a night anyway I wasn’t sleeping at all but I was exhausted he give me a short course of sleeping tablets so I slept about 5hours a night ! I’m now back to 3 hours a night ! My gp has also put me on another anti depressant but not doing much good . Good idea about keeping a diary I will start doing that.
Thanks again x
So sorry to read your post it is sad that you are having such an uphill battle to be believed. I would leave it a few months then reapply but this time get help with filling in the forms etc. Thinking of you.
Morning make an appointment with the citizens advice they are very helpful they helped me out a few years ago and it worked for me keep smiling and hugs x

healthunlocked.com/fibromya..., morning Harley, ive posted this link for you there is also a helpline you can ring for advice . I do read a lot of members having bad experiences and yes being upset can make the fibro symptoms worse. Give the helpline a ring and take care.
Good Morning,
Hope you are feeling bit better today.
I’m right there with you, they rejected my claim for esa. When I got copy of the report, it was complete lies. If you can always take someone with you, get them to make notes too.
It’s easy for the judge (and everyone else) to say and do such things. They will never understand what we have to deal with, every minute of every day.
Keep fighting and keep strong.

Hi ! I always take my daughter with me ! I need her help as I also have heart disease and get dizzy spells and breathless so I’m always frightened incase I pass out
Thank you for you reply x
Hey hun the social keep copies of reports so wont matter when you re apply the last decision will still be seen you need to get all your proofs from gp and any other specialist that know how your effected, i know as a fellow sufferer how much pain it causes and how debilitating it is, problem is because its not diagnosed as such its whats left when everything else has been ruled out there are a few that do fake it unfortunately those few make it look bad on the rest of us, hope you get sorted hunny sending warm hugs xxxxxx
Thank you for replying! Iv also got heart disease,arthritis, depression and other things ! I carnt understand how he could possibly say he didn’t believe me these things are what specialists have diagnosed! I feel I need to take it as far as I can because he shouldn’t be aloud to get away with it , no 😞 doubt he will tho and that’s why it’s made me feel the way it has. X
You should but go armed with evidence and a disability advocate they are trained to deal with such people hun and good luck it is the few that make us look bad unfortunately hopefully they ll sort a test so we can say look at this fingers crossed cos if they work out how its caused they can work on a cure xxxx
Hi Harley I am just so sorry that you have been dealt such a cruel blow and them people in power should hang their heads in shame treating you so shabbily. Get the tele no of social care direct and get yourself a adult social worker as they will assess you and get you a report which you can hand in to the DWP. Also you need family and friends helping you. You need rest as the emotional strain is enormous as they are putting you through hell. Put in a request to your drs and every hospital that you are requesting all copies of your medical reports and files. You always get someone to go with you to any appointments and you keep a daily diary of symptoms and appointments for future reference. Fibromyalgia is a recognised disability and illness and their is no cure. You will have your good and bad days and the DWP are playing god with peoples physical and mental health without fear of prosecution maybe one day they will be accountable but sadly the government set the guidelines so I can’t seeing justice for people like you and me anytime soon. I too have fibromyalgia. I was told you will be knocked back each and every time until the very last time then they access if your case is genuine. Of course your genuine fibromyalgia is not like having a cold. These people are so cruel and they have way too much power over vulnerable fragile and ill people. Get support by speaking to dial, your GP, citizens advice and see if you can get a mentor as there are some charities and organisations that can attend these appointments with you. Go online and see if there’s a fibromyalgia group that could advice. I trust you will win your next appeal and they then I think will have to back date and put you where you should be. Fibromyalgia is very problematic and if you have a few good days does not mean your cured and well yet that’s how they present it. I wish you the very best of luck. Enjoy your evening and take care. 😀
Welfare rights did say it was all about law.what I also find frustrating is I had to ask permission off the same judge to take it to the upper tribunal! Why would he give that to appeal his decision! It’s so silly I carnt get my head round it x
Thank you I will look into it
Hi , I am going thro hell ! I struggle every day like everyone else with this horrible illness ! I really think this judge thinks it doesn’t exist! I was in the room for nearly 2 hours my appointment was 1 1/2 hours late because he had the person before me in for along time. I was physically , mentally and emotionally exhausted when I came out and he just strolled away for lunch , i had to end up going to see my doctor because I was so bad
Thank you x