I hope you lovely people are keeping as well as you can. My post this time is about Cymbalta/Duloxetine. I had been taking Fluoxetine on and off ( more often on) for the last 20 years. I have now been changed to Duloxetine on the advice of the Pain Management Consultant I met with last week regarding how to cope with Fybromyalgia.
Today is my first day on them and I was hoping that some of you might let me know how you got on with this drug, I have been given it as apparently it doubles as Pain Relief and an Anti Depressant.
The fluoxetine definitely helped me cope with depression and as I am sure many of you will understand that I am more than a little anxious about changing, as is my poor husband (he witnessed the aftermath when I very stupidly came off them as a trial to see if I could cope without any anti depression medication, needless to say I couldn't ).
I would be very grateful of any experiences you may have had with taking Cymbalta/Duloxetine
I have been signed off work these past couple of weeks and am still trying g to recover from the worse Fibromyalgia Flare Up ever, each time gets worse than the last, I am asking myself is this what I have to look forward to, I am recently diagnosed and have yet come to terms with this. I don't know if I ever will.
Sending love xxxxx