I have only recently been diagnosed with FM so am still learning about all of the symptoms associated with it. I am getting a lot of joint pain, particularly in my fingers. My hands are very stiff each morning and can remain this way for most of the day. Is joint pain a FM symptom?
Joint pain: I have only recently been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Joint pain

Hi there
I get a lot of joint pain, but I also have Hypermobility Syndrome, so I am not sure whether it is my HMS or my Fibro, or both!
Have you tried putting your hands into a sink of warm/hot water and soaking them for a while. That can help.
Have you had a look at our mother site. You may find some interesting information on there fmauk.org
Because Fibro affects all of us in so many different ways, it is sometimes hard to know which is what.
Not very helpful I know, but unfortunately that is the nature of the beast that is Fibro.
Wishing you less pain and more peace
Lu x
Hi yes I have pain around joints - knees ankles and I have only been diagnosed with Fibro - but it does move about - from joint to joint - have good day /bad day
Sounds rather like osteo to me as I have that and fibro. Fibro tends to be more skin and muscular butof course the muscles are attached to the joints so if they are aching it can feel as though the joints are aching if you know what I mean.
My hands get quite swollen and aching. As Lu says putting them in warm water first thing can help I tend to Cradley mug of tea in my hands so have the warm tea inside getting me going and the warmth from the mug helping my hands. A pain killing gel gently rubbed in first thing g can also help.
Fibro is extremely confusing even to those who have had it years so ask away and we will tey and help if we canx😄😀
Yes joint pain is associated with fm I also have pain in my hand and toes my granddaughter sings that song head shoulders knees and toes to me
Keep well
Carol ☺
Hi loulou666
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are suffering and struggling with joint pain, and I sincerely hope that the pain eases for you soon. It oculd be Fibro related but there is also the possibility of it being something along the lines of Osteoarthritis? As you go along you will read that many Fibro sufferers also have secondary medical conditions such as arthritis.
If this does not clear up I would discuss it with your doctor and ascertain if there is another medical condition at work here for you? I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck. Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hello, sorry to hear about your pain. I have joint pain in my shoulders, knees, and ankles. It seems that doctors are very quick to associate any pain with my fibro, this is all while not actually looking inside me by way of x ray! you must push to get your hands x rayed honey! hopefully that will help put light on the situation for you.