chronic pelvic pain: Hi I wondered if... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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chronic pelvic pain

alicewiffen profile image
10 Replies


I wondered if anyone else has chronic abdominal and pelvic pain? I have pain like I am having the worst period pain 24/7 and then sometimes it gets so bad I may pass out or feel like I am going to.

I have trouble with my bladder sometimes and also get a lot of pain there. I feel very sick and sometimes bring up sick and every time I have something to eat I immediately go to the toilet. I have had this since October last year and usually very fit and healthy and never had anything like this before. It has changed my life and I feel so down and lonely and scared. I have lost 2 and a half stone without trying and never ever have a moment where I am not in pain. Having to take morphine as its the only thing that help.

I wondered if anyone else has anything like this as I have been told I have fibromyalgia but after reading peoples symptoms I feel like its not the same at all.

I really hope you are all okay and getting through the pain!

Thanks in advance

Alice xx

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10 Replies
Supul profile image


I suffer with, and am diagnosed with, autoimmune thyroid, sjogrens syndrome, ?lupus, and ctd. One locum consultant told me he believes I have fibromyalgia, though I'm not sure its official diagnosis.

Ok, you get the picture. I'm constantly battling to live as normal a life as possible, despite continuing pain etc. Especially, not knowing what, is causing what, symptom! Lol.

When I read your post, I felt I must reply to you. I feel for you.

Last August, I had those awful symptoms. I was at a dinner party and left the table in tears.

The pain and discomfort, and nausea, was horrendous, and alarming. Never experienced anything like it before. My son phoned 111. I saw an out of hours doc. He took urine sample prescribed antibiotics.

However, I really knew I was in trouble, and believed a vaginal issue was present. I explained. The Dr was a young man. He immediately said he would do an examination. So ridiculous of me, I was so embarrassed! I said no need. I take antibiotics see how I go. That was my big mistake!!

Suffice to say, I struggled from August to January this year! For months, I took 3 courses of antibiotics, given for urine infection diagnosed from samples I handed in to GP.

By December, I could hardly move. I felt very, very unwell. I bought a vaginal swab in asda. The test showed a profuse infection (I had never had vaginal issue in my life).

I could not get GP appointment till January. I went to a walk in centre. I was dismissed with more uti antibiotics. Dr refused to do vaginal swab and refused to send the one I had done for analysis, telling me to go to GP.

Boxing day, I really was so ill. I was hypothermic and confused. Feeling dangerously ill.

On 5th January I crawled to GP surgery had swab taken. On 6th January, I got a phone call from GP surgery. Yes, I was told to collect broad spectrum antibiotics, the test showed a 'profuse' staph vaginal infection.

I have not had symptoms ever again, since mid January, when I completed a course of the right antibiotics.

I urge you, get your symptoms checked out. I sincerely believe I was going septic during the Christmas break.

We know our bodies, we know when our symptoms do not match our known diagnosis.

Trust yourself. What you describe sounds very much the same as my symptoms.

You have nothing to lose getting checked out, and everything to gain, when you are treated for the symptoms with the correct medication.

Good luck.

alicewiffen profile image
alicewiffen in reply to Supul


Thank you so so much for your reply I really appreciate it and I am so sorry that have been through all of this.

I am exactly the same as you and had very similar with regards to symptoms. I just feel like the doctors can just brush things off and have started to feel embarrassed to go to the doctors as I feel they aren't doing anything to help.

I had 2 urine tests coming up as infections in October and then was put on antibiotics but after Christmas things turned for the worse and no sign of any infection or inflammation etc however serious amounts of pain every single day but I feel like none of my symptoms relate to fibromyalgia.

I also get pain during intercourse and bleeding after too. I am just so scared as my life has changed and I don't know how to cope with so much pain every day.

I am self employed so really can't afford a day off so I end up struggling through the days in tears sometimes.

Sorry for the long message haha. Just don't know where to turn anymore.

Thankyou so much

Alice xxx

Supul profile image
Supul in reply to alicewiffen

Oh my goodness, Alice. I'm so sorry.

My pain and feeling unwell came on suddenly and was after intimacy the first symptom day. 24 hrs later I was at out of hours doctor. However, as stated I was really foolish letting embarrassment stop him examining me.

I did not have bleeding after intercourse. That symptom definitely needs to be reported along with your pelvic symptoms; and follow up investigations needed.

On one occasion I saw GP about rheumatologist appointment results and then brought up the subject of pelvic/vaginal symptoms. His response was he had patients waiting! I went home and was almost in tears.

Knowing what I had to endure, for far too long, I feel that your symptoms will not just go away. So, I really hope you can find the courage to be assertive and request/demand a gynae referral. It's your right, your need. I'm sure policies and guidelines will echo that.

When the hospital doctor refused to do my swab, I went home, phoned the GP surgery and told them the hospital said GP had to swab. I was ready to go to a sexual health walk in centre if the GP surgery refused.

Just to add, that since I've been clear of symptoms, my GP now prescribes vagifem pessary once weekly. Thus, discomfort during intimacy has been resolved.

Previously, I used a lubricant due to discomfort and dryness. I personally, believe the lubricant viscosity caused an optimum breeding ground for bacteria.

Never again!

I send you love, and pray you will be more comfortable again.

I love essays! Lol x

Mill06 profile image


Sorry to hear what you've been going through, it really sounds awful.

I work in Gynaecology, although I am no doctor or nurse, we do pick quite a bit up. You stated that you done a urine sample and came back positive for infection, then took another one a few months later and no infection, am I right?

Like I said I am no doctor, but it does sound like it could possibly be Endometriosis? Which a lot of women do have and can be managed. I would keep going back to your GP and demand a Transvaginal scan (I work in these scanning clinics also) it is an internal ultrasound scan that is not painful whatsoever, it is performed with a probe. (women come out of my clinic laughing as they realise it really wasn't that bad) With this scan it can see if possible endometriosis, PCOS, Adenomyosis, cysts and pretty much everything down below. It could be bowel related but if you Google and compare symptoms to any of what I have said and they fit, it may be worth mentioning to your doctor?

I hope you can find out what is causing this pain as soon as possible! Xx

TK256116E profile image

Hi Alice I hope today your pain is easier. Have you tried taking Buscopan as it's mimicking IBS symptoms. Have you spoken to pharmacist as it's quicker than GP, usually cheaper too. Have you eliminated foods or noticed pattern around ingredients or stress levels? I too have similar symptoms but only as I flare ups. I hope this helps

whitesnapper profile image

Alice you need an ultrasound of your pelvis and a potential ct scan. You need to see if you have ovarian cysts and fluid in your pelvis. You also need to take sena a few days to make sure it’s not constipation. You taking morphine is causing constipation. No one takes this to manage pelvic pain. You need to then see a gastro for a colonoscopy. Woman in the ER are 8 X out if 10 literally full of sh!t. Until you’ve had these diagnostic imagine studies completed you haven’t exhausted the cause. Also if it’s fluid or a chest then you can discuss birth control options and you can exercise to move the fluid out of the pelvis. This can be extremely painful. I’ve gone to the Er before and my husband is a doctor. He was right. Usually a cyst and fluid. Good luck. Drink lots of water and keep moving.

whitesnapper profile image

Also you need to see if you have fibroids causing this as well.

YvonneAdrianaa profile image

Dear Alice... apologies for speedy reply.. I'm in bed in pain waiting for my opiates to kick in BUT wanted to say have you thought about being checked for ENDOMETRIOSIS? Ive had it diagnosed 24 YRS ago.

Pls email me as only on here occasionally.

((((((GENTLE HUGZZZ))))))

Aurorasparkle profile image

Hi sounds like you may have endometrosis. I have chronic pelvic pain caused by endometrosis. Mine has nerve involvement and I have had two major ops for it. I also have fibro and other health problems. Please don't let them fob you off. When I first Started having terrible groin pains I was told it was just fibro and it turned out I had grown a 13m cyst which needed to be removed in an emergency op. I'm not trying to scare you but chronic pelvic pain is often the result of endometrosis.

If you pop over to Endometrosis Uk here on healthunlocked the ladies there will gladly help.

Hope this helps.

glo100 profile image

Hello there duc how you hv decided yr sytom they are exactly the same as wat I had duc last November and December I was in hospital with pains in my stomach had scans mi scan x rays you name it they hadn't got a clue I was sent home with more meds and morphine which I still take now every time I ate run the loo cdnt go anywhere it was a nite are I lost the same as you two and a half stone I was eight and half duc in two weeks iv got go hv a camera dwn my throat c wats goin on which I'm not looking forward to I'm eating abit better now and stopped running the loo I'm on omoprazole tabs for my stomach they hv helped duc talk to yr duc hv you hv any scans or anythg yet let me no take care glor x

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