Zopiclone- can I take ×2 75.mg witho... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Zopiclone- can I take ×2 75.mg without dying?

Ladyfa profile image
30 Replies

Hi guys I'm suffering from insomnia due to stress, so I've only been getting 3-5 hours max. During the day I feel so lost, grumpy and cannot focus. Is it safe to take zopiclone tab ×2 7.5mg. When I took 1, i was wide after 4 hours. And as for that vile taste, don't get me started 🤢

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Ladyfa profile image
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30 Replies

Hi hun- just take the prescribed dose for safety- try taking one with your evening meal if you are not going out, they do take a little time to kick in,, 7.5 is a strong one, mine are only 3.75 and I sleep with half of one..

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to

Hi huh,

Glad your dose works for you. But I've take 15mg still doesn't work😏 might take the 3 if I wake up tonight.🙄 x

Heltadelta profile image

Hi. Zopiclone is very addictive, so it is not good to take more than the prescribed dose. I saw my new GP recently and he wants to reduce the amount I take and then eventually stop them altogether.

Just be careful and as advised take one with food, try to relax before going to bed, not easy I know, Ive never been a good sleeper so I know how difficult it is to get through the following day.


Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Heltadelta

Thank you for your advice. I dont feel addicted to these as they have a vile taste which puts me off. I was also prescribed another 2 which did not help at all. Going back to Drs on wed. X

robpw profile image

If your unsure - take medication to pharmacy and ask pharmacist for advise or dial 111 - they can also help you further :)

But else just stick to the prescribed dose

soppysokes profile image

How long before you go to bed do you take it? If it's taken too early it tends not to do the job.

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to soppysokes

I take it an hour before bed.

Hi Ladyfa

I have just read that if you get any ill effects including a problem persisting in NOT sleeping to report this immediately to your dr.

This drug is very addictive as op has stated..

Sadly 111 are not allowed to advise about medication prescribed by your dr! NHS Direct used to but sadly they have been replaced by 111.

Not sure how much zoplicone u have been taking but it may be dangerous for you to take more.

Best to check with the Out of Hours or a walk in centre where there is a dr. Paramedics are not allowed to advise on medication.

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to applesandoranges21

Thank you. I took 2 tablets but no luck and I'm still alive x

metty profile image

No I wouldn’t take 2 x 7.5, I take them occasionally as like you and many of us only get approx 4 hrs a night if lucky. I take it around 11pm and I then find I sleep till about 6am. Good luck to you

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to metty

Hey good to know you get a few hours from taking the tablet. I'm not addicted, but I was prescribed other crap which didn't work either. So going back to my doctor on wed ☺

Manda688 profile image

I’m on zopiclone 7.5mg Hun and they don’t help you sleep don’t take them if possible as I’m addicted to them now and if I have none I am in a really bad way so please please think about it, I wish somebody would of told me the dangers of these medication I am 50 now and been on them 25 years but you have a chance to knock it in the head they damage you so much I understand with Fibromalgia you’re so tired and can’t sleep but try other alternatives take care hun

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Manda688

Omg hun! Taking 2x 7.5mg and not addicted to that vile taste🤢🤢🤢 you have the will power to come off your addiction. There's lots of support on here as well as addive and tips.. try decreasing your dose every 2 weeks or a month and come back down. xxx wish u the best my luv x

Al10 profile image

ZZZZZZ, ZZZZZZ, zzzzz, Ooh, you still awake there? Hm, me too. Horrid hey?

Don't forget that it's not just stress that drives your insomnia and poor sleep, it's your fibro too. Getting that deep sleep that restores is not easy for us and I'm not sure meds fix this issue.

You might think about how to get enough fresh air and exercise to naturally and gently, tire you each day. Stress exhausts us and that is different. Exhaustion can mean you are too tired to sleep.

Really feel for your lack of sleep, it is tough. I too am prone to getting a smidge grumpy because of it, (if you accuse me, I won't be admitting it though, more likely I'll just bite your head off instead!) Lack of sleep, drives my pain levels too.

Have you tried natural remedies? Valerian? Hot milk and honey? (yuck!) Dr Google is full of bright ideas for we late night/early morning, googlers. Though screen use before bed, is said to be bad for sleep. So don't do it!!! Tut!

One tip I didn't like, was to try sleeping for no more than half an hour. If you are still awake, go sit in the lounge and wait for half an hour, doing nothing and then try sleeping again. No sleep after half an hour? Up you get and wait. No TV no phone. Try not to drink too much and only water if you do need something. I think this sounds like torture. Takes me half and hour at least to warm my bed, never mind fall asleep and the idea of getting out and cold and making another hot bottle is horrendous, but if you are desperate, YOU might like? I suggest you don't get cold doing this else your pain will go through the roof! I might modify this by reading a storybook while you wait. Distract from discomfort? Something tried and tested to dream about and let your eyes tire?

The other suggestion is to forget about sleep and enjoy your rest. Maybe meditate while sleep is elusive? Meditation is good for the body as the body can repair and make new energy, during in this state. You might even fall asleep if you are relaxed enough. Stressing about how it's nearly time to get up and you're still awake doesn't help. Hope you find something that helps to break this lack of sleep cycle.

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Al10

I might try warm milk and honey to get rid of that nasty metallc taste🤢 yuk

I'm quite active constantly on my feet runing around every where. Don't drink alcohol. Even when I wake up after an hour or so, i will just lay there in bed. Don't want to do anything because by that time I'm in a bad mood and very cranky😞 but thank you for your advice. I have taken 2 of those grotty tablets😨

Hollydebs profile image

I take Zopiclone and just like you one pill wasn’t doing anything. Spoke to GP and he said a few of his patients found the same thing and he was happy to allow 2 to be taken instead. Which does work!

Just see how you get on and if you get any adverse effects stop. Always worth chatting to your GP.

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Hollydebs

Hi Hollydebs,

Thank you for your advise. I now have tried 3 different meds. They all work the same way, nothing makes me drowsy, if I do get some sleep, I'll be wide awake after an hour or two after taking them. I need a general anaesthetic to put me to sleep or a hammer! Going back again on wed to docs. The recent tabs were promethazine hydrochloride which were rubbish!😏

Mads3696 profile image

I’ve always suffered with anxiety and insomnia but CBD oil has really helped with both of these. I get a 25% one in capsules that I buy online from CBD brothers. It’s very expensive though so I’m going to have to stop soon 🙁 but I would recommend giving it a try if you are able to. Either way, I hope things improve for you soon.

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Mads3696

Thank u, someone else recommend me and oil. X

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Ladyfa

Plus how much does it cost???

rosewine profile image

3.75mg is the normal starter dose which is what many people are on as a maintenance dose. Many years back I got addicted to a drug prescribed for sleep called Ativan before they were aware of how addictive they were.I had been on them some years when I was rushed to hospital with something totally unrelated. When the specialist saw that I was on two of those a night he called them the "Devil's brew and told me about eh addiction problems and advise coming off them asap". As I didn't know any better at the time I came off them cold turkey and honestly thought I was going to die. I had two years of absolute hell to get off them. I have always been a poor sleeper but with fibro and the lack of exercise and the pain I am very much worse if I get two hours disjointed sleep I think I am in heaven. I get 4 hours disjointed sleep with Zopiclone. My doctor hates them and will only prescribe two a week in a pack of 8 so a close eye is kept on me that I don't start taking more. They didn't use to affect me the next day but I am finding even though I get more of the elusive sleep I wouldn't drive the next day as I am very fuzzy headed with a strange headache so now only take them if desperate.

If you can do without them it would be wonderful but I do understand the desperate

need for sleep and an escape from fibro pain if only for a few hours.x

Poppy_the_cat profile image

High stress = High Cortisol.

Get your cortisol levels checked out. Private test via saliva samples.

Make sure you have good dark curtains to block out the light.

Don't drink alcohol, especially before bed.

Try to rise in the morning even if you have had very little sleep as hard as it can be, try to force yourself.

I have heard that not having bright light on in the evening after 8pm, but resorting to candle light helps.

PCs, phones tablets emit blue light which is stimulating to the brain. Try to alter your devices to 'nigh time mode'. My phone switched it self to night time light at 9pm.

Candle light is far more in the orange zone and will help to soothe you.

Keep a banana or some nuts on your bedside table in case you do get to sleep and then wake at 3am. We experience blood sugar lows in our sleep as well as during the day! Usually this helps me get back to sleep.

Also, I find a breathing exercise helps when I turn the lights out.

You concentrate on the simple counting. I create an image in my mind of climbing up to the 'apex' with my intake breath, holding it fractionally and then exhaling in a controlled fashion.

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Get your pillows comfortable. Don't feel restricted by your bed clothes, make sure they are surrounding you lightly...

With eyes closed take a deep breath.

In doing so, count only to 3.

Feel your lungs expand. Visualise the air entering your chest...at the count of 3 you have reached the 'apex' ...just hold it there a second, balance on the fulcrum.. and slowly exhale..count 4... to 8, (making a total of 5) In other words, inhale 1..2..3..hold it a second..exhale slowly 4..5..6..7..8

The inhale through the nose is strong..the exhale through the mouth is slow and controlled. You must make your breath last to the count of 8, you must not let it out too quickly...if you do, you will still have to reach exhaling to the figure 8.

By concentrating on your breath, and timing your breathing, it will help you to relax...and hopefully sleep. It make take a while, but then you have the whole night ahead of you. Don't give up, even if it's hard to start with.

Your brain is like a 'buzz saw'...like searching on the Radio, your brain is picking up all these far away stations like a bubbling fizz...you are thinking and worrying of do many things, you just can't stop. It's as though laying in bed you have more energy at night tan you do in the day!! It's so frustrating.. I know..

Zopiclone did not suit me at all.

I had to take it when my supply of Melatonin was interrupted many years ago.

I take Melatonin when I need it, not always now, as much as I used to need it. I also take adrenal support to help with my cortisol levels. And since taking Probiotic kefir, and thereby improving my gut biome and it's absorption capacity I feel I am even sleeping better.

I hope this helps.

Poppy the 🐈

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Poppy_the_cat

Thank for for so much information poppy. I will try it out xx

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply to Ladyfa

Be patient with yourself, as I find that hard too... persist and you will win through.. x

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to Poppy_the_cat

Thats what im runing out of, patience 😞

minimart profile image

I heard from quite a few people that melatonin can help and isnt expensive.. so i gave it ago lol . it also comes in fast acting/dissolving and different strengths... so if one isnt enough for u , u can then go up to next strength... i didnt find it made me sleep for hrs bt i think i felt abit more relaxed.. i take zopiclone occasionally bt only get a few hrs sleep on it...think i need a sledge hammer to make me sleep lol.... fibro is such a crappy illness i just keep praying that their gonna find a tablet that may not totally get rid of it bt at least help with sleep n pain etc ... good luck huni hope u get sum sleep xx

Ladyfa profile image
Ladyfa in reply to minimart

Thank U, i was also prescribed promethazine hydrochloride. Which didn't work at all🤢🤢🤢 so back to the doctors 4th time! I need something like a general anaesthetic to put me to sleep 😣😣😣

soppysokes profile image

1hour before may be too long especially if during that hour you are still 'brain active' i.e. Reading,phone,iPad or tv type stuff. You could try taking just 10 /15 minutes before bed.

Ladyfa profile image

As soon as I took 2 tablets, I'm already laying in bed and can taste that vile taste🤢🤢🤢

KnackeredKaty profile image

I wouldn't recommend taking 2. Sedative meds affect your breathing and cognition, which is why doctors are always cautious prescribing them. Speak to your Dr. They should look for something else for you and/or revise the dose you are taking.

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