What are you?
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What are you?
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defo an early bird as I love the quietness, the crisp cool mornings, seeing the dew on spider webs, having the top field in the park to myself with my doggies............yes a morning bird,thats me x
Night owl 😀
Both xx
Well, i like worms - and slugs, but I used to be a bit of both. Now I'm neither.
Fibro seems to mean I have trouble getting started in the morning, and trouble staying awake at night, though staying asleep can also be difficult. How's that for an obscure answer zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
both x
I used to be a night owl now i am neither if i can help it.
Early to bed and late to rise. thats me. Oh and often a nap in the afternoon.
Very much a night owl. Always have been. Used to sit up with my Mum and watch the Hammer house horror movies and then have nightmares.
Definitely night owl x
Night owl.
All my life I was an Early Bird, but since Fibro I seem to have become More of an Owl, rarely able to get to sleep before 3am. It irks me, as I love the sunrise, the feel of a brand new day is like having a new pad of paper, before anyone has had the chance to deface it with paint or ink. Somehow seeing the sunrise from the 'back end' doesn't have the same effect!
I used to be an early bird, but now I'm just something that crawls up into bed exhausted and crawls out again - exhausted- in the morning!
I just hope you early birds leave this poor little worm alone!!!!!
A bit of both! Sometimes I stay up late and sleep in. Other times I stay up late and rise with the sun! Then there are times that I crash early and wait for the sun to rise! Well I could go on! Fibro has a mind of its own when it comes to me sleeping! I just kinda let it decide when I sleep and when I awake! It even throws in a few unexpected naps in every now and then! Well as you can tell I really have no clue!