I've seen the consultant again and following an MRI I've been diagnosed with CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome), frozen shoulder and Cervical Spine Radiculopathy as well as FM! Think they're covering everything!
I've been referred to the pain clinic and have to go back to the consultant to see if anything can be done to improve things.
Feeling a bit deflated that the general consensus is live with it! Pain relief and it's not going away.
I'm starting a claim for PIP and irritated that I will judged to see if my symptoms are bad enough to get financial help! I'm still working full time, but sickness absence is increasing and I'm worried that I will have to reduce my hours and therefore my pay!! I have to accept that I'm struggling to keep up my hours at work but it's necessary if I want to eat.
Smiling and pretending everything is ok still but inside I'm a mess. I've always been independent and it's hard to ask for help. Sorry to moan but I find it hard to tell my kids (all adults) as I've always been their rock. My partner knows and is supportive. It's a good job he can cook as I can't even chop veg anymore, cans and jars are impossible and no one wants frozen microwave meals every day!!
Thanks for listening to my rant xx