Or rather flowers of the week. These are from the garden centre at Gosforth. I am in there quite often and they dont mind me taking photos. My garden is all but finished for the season now. Looking forward to bulb time. Hope you are all having the best day possible. Helen X
Flower of the week: Or rather flowers... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Flower of the week

Lovely idea of a flower of the week, please keep it up. Just what was needed today. xT

I have loads of flower photos, they may not be seasonal now, as my garden has finished for the year - until bulb time. Glad it helped. Helen X
yes thankyou Helen it did help, love looking at garden photos even if you have more even out of season, gives a sense of hope for the new gardening year to come and enjoy. x

So happy that you enjoy my photos. Will try and keep up the pics during the winter. Helen X
Made me smile Helen....Just what I needed after a horrid week Thank you. xx
Beautiful pic slomotion The colours are gorgeous
I never did get around to posting the pic of my orchid.
Wishing you much peace.
Lu xx
As always slomotion , they are lovely!! Thanks for sharing and have a good day. Peck 🐤
They look like gorgeous Rubekias to me. Bought a plant for this new garden and they have flowered for months and the bees live them. Must make a note to get more year. Great photo.x
They are so beautiful my friend, thank you so much for sharing. I am sure that rosewine is right that they are Rubekias, as it is too late in the season for Gazanias? It is juts that the leaves on the right of the image match those of Gazania Sunrise? Rubekias are a genus of the Sunflower family and so wonderful when open.
I have been planting bulbs most of the week in between the showers. I had two boxes totaling 450 bulbs and then I have bought another 150. They are all mixed from daffs, nacisisi, tulips etc. I am hoping for a dazzling display in the spring!
I sincerely hope that you are well today my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
I was swaying between the two Ken you can sort of tell when you can actually see them can't you but a beautiful Autumn colour. Hope you have someone to help you with those bulbs I put 10 in the other day and I thought I would never straighten up😥🌸💐
WOW what a lot of bulbs! You are going to have a fabulous display. Do post a photo. My photo is of Gazanias - taken earlier this year. Now running out of pics of flowers currently in bloom. My garden has finished until bulb time. However, I have a big stock of photos to post and hopefully they will brighten up the day for all. Helen X
Yes please as now I only have a tiny garden I now sometimes feel like a but if a voyeur coveting other people's plants! OH just said I could get you some Tulips just for the price of the postage and I am ,,,"yes please" and then I think where am I going to put them. Well I can always purchase another couple of tubs.x