does anyone have pelvic pain associated with fibro?i don't think it is because mine started 2 years ago and fibro was diagnosed in 2005.
pelvic pain and fibro: does anyone have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
pelvic pain and fibro
Where about is your pain? Is it more "bony" pain, or "muscular" pain, or "organ" pain? If it's a bony sort of pain, look into Ankylosing Spondylitis. Have you spoken to your doctor about this "new" pain?
hi ukwahine .it is in my pelvic bone(front) and feels like it is in the bone.i first saw my gp about 2 years ago with it but it got fobbed off at the time and it was at the time he changed towards me and everything was "it is fibro" even though since 2011/12 had onset of a whole load of new stuff happening that was not fibromyalgia- skin rashes , nasal sores,nasal bone growth,pelvic bone pain, abdominal distention,acid reflux,a cough.difficulty swallowing/choking.
i saw a different gp ( who is more specialised in gynae concerns)who arranged a pelvic xray which she said was normal but some signs of arthritis in my hips.i asked if it could be related to pelvic floor support tape i had inserted two years ago.she did not think so but gave me no other inkling as to what it is.,
it has been suggested to me that it could be varicose veins or nerve damage or due to the tape.i now also have swelling in that area and am in pain from the time i get up and cant sit for very long.the only time it does not hurt is when i am lying down which to me indicates something pressing on it??
My pelvis is one of my main pain areas. My hips, back, front, everything hurts, in fact it's usually agony. I had an MRI to check it out but apparently I'm a vision of pelvic health. It started about 6 months after my diagnosis.
Karen xx
hi karen,what treatment are you on if any.i was taking codeine cos paracetemtol did on co dydramol but still not relieving any pain.

I'm not really on any, tramadol makes me hallucinate and see dinosaurs (of all things) and that's the only thing that works. Strict instructions from a GP said stop taking it. Just taken my first pregabalin tablet. Hoping this will help, but at the moment I just feel a little dizzy!
Good luck trying to get in the drs for an appointment, wishing you well and hoping you feel a little better soon.
gave up trying for an appointment.have two today with nurse and for repeat bloods.i dont know what meds i was given (years ago)but they made me hallucinate and i remember going out with my dog in the early hours and walking almost into town cos couldnt be in the house!
hi karen
i tried to get an appointment today but none left .as usual they tell you to call at 8am for that days appointments but can not ever get through and when you do they are all gone.ive had pelvic xray and some time ago an ultrasound which they said was normal.if it is nerve damage then that would not show.i dont believe all xrays/scans can be 100%,if we have so much pain in one area there has to be a reason for it.

Keep pushing at your doctors, getting an appointment is a nightmare. I only saw a locum at 7pm at night but got some help eventually.Wishing you lots and lots of luck. xx
nhs 111 told me to dial 999 if i get abdominal pain again.yet i get the same reply from doctors
I have been having trouble with my hip I am waiting to get a injection in the next few weeks but still don't know what it is ,I have had xrays but nothing shows up ,I haven't been able to walk for 2 weeks but I have had it for about 5 years on and off so hope this works.
i hope the injection works for you.i dont see how in this day and age doctors cant diagnose what is wrong.
I have some information I'd like to share in this thread.
I am taking some of this information from an article I had written for a regional support group approximately 5 years ago.
One of my close friends is a medical doctor specializing in Gynecology.
He tells me he almost always finds "myofascial trigger points" and muscle spasticity in the pelvic regions of women with fibromyalgia. This may cause chronic pelvic pain in certain people. He states he can locate the trigger points internally, upon exam.
In the U.S. there are many, and an ever increasing number of, specialized physical therapy clinics which treat this condition, along with female incontinence, etc. I was writing an educational article on this topic for a regional support group and visited one of these specialized practices. The one I had visited was very warm and comfortable, much like a well-decorated home. Each therapy room was very private and very comfortable, as well. A lot of effort was put into making people feel comfortable within the therapeutic setting.
The specialized therapists internally locate the myofascial trigger points for each individual patient and work on releasing them. They also often teach the individual how to relax those areas, using biofeedback and other techniques, in hopes of delaying the onset of more trigger points, once trigger points have been released through various therapeutic modalities.
This is usually a very effective approach to locating and releasing these pelvic trigger points.
This is very intimate therapy, in that therapists are, at least initially, often gloved and feeling internally for the trigger points and releasing them manually. Some women are so thankful for the relief, they do not mind these sessions. Some women find these sessions difficult to tolerate, mostly due to the intimate nature of the initial therapy-- the manual trigger point therapy and manual release.
I had interviewed one woman whom had stayed with this therapy long enough to clear all pelvic trigger points. She found daily life so much more comfortable. Her marital relations had also improved, as she was not experiencing discomfort or pain. When I had talked with her about her feelings about such intimate therapy, she had responded with, "If they can stand to do it, can stand to help me in this way, I had figured I could work through any sense of embarrassment I might feel."
The owner/Clinical Supervisor had stressed upon me the intense degree of chronic pain/suffering endured by women with these unrecognized and untreated trigger points and resulting muscle spasms which then spread to a much larger area than the small trigger point.
Just thought I would share this information here.
Whatever the cause, I hope you find the cause(s) and permanent relief soon!
I have meant to add a couple of links for readers:
Internet searches will produce lots more info. on pelvic pain and FM.
While some people living with Fibromyalgia do have this type of pelvic pain, it is wisest to be sure of the cause of chronic pelvic pain. Do not assume it is FM.
Please pursue full work-ups and clear explanations for any signs/symptoms.
just went to print off the links to read later and run out of ink.
thank you crazyhorse.that does explain a lot and could be the reason for my pain.i should show this to my doctor when i next see him although he does not like me presenting stuff off the internet(here )even if it tells me things he hasnt.
good luck showing the Doc! - Have you thought about this: From my experience it may be worth not saying oh, I found "this on the internet..." but I found "an academic study you may be interested in..."
hello barb,i have never said to my gp i have found stuff on the internet as such but i have made it clear to him that i belong to HU and that i receive advice from others who are genuine people with the same problems and share experiences etc and that if someone suggests a possible cause then i might "google it".
i hoped today he might have read what i showed him,as it said my diagnoses and symptoms could be caused by OC.i have booked an online appointment with another dr I have been seeing but it is not until near the end of the month unless i can get an earlier one by phoning each day,.as he diagnosed my diverticulitis he may accept what i tried to show my gp.
Good for you! Good luck sorting it all out! I can be a nightmare.

I am really confused you have just had a barium test that should there was an issue for which you have been referred. You have recent diagnosis of gastritis and diverticulitis and another condition. Why do you still believe you have ovarian cancer? You really need to concentrate on managing the conditions you have. The stress you are putting yourself through by trying to convince yourself you have OC must be unbearable. You have seen numerous medical professionals, had scans both NHS and private and none of them show evidence of OC. For your own sake you need to move on
of course i hope it s not but they havent given me any other reason fro my symptoms. it is not all ábout scans. I AM NOT " CONVINCED" OR "TRYING TO CONVINCE MYSELF" AS YOU PUT IT.i am CONCERNED as anyone would be as have had pelvic pain for two years and no diagnosis.some of my conditions are being managed by meds .
according to target ovarian cancer which i support because i know of someone who passed away from OC two xmases ago and she was told she had IBS/bowel condition-
misdiagnosis of IBS,recurrent urine infections,persistent acid reflux,and diverticulitis are all well as feeling full(poor appetite),and being told things are menopausal.
it s been said that it is hard to detect and it is misdiagnosed as IBS which is exactly what my dr assumed.. once again i ahve to explain to those nonbelievers - i have gained 2.5 stone and 8" around my middle(not diet related)in as many years and it is predominantly abdominal and have lost weight elsewhere and noone has accepted this.
since i ahvent eaten cakes biscuits snacks puddings for well over 5 years my weight gain is not diet related or due to lack of exercise.
if you have read other posts somewhere it mentioned that it could start elsewhere other than ovaries.scans (or radiographers)arent always correct or my gallstones would have been detected a lot earlier than in the private uss i had
most of all my dogs know .
I must admit that I do not. I have sciatic nerve damage and get a pain through my lower spine, bottom and leg. I also have a withered coccyx and so get pain in that region but not any kind of pelvic pain.
I want to wish you all the best of luck with finding the answers to this.
Hi, I have lots of pelvic pain. In fact since 2010 I have had various laparoscopies and procedures as it was thought I had endometriosis because of the pain I was in. All tests were negative. I was only diagnosed with fibromyalgia at the beginning of 2014 when other symptoms developed and now I am convinced that the pelvic pain that I have for the last 5 years is linked to fibro x
I have myofasial release all over my body ( outside not in ) it really has helped me even with the pain in my left side and hip . My body feels less tight the only way I can descibe it ...thus less pain ....
what is myofasial release?
i am not sure if everything is fibro related,as after being diagnosed in 2005 i wasnt too bad until 2011 when things hit with a vengeance and just got worse ever since and because there are so many conditions with similar symptoms .fibro doesnt cause swelling or skin rashes??
today i am feeling worse.persistent pelvic pain from time i got up and pressure on my stomach from my clothes.the worst pain i have is pressure against my stomach(diaphragm) and i cannot bend down to pick things up cos of that and the pelvic pain.with my dogs in the garden and having to use a grasper to pick up and throw their ball and Frisbee.
last time NHS111 said to go to A&E with the pain but instead a doctor came out who just said take ibruprofen which i can't cos of my stomach.
Have you looked into symphysis pubis dysfunction?
hello ukwahine ,no i havent never heard of it but i will google it.thanks.appreciate any suggestions as to what things might be .have you had this personally?
today my pelvic pain is worse.i am so swollen there it feels like I have a small cushion between my thighs!!!
gp asked why I previously thought I had OC-pelvic pain being persistent and from time I got up being one of them and the assumption of IBS,and persistently distended stomach .maybe in another two years I will get an answer cos that's how long its taken to get some kind of answer for my stomach problems and difficulty swallowing.