I have a referral to see a rheumatologist, no date set as yet, I have been having crushing bone pain down my arms lately, my problems started in 2016 while at work as senior care for the elderly, I couldn't complete certain tasks, dressing the residents, bathing, my hands were not responding, my back was in agony. then last october 2018 my arms and legs felt strange and heavy, my GP wasn't really interested, lately the crushing bone pain, headaches, restless legs at night, the bones in my face hurt when I woke up this morning and this headache that won't go. I am depressed, as this pain is making life difficult but I put on a brave face, I can't go out for walks I try to get my legs to keep walking but I get so exhausted it makes me feel like crying, I can't open bottles or jars, i cant lift my arms as it is painful, I just wanted to know if this is Fibromyalgia
I haven't been diagnosed yet, but my ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I haven't been diagnosed yet, but my GP thinks I could have fibromyalgia

Hang on in there Straspark, you will be diagnosed soon, as it's a condition that is not easily tranapprant, it took different medical teams over 18 years then finally I had my answers, as I have other issues no-one could trace it or put a finger on my conditions. Just be patient. 😇
hi Mermaid
Thank you for replying, I also have other health issues, hypothyroid, Diverticulitis, constant UTI's, Gerd, everything started to go wrong when I hit 50, i shall be patient
Take Care
See you are hypothyroid too, I have hypo/Hashimoto’s/ insulin-dependent diabetes and fibro...have you checked your hypo bloods ( notably FT3, ferritin, folate, vit D, b12)...can contribute to pain etc?
I saw an endocrinologist two months ago as I didn't feel quite right, she said your blood test is fine, the thyroid is stable no need to increase levothyroxine, she said to see my GP about taking HRT for the tiredness, I am 61 I don't want HRT
I noticed some people complain of pins and needles I don't suffer with that, I keep wondering if I have fibromyalgia, I've had bone pain in my face which is strange, I do have a foggy brain, my joints crack, my hands are getting worse, I am still waiting to be diagnosed, seems to take forever waiting to hear about an appointment
I have both hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s plus fibromyalgia... I ‘m not sure which of my symptoms are one or the other. Did you get vit D, B12 , folate and ferritin tested...first two low could give you ‘bone ache’, tingling etc? Fibromyalgia tends to be diagnosed by exclusion ie various negative scans and bloods taken, then rheumatologist tests for paired pain points...I find the mirrored pain is a definite fibro. symptom. You can ask your surgery , ideally receptionist, for blood test results as print-outs - results with ranges for any thing tested...your endo might not have had full TSH, FT4, FT3, 2 Thyroid autoimmune antibodies, plus the 4 vits/ mins tested.
My GP said my blood test on the 1st April is all normal, I asked for a copy, my creatine was out of range, phosphate out of range, red blood cell width out of range. I also have CKD chronic kidney damage hence the blood test, my ultrascan in January showed a snowstorm and a kidney stone left side kidney and a cyst in the right kidney caused by many Uti's
Hi lovely, I have very similar symptoms to you. It’s so hard. Getting so frustrated at not getting a diagnosis and feel everyday I’m getting a bit worse xx
Hi Starry
I saw the rheumatologist on the 15th May 2019, he said I have Fibromyalgia and wants to see me again in 3 months, I didn't feel too bad the day I saw him but I had a muddled brain and couldn't remember what I wanted to say to him and there was so much to tell him, but then I went out yesterday with my daughter just to do some light shopping and I came over all exhausted, my eyes went blurry, I felt like I was going to collapse, my arms and legs felt so heavy, I felt sickly, my daughter said I looked like a rag doll, I really wanted to enjoy a couple of hours shopping, no lifting, no real physical activity except walking a bit, it made me feel so low and I don't think this Sertraline is helping my problem.