Over the last few days I have felt my breathing different, I wouldn’t actually say I am breathless but more not able to breath as deeply so taking more breaths . Anyone else experienced this
Shallow Breathing : Over the last few... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Shallow Breathing

Yes I do and get out of breath easy.
There is a difference between someone, gradually, getting shallow breathing, and a noticeable difference occurring relatively rapidly. I would ask my GP for a check up, just to be on the safe side.
Any new symptom should be discussed with your GP. A change in breathing could be due to many causes from medications, to psychological, to physical. There are many simple tests that your GP can do.
You can go to doctor and have a test to see your breathing output which will give them a way forward if it shows a decrease in normal breath output. but you need to get to the doctors for sure.
Yes I get this too usually when the fatigue is bad. GP sent me for an X-ray which was ok.
My daughter suffered the same thing recently. Turns out she has acid reflux which in turn inflames your vocal chords causing Vocal Chord Dysfunction... This was found after 2 mths of the drs being completely baffled... Worth getting checked out.
I feel that way a lot. Even asked Dr. For portable oxygen for eve, Dr. Said OK but Ins. Wouldn't pay unless oxygen reading was consistantly low. It isn't but I take a deep breath before little thing is put on my finger. .guess I won't.
Ask your doctor to check your thyroid as an underactive thyroid can cause air hunger. Get your results to make sure you are definitely 'normal' in the range. Also, check B12, D, folate and ferritin.
Thank you will do getting bloods done next week
I have, Jessloo. If it goes on for a while you might start tingling too. I was told that the shallow breathing was causing me to hyperventilate. I started to meditate and do breathing exercises. Nowadays, I take the tingling and shallow breathing as a sign of stress. Then I calm down with breathing exercises. There are lots of groups and materials around to help you. All the best