is anyone else not getting edaily emails? I haven't had any for 2 days wondered if it was me or a general problem all round?
No email notifications: is anyone else... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
No email notifications

I didn't get one yesterday, but Its fine today.
Yes I haven't had any for two days.
Hi, yes me too. No mail for 2 days 😔.
Hi yes me to xo
Same here, other forums have got the same problem 😭
No ..your not the only one. I've been experiencing the same problems. I thought it was due to the latest update! I usually avoid updating things..because my policy is, "If it's not broke..Don't fix it" However, for some reason, whenever l visit my neighbour & connect with their wi-fi ..l don't get the option to avoid updates. My phone goes mad..updating everything!! No matter how hard l press the stop just seems to over-ride it & keeps on going Grrr!! If you've not updated ..then maybe it wasn't down to this..that's caused the problem. X
No, I think it's internal to HU.
I find if I don't accept operating software updates, the machine whatever it is, will eventually stop working because what you are left with is out of date and eventually incompatible. Or am I just too mean to buy a new one?
Updating doesn't cost anything..but it often causes problems that you didn't have before. Sometimes, it doesn't cause a problem..but for example..l liked & was used to the way my emails appeared. After an update, the format has completely changed & all different colours when l had read an stood out..that it had been read. Now, it just looks confusing to me Grrr! Just an example!
I've had that problem, they're sorting it out. I'd had nothing for two days.
Hi Pat ,yours is the first one for a few days .
I didn't get any for ages. Getting the odd one here and there at the moment.
Hi there
HU are currently doing some work on the site. Hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.
Lu x
Yes me too but got one today
Me neither nor on thyroid uk
Hi Pat9
I am so genuinely sorry that you are experiencing this issue, and it is across the entire HU network. HU are aware of the issues and hopefully they should have it resolved shortly.
All my hopes and dreams for you
thanks everyone for your replies I thought I it was just me all seems fine now though xx