Good morning everyone. How/where can I see the posts I have started? I can't remember where I left off and would like to update info already posted. Thanks
Good morning everyone. How/where can I see the posts I have started? I can't remember where I left off and would like to update info already posted. Thanks
Hi Sharon, as this is my first day back from my holidays, I think I am going to have to search with you!
Hope you are having a good day.
Hi Bluebelle
Same sh*t, different day. It's 6:30 AM, I've been up since 2:00 [seems to be my 'witching hour'] So? Which is it? No sleep for the weary? Or no sleep for the wicked?
My list of complaints is much too long to post so I say "there is always someone worse off than me"...I'll have the best day I can.
I hope you're day is filled with love and hugs and smiles and all those things that make us happy [if only on the inside]
Good morning. If you click on your moniker which is in blue it will return you to your previous posts and you could then click on a edit or read them to see what you said before. Hope this helps.
The above us so true. I have actually started to say now "do you really want to know" gives them the hunt that all isn't well without having to explain unless they are really interested and not just being polite.x