Was sent this article by one of my friends on facebook and thought I would share with you all.
Do you think there is any truth to it? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Do you think there is any truth to it?

I would need to read and look at the research to be able to answer this question, although desquinn may have done so already. I think 'cure' is a big leap by The Sun, but maybe it has value in symptom control which would be helpful as part of a holistic approach. It is definitely interesting and I hope research continues and reports the same findings. If so, it might be a big help for many people living with Fibromyalgia, fingers crossed
was already replying when you commented

it's a small sample size and quite a few caveats. Really a pilot study to then trigger discussion and further studies.
Study can be found here without the sun hyperbole: journals.plos.org/plosone/a...
Caveats below:
"Based on our data, we would like to propose that IR is pathogenetically linked to FM. However, there are several caveats to our proposition which must be carefully considered in the design of future clinical trials attempting to confirm this hypothesis. One is the limitation intrinsic to retrospective cross-sectional studies. Because IR and FM were simultaneously assessed, evidence for causality is more difficult to establish in the absence of a temporal relationship. Secondly, patients with FM are commonly overweight or obese [28], factors which may predispose them to the development of IR [29]. Thirdly, the results of the pharmacological intervention were extracted from retrospective observations of treated patients and interpreted outside the context of a randomized placebo controlled clinical trial. Finally, metformin may have an effect in chronic pain independent of its action on IR [30, 31]. Metformin is known to increase mitochondrial AMPK [32–34] which can result in reduced mechanical allodynia and nociceptor activation [32–34]. In fact, one other group suggested that metformin may be useful in FM, although a relationship to IR was not suspected or investigated by the authors [35, 36]. In this regard, it would be important for future trials to include drugs that target IR by different mechanisms from metformin. Finally, other markers of IR, such as the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) [37] and related tests should also be explored using similar analytic strategies for age correction and comparison with normal individuals. In their study, Fava et al [27] could not find differences between this test (HOMA-IR) in patients with FM when compared to a control population; however, no age corrections (as reported here) were applied to the comparison."
Interesting report. My glucose levels were through the roof and so the GP ordered a second set, saying that I was probably diabetic. Second set - totally different result. The GP accused me of not fasting for the first test which is totally wrong. I did fast, she still refused to believe me and said the second results were more where they should be although a little high. Interestingly the high result was whilst I was in a flare and the second result I wasn't in a flare umm gets me wondering but it may just be coincidence.
Interesting. I’ve begun to think in the last few weeks if I could have pre diabetes. It was just something in the dizziness, poor temperature control and a couple of other things ( which I’ve now forgotten !)
I got sent this today too. I’m going to chat to my doctor and see what he thinks. Though with what I eat these days my sugar levels should be good not bad. Will see! Anything that could help I’m happy to try!
I am diabetic and have been on 1500mg of Metformin for 5years and diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for 4 and a half years. I am in constant pain day and night as well as being very fatigued. 😥 Maybe they should have tested those who are diabetic and also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and already on Metformin before releasing the results.😥
Sorry but no.....I’ve been on that medication for 8 years for diabetes type 2. I still have to take all pain medication and suffer everything that fibromyalgia throws at me, so the answer to the Suns article is a load of old bull.
Never believe anything in the Sun.
As two members have already suggested...how come those of us who have taken metformin for years then went on to get fibromyalgia? I am quite prepared to believe there are links, or commonality, to raised blood sugar ( ie pre- or full diabetes), hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia etc, but what that is, and what causes which needs to be researched further.
Diagnosed with Fibro 2011 & then Type 2 Diabetes in 2012.
On Metformin up to this year and it made no difference to my Fibro symptoms which have only gotten worse over time, so much so that I'm no longer able to work. I now just inject Victoza to help manage my blood sugar which is very good.
So, based on experience, I too am very sceptical about this report.