Anyone suffer from 'BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)'?
I suffered a car crash in 1998, with severe 'dizziness' on movement and changing position. I was told it was Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, caused by the shock!
This was obviously not the case, I knew it was not physiological and definitely a physical problem.
I found out about BPPV from Professor Bronstein at Charingcross hospital, London, received the 'Epely manoeuvre' which 'cured' the problem.
I was told amongst other advice by the specialist not to put anything in my ears and never have the irrigation syringing but the vacuum method at the hospital for cleaning etc. I have had one lot of this which was a total success but have had problems trying to have my GPs refer me for this treatment. This time lasps has caused packed wax in my ears and the hospital appointment was not long enough to complete both ears, resulting in one successfully cleaned and the other, half done. I have suffered serious ear pain and total right ear deafness. My GP prescribed ear drop antibiotics but I have been told not to use these, yet I cannot get any oral tablets instead. Pain is so intense but the Specialist is going to telephone me tomorrow. Anyone else had trouble, I don't want to suffer from BPPV again, when it can be avoided by doing what the specialist told me to do. Taking Ibuprophn 400 at the moment, I also suffer from Fibromyalgia and osteo atrthritis.