Hi everyone, I'm a 31 year old woman, who suffers with fibromyalgia.
I was diagnosed in 2016. I feel most of my diagnosis, was caused by a very traumatic 2015.
Does anyone else feel, that theirs was caused by trauma & excessive stress?
Hi everyone, I'm a 31 year old woman, who suffers with fibromyalgia.
I was diagnosed in 2016. I feel most of my diagnosis, was caused by a very traumatic 2015.
Does anyone else feel, that theirs was caused by trauma & excessive stress?
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Hello,welcome to the site,yes mines was triggered more and more over the years but quite often I wonder if born with it.what about yourself??
Yes you are so right about a personal trauma, I knew I had pain in 2001 when my father was ill, I travelled miles each day and then to work at evening , it wasnt until he passed away I decided to investigate the pains, I did have ankylosing spondilitis and the pains were very much in the same places, I was diagnosed with fibro and cfs.
Hi there and welcome, I read quite often that a trauma can set off fibro for a lot of people, I had a lot of emotional stress come my way a few years back so I’m differently wondering if this caused my fibro/cfs x
Hi I think my fibromyalgia pre dates my knee operation in 1999 but after being in full leg plaster for 6 months it had got a lot worse. I went through extreme emotional distress in 2011/12 and crashed into bed with very severe tiredness and depression. Beginning to pick up again. Kind Regards xx
Fibromyalgia and ME are known to be caused by either an emotional or physical stress, ie divorce, a death of a close relative, an accident etc;
You can find this list on the nhs website.
Fibromyalgia is now recognised by the dwp as a disability and whist most of us do not want to carry this label, it may be useful if you are struggling financially.
Interstingly, i was diagnosed initially with polymyalgia and commenced on low dose steroids. Im convinced that thhis medication keeps the muscular pain at its minimum ( particularly in the winter months). This is not recognised by the medical profession, though it would be intersting to see the outcome of a study.
I hope you are not effected too much and that you hav found a way to accept your diagnosis.
Kind regards