would love to get hold of a form for switch over from D.L.A to P.I.P so i can start it in plenty time , so im not stressed out which makes my fibro worse, any ideas please (thank you)
PIP FORM: would love to get hold of a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Strictly it is not a switch but a brand new benefit.
You can go to the Benefits and Work site where they have the form so you can find out what they ask you.
Full list of descriptors too where you can self assess and see how many points you might get.
I woulodnt rock the boat really, I,m not sure everyone is being changed over, I have retired and have not heard that people who cant work will be affected.. Are you still employed?

When did you retire NurseGladys123?
Last year age 62 I had support from my union rep and occ health nurse, g.p and consultants (both on hand where I worked) it took 2 attempts to get full pension-I took a lump sum and a small monthly income (to be rid of debt) I dont like being at home but I have to live with it,,

OK I see. Rules about retirement (pension age)have changed...almost daily
Under old DWP rules anyone who was in receipt of DLA at pension age kept it for life
I am on DLA, receive an. old age pension yet still have to apply for PIP. When I get invited! Joys
Yes you are right about retirement age- I cannot draw my gov pension until 2020 but NHS allow retirement on ill health grounds.. I would do as others have advised and sit on things until they do invite you, things could all change again before then..

Yes I know I should but...I live abroad and need to know whether they can do a home visit!!! As they pay expenses maybe I can fly back 1st class?! Or get a taxi and yacht!!
Plus under PIP I will be better off financially.
you’ll carry on getting DLA if you were 65 or over on 8 April 2013. For everyone else aged 16 and over, DLA will stop and you’ll need to claim PIP instead - even if you have a ‘lifetime’ or ‘indefinite’ award for DLA but wait till they end form out to you .
Please don't bank on being better of on PIP most find they have less income from PIP
Thanks Rose54. They changed the rules about being 65 in April 2013. Prior to that it was retirement age which as we all know has gone from 60 to 65 then 66 for women.. I automatically lost DLA mobility when I moved abroad but keep care. Being blind the new criteria for PIP work in my favour. What joys!
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May i ask if you have had a letter saying at some point in the future you will need to change from DLA to PIP. I am guessing you have as I was told in my change over letter that all people receiving DLA will need to be re assessed before been changed over to pip.
Having DLA does not automatically mean you will get PIP. So I agree with our Hidden I would think it may be in your own interest to wait till they get in touch with you. But if you have had a letter saying you will have to change over at some time and you still wish to go ahead why not just ring the number on your letter for the DLA and ask them to send you out the forms. I hope this helps
thanks Dizzytwo Ive just read online the deffintion of Universal Credit knowhere does it mention PIP/DLA I am inclined to think its really for those who can work and IF the DWP think they might try it on with those who cant work in the future, I think we will be years down the list yet, so anyone worried sit tight until you are approached... good luck to all.

Hi there Caz, Not sure this person mentioned universal credit. so assumed it was just a straight forward change from DLA to PIP. I am not a benifits advisor and have never claimed Universal credit but is that something tied in with ESA ? I hope your keeping ok and warm xx
yes iv'e had that letter but don't really want to ring them , iv'e rang before and they make you feel uncomfortable and i'm hard of hearing. thanks and thank you for having me join your group
You are very welcome. Do you have someone who could ring for you while you sit beside them ? Or could you write to the DLA requesting a PIP form ?
I will ask someone to ring for me thanks
You will have to be with the person when they ring for you. Because you will need to tell them when they ask that you have given the other person permission to speak on your behalf good luck Please lets us know how you get on or if there is anything else we can help you with. I hope you have a nice evening xx
If you ask for a form it will be stamped date of return. If you aren't actually applying you have to be careful. DWP will have a record of sending out forms so in time when you do apply there will be questions
Otherwise we would all have asked for one to practice filling it in
I see the diffrence now DLA is a none means tested benifit. Universal credit is means tested
Universal Credit is a social security benefit in the United Kingdom introduced in 2013 to replace six means-tested benefits and tax credits: income based Jobseeker's Allowance, Housing Benefit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, income based Employment and Support Allowance and Income Support.
You may be eligible to apply for other benefits, including, for example, Personal Independence Payment ( PIP ) and new style Employment and Support Allowance ( ESA ). ... If you claim both benefits your new style ESA payment will be deducted from your Universal Credit payment.3 Apr 2017 The link below may help Guidance
Universal Credit if you have a disability or health condition
Updated 29 November 2017 gov.uk/government/publicati...
I hope this helps.
Its imposable to get hold of a form
But their are many examples on line of the question you will be asked
Start collecting medical evidence
You need to think outside the box when completing form
Best thing to do is keep a diary to send in with the form gives you a true idea of you needs .
For Example
One question is about taking meds
But remember to include if Chemist send the tray packed to you
How you reorder them any help you need
Prompting to take verbally or reminders on phone
Help getting them out of blister pack
If you drop them while taking
Does someone have to put them in container for you to take
Also any side effects you have from taking meds that you are aware .
This is the sort of thing they are looking for
You can view an example of a PIP initial claim form here on this website
The more detailed form you are then asked to fill In can be found here