When the DLA changed to pip I was 3months short of my 65th birthday I have not had the forms yet do you think they will automatically change me to pip. Has anyone else had the same thing happened to you.
Pup: When the DLA changed to pip I was... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

When you say changed to pip do you have a specific date in mind? I ask as many thousands of people have not been asked to apply yet..It will take some years yet.
No one will automatic transfer as it is a brand new benefit and as such you will have to apply.
If you were born before 1948 you will keep your DLA. If later then wait for a phone call from DWP. They will ask if you want to apply for pip.
I have been through all these age changes so many times.
I have forgotten my name, my date of birth and my NI number. Retired at 62 with state pension. Actually it was 62 yrs 5 months and 18 days ...I was the last person to retire under 66!!
Now, at 65.5, I am going through applying for PIP....by invitation from DWP
Oh joys
Hi boycie I was on DLA thought it was for life.I am coming up to 66.just before Christmas I got a phone call from DWP to tell me I must put a fresh claim in for pip you are not automatically transferred over.they send you the forms out there very similar to old DLA ones but with a few added extras.I still had to have a face to face assessment in January haven't heared the outcome yet. They put you through hell with this waiting game.good luck x
PS. I've been a pensioner for 4 yrs
Thankyou ajay.you and a few others were there for me that morning and I thankyou all again.as you no my anxiety was through the roof .x
I'm 67 and went on the website to claim a couple of months ago and all I could find to claim for at my age was Attendance Allowance, didn't see anything about DLA at all... am I looking in the wrong place? Its all so confusing! 😕
It goes from DLA to Attendance Alliwance after the age of 65 so you do need to apply for the AA (I believe) good luck xx
I think you do need to apply for AA, unless you qualify under special circumstances ie;expected to live less than 6/12 months (hopefully no-one here).
As others have said, there's no automatically moving over to PIP from DLA, also criteria, is different with PIP. Don't let that put you off applying for PIP. My advice would be get Advice from CAB. GOOD LUCK
I was born nov 51. Had indefinite DLA for years but got the pip forms in September 16. I was very apprehensive. Feared losing blue card. And had motability car. Filled in the forms. Lots of consultant letters evidence. And had face to face interview ( recorded it on 2 recorders). Ended up with more !!! Care as well as mobility. Think it was a good thing. As I had really deteriorated since original DLA.
But I have atrial fib, pacemaker as well as fibro and arthritis. I would never have applied for more as I feared I would lose it all.
It is a pity you cant get mobility when applying over 65. I was afraid I would lose it.
Boycie. When is your birthday. You are probably safe.
Sorry. Meant bananas
I would steer clear of foning hun most women cannot retire until 2020 these days and so unless you win the lottery you have no need to get intouch, believe me they will come after us when its our turn, enjoy until then we can help each other when the brown envelopes arrive!!
Hi I might be wrong but I am reasonable sure that if you have claimed and are a existing claiment you are still able to claim, I do know you cannot make a claim when you are 65 years of age and you have not been on it prior to reaching 65 years of age! But I wouldn't wait for them to make contact. I would phone them up to make sure they don't just forget you!! Good luck.
I think you will find that you will be re-assessed for PIP. I had been getting DLA for over 20 years, but I had to attended for a PIP assessment when I was 66. Good luck - I'm afraid you're going to need it as the PIP assessment is even harder than DLA and basically they're refusing as many claims as they can get away with. LLAP, Eric 👍✊👌
Hi Ajay just letting you no I passed got letter today.thanks for your support .