I have my referal for Fibromialgia coming up. What should I expect, how do they test you, is it a physical examination?
What to expect? : I have my referal for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What to expect?

Hi henrythewasp , it's difficult to say as I know people have had different experiences when they have been referred but I'm happy to share mine with you. I was finally referred to a Rheumatologist after 4 long years of going through various consultations, tests etc. that all came back negative. He reviewed my medical history and then asked me quite a lot of questions about my lifestyle etc. (if I recall correctly I think he had a questionnaire). He didn't do a full physical examination as such but he did press a number of spots on my body - I only had to remove my socks and shoes. My referral was 2 years ago so things may have changed however I would recommend that you write down all your symptoms before you go just so you don't struggle to remember them all at your appointment. Good luck and let us know how you get on. x
Mine was years ago. Bloods, and GP finding nothing on x-rays and scans etc referred to rheumy who checked it all took history, pressed pressure points ouchy followed by confirmation and a leaflet. Yay! Big let down when you realise there is no effective treatment or cure. I don't respond well to meds. Pain meds don't work either. Dr Google is my best friend. I don't think I'm unusual.
I was 'diagnosed' by a psychiatric nurse having had mental health problems for years, I then looked online (proper websites, NHS and Fibro UK) and was shocked at how many symptoms I had. Went to my GP, he took a lot of blood - which came back negative for everything, we had a long discussion about what was going on and I was diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia. I did get a referral to the Rheumatologist some time later, but she just confirmed what I already knew and then spent the rest of the appointment telling me that losing weight would cure the Fibro (I've lost 3 stones in the last three years, made absolutely no difference). In hindsight I should have said something, but I didn't. I will however be asking to go to somebody different at some point. Hope you get on ok, try not to worry. x

I chatted to the doc he asked me to move my legs while laid on the couch .which i couldnt .i struggle to walk even isin my walkin aids .he said fibro but dont worry it will go away
Gave me mirrazipine and a leaflet and that is it .now im.into.pain clinic .good.luck

Awful you were told to lose weight, that’s ridiculous I was told to put some on!! Apparently I was thin for a woman of my age(43)..lovely..So really they are grasping at straws.. size has nothing to do with fibromyalgia.