Weight gain.: Hi all, I know it's been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Weight gain.

Lizzie57 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all, I know it's been a long time since I've written anything but I have been in not a nice place for a while,I'm still not out of it but it's getting better very very slowly.

Anyway the reason I'm on now is I'm so sick of this weight gain I'm trying to lose weight but it seems to be going up n up n up,I'm only 5' and I'm weighing 13st, it does not seem to want to shift and as we all know we can't do a whole lot of exercise,I do go to a class on a Tuesday morning of water aerobics, I'm beginning to think I should go to the doctor to see it he can give me some kinda pill to shift this weight,I feel like a beached whale, what do you guys think. Thanks I read all the posts .Lizzie57

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Lizzie57 profile image
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14 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi Lizzie57

I am so genuinely sorry to read that you have not been in a good place for a while now and I sincerely hope that you feel better soon.

As for your weight gain, I was wondering if you were taking any of the typical Fibro medications such as Pregabalin, Gabapentin etc as these can help increase your weight? It may be best to discuss this with your GP and see what they suggest?

I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with trying to lose some weight.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Ouch_123 profile image

Hi Lizzie,

So sorry to hear you not been too well,

I started off at 13st ive been battling my weight for a few years but since ive been diagnosed with fibro and had a few bad spells and had my gall baldder removed in 2013 n then two accidents requiring surgery to repair esp the last one where i fell and had multiple fractures ti my foot I've gained a nice 2.5 st my weight is 16st at the moment and as im not working now n no more zumba or gym its more difficult to lose any weight i was told by my gp last year that if id lost some weight it would improve my flare ups so in under 4 months i lost 1.5st was having a major flare up and hurt my foot....and now back to where i was... 😞 Not so easy to lose weight now... But i am hoping once ive had my surgery in 2 weeks time i will gwt back in my diet n shift sime if these nasty lbs

Any ways wish you all the best

Hi Lizzie,

First of all, I'm sending you a much needed gentle hugs from us all :)

I'm sorry to hear that you've not been in a good place for a while!

That's great news about the water aerobics, well done you :) :) Do keep it up if you can!

Yes, certainly go back to your GP and ask for their advice and support with helping you to lose a little weight.

Pls let us know how you get on!

Soft and warm cuddles,

Elizabeth :) xx

Take care my friend, I wish you well xx

aud01 profile image

ever since I got ill and started to get to the bottom of my problems I have gained weight note and more. I'm the last 2 year I have put on like 4 stone . but I have an under active thyroid and wondered if hat had a lot to do with it rather than the fibro....

but good luck to you and all my best wishes and hugs and thoughts that you manage to get to the bottom of things and lose the weight ... I know it gets to me ... so I wish u well xx

countess profile image

Hi Lizzie,

Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time, its seems a common issue with many of us 😢

Firstly I must admit to also being similarly challenged in the height dept & I'm also struggling with weight gain, so you're definitely not alone. As an ex PE teacher its really getting to me, friends don't seem to understand that it's a side effect of meds (which I've now reduced / stopped taking) in addition to my hopeless self control in the chocolate 🍫 dept in the past couple of years!!

I'm unable to exercise as in my 'previous life' & now seem to have a dodgy knee / cartilage tear I suspect from an 'incident' (don't like to call it a fall!) so that is scuppering my plans to gradually increase activity again.

Practical stuff I've found helpful in the past is:

* use smaller plates/bowls - it's amazing how much this can trick your mind!

*stop eating the second your brain tells you your stomach is full, most of us don't read the signals quickly enough & eat more than we need

*snack on vegetables - carrots/celery/ broccoli all fab in julienne style sticks!

*try & cook from scratch when you can

*reduce alcohol 🍷 & check out calories in other drinks & increase water

*work out how your metabolism is - I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I've worked out that starting later with brunch seems to help my tummy to expect less throughout the day

*get family/friends on board in a constructive & encouraging manner

*allow yourself occasionally to have a treat in moderation

None of this is rocket science I know & I hope you're not offended - its actually helped just by reminding me too!!

Don't beat yourself up (note to self!) & take it a day at a time. Weigh once a week - after going to the loo!!

Its hard enough dealing with Fibro without all the other issues we face on a daily basis which others' don't seem to' get' so how fab we have each other & this forum to share & encourage like minded individuals

Sending gentle hugs & virtual support


Countess x

rosie-2015 profile image

Hi i agree with countess but can i add trying myfitnesspal and nhs 24 diet, you don't have to use the whole plan, , it checks your bmi and counts your calories for you as well and best of all its free lol that's always a bonus good luck and gentle hugs oh i don't use it as a diet but as a life change and don't give up on all my wee goodies as I call them, i just have them in moderation I'm lucky I've stopped drinking alcohol but i love chocolate 😁👍

corfu profile image

Hi, i had the same problem i put on 6 stone in 18 months for no reason other than medications and my conditions. I went and saw my GP and she was in agreement that the weight gain had to stop, she referred me to slimming world on the NHS and since going there i have lost 21 lbs the people there are all in the same boat as you and there support is great, if you go and speak to your GP ask if they do referals to slimming world on NHS it means you can get 3 months free, if you lose 2% of your body weight in these 12 weeks you can be refered for another 12 weeks. I would recommed it to anyone who is overweight to try. I hope this helps you to know things can change just with changing food choices even if you cannot exercise

Regards Corfu 😊

cindydemon666 profile image

Hi, i too struggle with my weight. I have fibro & Im on pregabalin,which as ken says does increase your weight. Im 5ft 4 & just over 17st, i had 2 operations last year (foot & shoulder) & recovery is slow. I used to be very sporty & active & now i do very little, its so frustrating. I too have that little chocolate demon! Its horrible i know, but my worst enemy is me however when i put my mind to it i can make some improvements. Ive found out the hard way that little and often exercise puts you on the right track. your doing water aerobics once a week, brill. Try adding one more exercise or stretching session into your week but give your body time to recover after your water aerobics. Bite size chunks! Remember we are all here for you, xxx

TheHud profile image

Pah! 13 stone you are a lightweight ;) I am 5 foot and in the last 2 years of very bad place I have managed to balloon to 15 stone. I was actually rather happy at about 12 stone. Anything less than that and my skin became a problem, I kept tripping over it ;)

I am starting a proper diet thing on monday, forum is on here and its the NHS choices service. Really it's just a way to make me become targeted. Just doing a diary now to see what I actually eat and yesterday it was under 1000 calories so their diet will have to come down. I think it will have to be the Dukan diet, there is a list and choice I have lost weight before so I know I can do it even without much moving around.

That is my problem, I can't exercise, not just fibro, knackered back and knees. But I will persevere, again. :)

marg1953 profile image

Hi LizzieI am sorry your not feeling good

I have been on Pregablin and gabapentin and gained a massive amount over a 4 month period if your on something similar that could be why. They have other nasty side affects to and I am weaning off them. hope you feel better soon

sweetthing profile image

I can fully sympathise with you as I am exactly the same. The body hurts too much to do anything too strenuous and because of having to pace ourselves we tend to rest o lot,I don't know about you but because of the chronic fatigue I tend to sleep a lot too.

This doesn't alter the fact that we still get hungry and our appetites still need to be filled. I really don't know what the answer is as I have also had periods of cutting down and being really carefull with my diet. This does nothing but make me hungry all day and makes you feel that you would actually have to starve to lose any weight.

I have also gained weight probably a combination of not working,slowing down,medication and resting more. I truly understand and if anyone has the answer I would love to know what to do. I cannot spend all day being so hungry as it then makes you miserable and by the evening you are ready to binge on anything. I do have a very good diet and eat plenty of healthy fruit and veg but to be honest you could eat fruit all day and still be hungry. Sorry couldn't help but at least I understand the frustration we feel. Take care and be nice to yourself perhaps we could say there is more to cuddle but I know deep down that doesn't make us feel any better. Sending love your way. Dawn xxxx

Lizzie57 profile image

Hi everyone,thanks for all your kind msgs and support this in its self has made me feel that I'm not alone, I will go to the doc and see what he can do to help.

Thanks again I will take on board all ur good advice.


PoG15 profile image

I think that this is a problem that anyone can develop due to the combination of Chronic Pain and how our bodies react to Having to slow down, even if we hope things will "Soon get better" and "I'll be OK when I get seen by the Specialist, they'll make me better !"

The idea being that it'll only take a wee while to get better, "..so if I put on a wee bit of weight I'll soon get it off when I'm better !"

Then we get a lot of various drugs to help 'cure' us, which have 2 or 3 effects almost immediately ! Drowsiness - Bad Tummy - and Constipation.

We should be given better advice than, 'take 1 three times a day' If necessary we should be given appointments with a Dietician, a Physio and a series of exercises conducive to whatever the illness/condition we have.

Just a thought !

I'm personally convinced that Swimming or Water Aerobics are the Least Physical damaging for the best return to your health well being, followed by dog-walking and trying to find something that makes getting out and about a daily necessity - getting a news paper, doing a neighbours shopping, just doing a short message for someone. Basically anything that gets you Up and Mobile and "keeping thoughts off of ourselves" given that there's Always Time for That !

Dog-walk, short walks around the back garden - or the front if sunniest out there. Done the garden enough, then do the Street. That's THE big step out ! And it's a non-event usually.

My first time out was doggy walk wit Josie and I was wearing a Fibro Warrior t-shirt (too expensive tho ! ) to give Me a boost in confidence and other people to either talk about my problems, or just, mostly, look away or give a brief "hello". It's not a competition, but let's face it, if they look away, or don't acknowledge you or your illness ! So your allowed a little Moral Victory !🙌

Hope everyone has the Best Weekend possible, and remember if you've had advice on here, thank the poster and make a list of what you have to do Next Week - starting Monday am., after you finish walking about for your new Morning regime !

Thanks, Kieran.

Hollytree profile image

Great you do the aerobics! It is a good form of exercise. I had put on a lot of weight and couldn't shift it and just increased the amount of activity I did gradually. Take dogs out twice a day instead of once. I try not to sit down for more than an hour but get up and do something! Nothing major- maybe just wiped the worktops!

Tried but didn't succeed 100per cent to reduce the choccy biscuits, but they have reduced. Short walk in evening about 10pm just before bed. just to get moving.

Also started swimming -2-3 times a week. I like just being in the water especially when it is sunny. It was helpful because I had had a foot operation and couldn't walk far or fast.

Also went on a pain management course as I asked for a referral through the GP. It helps with planning as you don't want a fibro flare to lay you out after increasing the activity level too quickly. It is all a right pain but then fibro is!

My joints generally feel better and my metabolism has speeded up a bit. It also helps with the munchies which are, for me, the cause of weight gain. Now the weather is better heading into spring it is an opportunity to get out more which improves my mood.

Try and keep at it- nothing happens quickly.

Best of luck with it all.

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