Hi I have muscle spasm in pelvic floor mostly lower left pelvis the pain is variable depending how active I am or my hormones. At it's worst I can barely walk without severe pain. There is nothing that helps the severe pain. I just wandered if anyone had taken Roboxin for pelvic spasms ? I had never heard of this drug Is it even available in uk ? X
Robaxin: Hi I have muscle spasm in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi I hope you are well yes you can get robaxin in the uk my mum takes it it's quite good but not as effective as diazapam I think most gp,s prefer to give you robaxin I hope that helps x
Thankyou angiecxx my gp wouldn't give me diazepam as said it was too addictive so I've not tried it. If you don't mind me asking does your Mum take it for pelvic pain ? X
No she takes it for muscle spasms she tries not to take them as they make her very tired and plus she's on other medication but sometimes they take the edge off the pain my gp won't give me diazapam either because of the painkillers I'm on both of them together knock me out lol ask your gp about robaxin it's worth a go xx
Thank you angiecxx I might give them a try I'm always so anxious taking new medication as I'm such a lightweight! xx

Hi Charlie-36,
I have been on Robaxin for several years. I take them mainly for my back and neck spasms. I find they definitely do help, and if I miss a dose I always feel worse.
I hope that if you do try them you find them helpful
Thankyou Ajay575 Its definitely something I can try to speak to my GP about x
Hello hun- is your main problem sin the pelvis "womens issues" or fibro related or both? maybe ask some of the ladies on the Endometriosis hub you could get better help from them.

Hello NurseGladys123 thankyou I think will post on endo and pelvic pain forum as well. To be honest I just don't know what is causing it I have endometriosis and my pain is severe before and around my periods but it feels like my left pelvic muscle goes into spasm, its not classic uterine pain in middle of pelvis. I don't have a diagnosis of fibro and my GP just says I'm very tense she won't really entertain any other possible problem. My pain def moves around. This has been going on 4 years now following on from a lap I had to remove an endometrial cyst..
I used to get pelivic inflammatory evry month, I stayed on the PILL without a break to stop that-of course thats not an option for you now sadly.I,m sure ladies on the Endo forum will offer you lots of help but dont try anything without disussing with your gp first drugs do interact and can cause more trouble than you already have.

Thankyou for your advice NurseGladys123 I've tried several hormonal treatments which have always made things worse for me. I have booked to see my Gp next week so will see what he says x
Hi I’d be interested into how you get on I have pelvic spasms mostly at night they wake me up they are so powerful they feel like I’m being bounced on the bed. Good luck sending gentle hugs 🤗
Evening Ajay I hope you are well i have seen a few gp.s who same as you have given me diazepam but only a few days worth my own gp won't give them to me well tbh he's never mentioned them to me I don't like to ask about them when I get really bad muscle spasms I think my gp thinks that the tramadol is enough for me but they don't help with the spasms normally I just get on with it of possible if I'm really really bad i go to the urgent care centre but even going there i feel bad and wasting their time 😕xx
I'm ok thanks Ajay I have been struggling alot the past few days I got a walking stick which I don't like using i just get so embarrassed stupid i know 😕 the tramadol are helping a bit I have no choice but to get on with things I have five children well the two oldest live abroad one in Germany and the other in Vietnam my 15 year old is on holiday at the moment so it's just me and my 8 and 10 year old at home they do.help though bless them some days I just want to stay in bed but I can't I'm finding it more difficult all the time and I'm not sure whether to apply for pip it's remembering what I put on my esa form surely they both have to be the same? And do you have to have an assessment when applying for pip sorry to go on xx
Ok I will ring them today thank you Ajay you are a great help 😊have a lovely day xx
Thanks Ajay 💜xx