Hi I'm Angela I had interview for pip as was on disability I was refused I put in for reconsideration but was refused again I was to put in for tribunal but was to ill to do it I have fibro artharitis sciatica under active thyroid angina chronic pain can anyone help me plse
Help : Hi I'm Angela I had interview... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hello Angela
Welcome to the forum
If you have a look at our mother site you will find lots of information about Fibromyalgia on there fmauk.org
You don't say how long you have had Fibro for?
I am sorry but I am not an expert on benefits. Your best bet would be to go and see someone from the CAB.
They should be able to help you with any queries you have.
They have access to far more benefits advice than we do. We are primarily a Support Group for people who have Fibromyalgia.
Good luck. I hope that the CAB are able to help you.
Wishing you much peace
Lu x
If you don't turn up for the tribunal the can do it without you or Chuck it out you need to get a advisor now to see what you can do
I know of two places you can go to for help with tribunals etc. There is a group called "4UP" on Facebook and there's a website called benefitsandwork.co.uk.
The people on 4UP will telephone you if you want them to, to help you mount a robust appeal.
If you haven't gone past the deadline please quickly get advice and sometimes if there are extenuating circumstances you can get an extension to the deadline. If you are past the date you could start a new claim but this time get some expert help. If you can't get any locally have a word with our marvellous advisor Janet her details are on the pinned posts to the right if your screen. If you can't see them and you are on a phone or tablet you might have to turn it from portrait to landscape view. Remember it is not so much the illnesses you have but how they affect you on a daily basis. Good luck with it all.x
Have been there before due to Lupus, was turned down and am not sure what to do as well.
Have you been diegnosed with FIBROMYGIA
Yes i have 4yra ago
Hi Shaharazad
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. As the others have said, it would be best to contact to the Citizens Advice and get some professional help with this my friend. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you