)Ave been reading posts for people with fibromyalgia and it does seem pretty dire. Have had to cancel two appointments at the CFS Clinic in Bristol due to recurring infections. One thing that bewilders me is the chronic fratigue, weak legs (which Drs.have. Said can be due to infections) - non stop - and it does seem to me that there is very little to help us. I also have ET but I' e reached the point where everything overwhelmes me. I make lists which are endless, am utterly exhausted and totally "lost" it last week. My GPs response was go into a nursing home. BRain fog is a huge problem. I live alone, live ina 2/12 storey HBUT what is affecting me badly is the Isolarion. I see no one from one day to the next, apart from my helper. I am virtually an invalid despite trying to accept it. As other posters have written they wish they could die. At times I too feel like that but I mentioned it to the Mental Health Team and immediately was told she has the authorisation to section me""" T here is virtually nonsupport here other than to prescribe antidepressants which I cannot tolerate nor accept that is the answer. I have no quality of life (Like a lot of posters). It surely can't be asking too much for neighbours to be supportive. I feel invisible, lost and fairly hopeless. I lost my ex-husband in October and realise Inam grieving still but that is something we have to endure. I am hoping to move closer to my daughters but can't sell my house. Sorry everyone,doom and gloom. JUst feel overwhelmed right now.