Hi everyone, I am in the process of trying to get Fibro formally diagnosed. I have been verbally diagnosed by a GP and was advised to tell work I have the condition. Yet when I went back to the doctors I was seen by a locum who palmed me off and wouldn't help me and wouldn't even acknowledge I was provided medication for it. All he was concerned about was my age and that I'm only 25 and he cannot see how I can have it at my age. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia and have had this over a year. He stated questioning this as well and asking who diagnosed me etc. I made it clear it was A&E who diagnosed me and I was referred back to the GP to get medication. I am in a really bad place at the moment where I'm suffering really bad with the pain, bloated stomach and I can only do the bare minimal. I hope I can find some help here. Thanks x
New to fibro. : Hi everyone, I am in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
New to fibro.

Hello Queenpink,
Welcome to this lovely site, where people understand.
Sadly we all find the so called 'professionals' are not clued-up on Fibro.
I think it's a case of standing firm. Go back to the original doctir who diagnosed Fibro and ask him to put it on your file/record.
I was actually diagnosed by a Rheumatology Consultant. Can you ask to be referred?
Good luck, we are all here for you.
Sue x

Hi sue.
I have been referred, however I’ve already had all the specific tests so that’s why my GP said yes purely cause she referred me before. Unfortunately this locum doctor just isn’t interested. My step mum has had problems with him too
Thank you x
Hello Queenpink and welcome!
Do you remember the name of the G.P. who gave you the original diagnosis? If so, then may I suggest that you make another appointment with him/her (and avoid the locum!) Or when you make the appointment, ask if there is a doctor in your medical practice who specializes in fibromyalgia and get an appointment with them. When you see them ask if you can get a referral to see a rheumatologist consultant because they are usually the specialty that deals with fibromyalgia. Also, tell a little "white lie" and say that your work want a written confirmation of your diagnosis and please can he/she write a letter for you to give them with your formal diagnosis. That way you have information to give to your work.
Finally please take a look at fmauk.org (the mother site for this group), there is lots of useful information, and if you have any other questions then feel free to ask. Good luck, let us know how you get on xxx
Hi. Thank you for your reply. Yeah the GP I see, I see her often as I can. She has been my doctor since I was a teen, she’s my sons doctor as well she also confirmed with A&E about my trigeminal neuralgia (TN). However she works part time so it’s the case of waiting until she’s in and if I’m not in work. (Hard times).
I have had a letter back from rheumatology and just waiting for an actual appointment. Just annoying I’ve been through all that already. Tbh where I work, cause it’s a call centre they are pressuring me for more information all the time and it’s getting tough. I feel like a broken record with them telling them I’m waiting. I feel like they feel I’m making excuses.
Also does it matter if I’m 25? It is possible for me to have it?xxx
Yes, you can most definitely have fibro at the age of 25. Even young teenagers have been diagnosed with it xx
Thank you. Cause that’s all that got repeated to me. Your only 25. I felt like saying WELL DONE MATE YOU KNOW MY AGE!! Grrr! It annoys me when people are like ‘ah but your so young’
My partner is registered disabled with cerebral palsy! Like it happens to anyone you know what I mean xx
Hi there , there are gps who just don’t understand fybro but there are gps that do , if you have more than one gp at your practice see them all to find one on your side it really helps , I have trigeminal neuralgia as well and it’s very painful as is fybro , you don’t need to see gps like that , it’s hard enough to cope with the pain and changes in yourself you need support , I’m on your side x
Tina x
The other thing he was stating was planning children. I just looked at him stupid and said I ain’t planning kids yet and not for a long time. He looked at me and was like ‘yeah well you need to think about that’ 😦
His attitude on that was basically not to have treatment cause I’m 25 and I have to think about kids
I was your age when I was diagnosed and that was 26 years ago, before it was broadly known. You will most likely meet more than a few doctors who will pooh-pooh the idea of FM. That's generally the experience of your average sufferer of FM, sadly. I agree with another poster that you should see a rheumatologist. All the best and let us know!
I have a letter saying an appointment is being made

healthunlocked.com/fibromya..., hi there sorry to read this but I would not see this locum doctor again like others say go back to your original doctor at your surgery,such a shame Fibro can start at any age but I hope coming on the forum you can chat and get some helpful advice from many of us that have been down this road before. If you would like to lock your posts it gives you and other members more privacy as only our community can see, xx