Local Anaesthetic/Steroid Injection i... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Local Anaesthetic/Steroid Injection in the head with severe results.

marie75 profile image
9 Replies


I want to know if anyone has had a similar reaction to me when given a local anaesthetic mix steroid injection.

It was six months a go now and I am still completely incapacitated.

I had the injection at the back of my head on the left side, immediately afterwards, as I stood up to leave, I fell to the left and had to be helped out the consulting room by a nurse. I sat in the waiting room with the nurse for a while as she said I was having a reaction. Within 20 minutes, my whole left side had gone numb and I could not lift my arm move my left leg or keep my head up, it kept falling back. My speech also went completely incoherent, I could not form my words properly. I could not walk or talk.

After much deliberation I was rushed to another hospital querying a stroke. it was ruled out. I came out of hospital 5 weeks later with no answers.

I am still much the same I use a wheelchair and have speech difficulties.

Any knowledge of this would be gratefully appreciated.

Doctors refuse to the injection.

Thank you.

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marie75 profile image
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9 Replies
Fibrofoggiest profile image

Golly wow Marie, what an awful experience for and I'm so sorry that you have been through so much trauma. Could I ask what the original steroid injection was for please? It is hard to give you definitive knowledge as we aren't medics, so if the doctors have suggested it was a stroke, then I feel that probably, very sadly, is what had happened.

I wonder whether you have taken any legal advice on this matter as if I were in your position I would want to know whether the stroke was caused by any medical negligence in the administration of the steroid.

I hope others may come along with more constructive advice than mine, but I am sending lots of positive healing vibes 😊

Foggy x

marie75 profile image
marie75 in reply to Fibrofoggiest


It was for chronic eye pain which is undiagnosed.

The stroke has been ruled out. They now say it was a scar showing up from a congenital birth defect.

I am back with the consultant tomorrow.

Thank you for your reply.

Marie x

TheAuthor profile image

I am so genuinely and sincerely sorry to read of how you have been suffering and struggling since this happened to you. I have to admit that I have never heard of, or encountered a reaction like this before to what you have described.

As Foggy says, have you taken legal advice on what to do about this situation, as you clearly require help with what you are going through? I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Lolis profile image

Wow you poor thing!

Thats a long time with no improvement. If they are saying its not a stroke, then under those circumstances, it has to be related to the injection you had. So I think you need to complain & think about taking legal action for negligence

They cant get away with making you ill and then just denying everything

Much love to you, I wish you hope this christmas time xx

panda60 profile image

I had a similar experience during a general anaesthetic in 1998. Loss of balance, unable to read or write or follow TV programmes, conversations etc or concentrate. I had a MRI which didn't reveal anything and was told it was something to do with my inner ear and severe depression. I was off work for six months, managed to get back but only lasted a year before being medically retired. I was only 46 then and thought only old people had strokes but have learned since then how wrong I was.

Thanks to my GP who sent me for a second opinion and a persistent neurologist it became clear that I had had some type of stroke, which may or may not have been down to Hughes Syndrome which I was then diagnosed with. I would say I am back to 80% of where I was but have gone downhill a bit with the fibro which has affected my mobility.

Sounds like you really need to persist with this as it is clearly connected to your injection. What does your GP say? One organisation that helped me was Different Strokes which is specifically for younger stroke victims or Stroke Association for older people. I do so hope you are having some speech therapy and physiotherapy which you deserve at the very least.

I wish you all the very best.

marie75 profile image
marie75 in reply to panda60


I have only seen my GP once since, he just said he knows a stroke can occur but has not heard of my reaction before.

I am under a neurologist but he works with the other doctors and just says he agrees with them. I might add he also said I am not agreeing with them in case you decide to take legal action! I am seeing him again tomorrow.

I also have my first physio appointment this week and psychiatry, they have decided I need to see a psychiatrist in case it is a mental condition! on my fist appointment with her she decided it was nothing to do with my mental state and sounded like the injection was to blame. I then had a second appointment and she has changed her mind, said she has spoken to my consultant and now agrees with them. Even asked if I was abused as a child or am withholding things from her! So I have a busy week and am not really looking forward to more unprofessional people covering up a mistake!

Speech just say they don't know how to treat me as I don't have a diagnosis.

I will look into those places.

Thank you for your reply.

Marie x

Scouser58 profile image

Hello marie75, may I say how alarmed I am to read your post,,,,you have been left in an unbelievable state,,,,Have you brought a case for medical malpractice against the doctor?,,,,,why was this procedure done as an out patient?

Marie you have my heart felt sympathy for all you are going/have gone through,,,what are the other doctors doing to look for any further treatment,,,,have they consulted a neurologist/neurosurgeon ? the head and all that goes with it is their domain,,,,

Please push for further investigations,,,and don't give up looking for further help,,,,,ttfn from Karen.

gambler1947 profile image

This same thing happend to a lady here in Colorado 3 years ago, she went in for injection on her back, she wanted to be without pain for the wedding of her younger son. The hospital use the wrong medication and she was let paralaize from the waist down in a second. about a week ago she was awarded 15 million dollars. She is 56 years old and had plans to travel with her husband now that all their kids are grown up. shame on the hopital

I had and appt. to have injections on my back and cancel inmidiatily

marie75 profile image

Poor lady, gambler1947, awful.

I Have now been told by a hospital in London it is FND, functional neurological disorder and the way to help me is to retrain my brain again, like I was a child learning to walk and talk.


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