Neck pain & facial pain.: Hi all .I'm... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Neck pain & facial pain.

sweetdreams1234 profile image
34 Replies

Hi all .I'm wondering if any out there suffer from tmj or have neck pain really bad .it seems to start atvhe nape of the neck and go right down into my shoulders and even the shoulder blade at times.

Quite painful. Heat seems to help sometimes but not all the time.just below the nape of the neck on the left side it even feels really tight like a lump muscle hardened.

Any one else have this feels like my neck closer to the throat Is sore

Dr's appointment tomorrow I'll keep you posted.


Barb. Sweetdreams1234.

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sweetdreams1234 profile image
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34 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Hi Barb I know exactly what you mean. My neck suffered many years ago I had a bad accident damaged two vertebeck gives me grief depends how I sit bad posture and the result of one chip one cracked. Next came spondultotis and now my neck shouts regularly.

Good luck at the docs I do hope all goes well for you



I suffer with pain in my neck and shoulders more on the left side than the right. When mine is really bad I go for acupuncture which offers relief. The pain does come back but not as severe as it was before the treatment and it takes a while to build up again. I'd have acupuncture every week if it wasn't for the cost! (It's not offered on NHS where I live)

honor1a profile image

Hi Barb,

Suffer neck & shoulder pain, shoulder blades too doesn't affect throat though, for me it's usually muscular pain, due to tension/anxiety sister gives me a gentle massage for 10 minutes & I go for a hot bath then sister uses a handheld massage machine (bit firmer & can be painful) but after an hour resting on the bed, I have great relief. Hope you get on well at Drs, & you get some comfort soon take care, Honor x

Tuscany profile image

I have neck pain regularly. I have it this morning along with all sorts of other pains. Having another flare up I think. It's where most people store a lot of tension. Combination of heat, meds and rest normally calms things down. Take care.

Poppy-poppy profile image

Hi, first post so be gentle, My neck pains is the same and also if I just go over my time limit for activity I suffer with systems the same as if I have a bad cold with sore throat. I also have crowns, I think they are called that, and I clench my jaw so tight with the pain that I have chipped a piece off, my jaw aches so badly, been to the doctors and was told all part and parcel of Fibro. Had about 3 hours sleep last night and feel drained.

honor1a profile image
honor1a in reply to Poppy-poppy

hi Poppy,

I'm sympathetic with you & your lack of sleep, but to me 3 hours would be great lol I average 2 hours a night, maybe after 3 or 4 weeks i sleep maybe 4.5 hours which is my saving grace or I think I would go mad, some people already think I am!!! re jaw aching it is not part & parcel of Fibro, I also used to clench & grind teeth Dr told me to ask the dentist for a mouth guard it's just a clear plastic molding of your teeth bottom set, wearing the guard prevented that happening, takes a while to get used to, i now don't need to wear it as got out of habit of clenching grinding of teeth, if you are stressed over anything that is what usually is a cause of the grinding teeth in sleep, so i advise see your dentist, hope this has helped. Honor xx

bluejeans16 profile image

Hi I quita often get pains in my neck and shoulders. When I feel my shoulders they feel all hard and the muscles are very tight. I also suffer from the muscles in my throat tightening. It feels like some one is trying to strangle me and I find it hard to breathe.

Frankiebeee profile image

I have this a lot and believe neck and shoulder pain is quite common among people with FM. Every so often I go and see my osteopath who helps a lot with this and frees it all up (it got so bad once I lost the feeling in my fingers on one hand for quite a while but with a couple of sessions with Mark I felt a lot better - still took time to recover the sensation in my hand though).

Lizzo367 profile image

I get pain in my neck and shoulders really bad in between my shoulders blades. It's very painful and I get a strange sensation to. Hold your head up good luck with doctors appointment. Liz

karran12 profile image


Yes I do too. I drive, and deliberately reverse in parking places, as I found look backwards when reversing out is too painful for my neck. I went to see my doctor last week, however, I can honestly say my dog dougal would take more notice. She was running late, and just said well you will have pain all over if you have fibromyalgia.

My son bought me a heat cushion, which helps. However my favourite is an old fashioned hot water bottle. I sympathize with you, believe me. Take care Karen xxx

mandarin profile image

Hi, I have the same neck and shoulder pain. I have just finished receiving physio for this. Main reason for mine was bad posture. Hard to correct when you hurt all over and haven't the energy to sit up straight and sit correctly.

Hope all goes well for you at the Dr's.

Gentle hugs xxxx


ladycaz profile image

Hi Barb.

I have tmj saw specialist on Tuesday, she said pain can be felt not just in face and jaw but also in neck, shoulders and even in the back. Tmj can feel like toothache, a dull ache that is persistent with sensitivity of the teeth (anything that is to hot or to cold can cause extreme pain), opening of the mouth is limited and there can be a clicking noise in jaw when you open mouth, yawn or chew. I find hot water bottle on face is a good way of releaving the pain/ache.

Hope your GP will be helpful. Xx

beckyglen profile image

Hi Barb,

I have the same problem with my neck/shoulders. Pain starts at base of the skull and spreads out and down. I have found that the wheat heat packs you put in microwave really sooth it and the fact they are soft is nice too.

I went to the dentist about my teeth grinding at night - it was making my jaw so painful and giving me headaches the next day. He made a rubber gum shield to go over my bottom teeth to wear over night. It has really helped with both the jaw pain and headaches and also protects my teeth.

It also affects my throat at times, feels like it's all swollen in there and make it hard to swallow.

I hope it goes well at the docs

Take care

Becky xx

Hi, I have TMJ and also neck and shoulder pain - I have a loss of lordosis in the neck and excessive lordosis in the lumbar region so my whole back and neck ache constantly. Add to that my neck and back (and all my joints) subluxate and occasionally dislocate and you can imagine that yes, it does cause me to clench my jaw a lot in pain. I now joke and say "grit [your teeth] and bear it" instead of grin and bear it. People who don't suffer constant pain just don't have any comprehension of how it is to live with it all the time.

I hope your doctor's appt goes well today and you get some actual help.

dondons99 profile image

Hi hun I suffer with that too I see chiropractor the pain is horrible I do 10 mins of cold 10 mins of heat takes the edge of it good luck with Drs hun

sandra57 profile image

i have neck shoulder and jaw pain sometimes i cant eat or chew my gp said its the fibro .

MariLiz profile image

I find a visit to the chiropractor helps, or massage, unfortunately these can both be quite expensive. Alternatively try some gentle Yoga movements for neck and shoulders. These are really good to do just before bed, and can help relax you before sleep. MariLiz

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I too know exactly what you mean and have suffered with this for years and years. I even had traction in an effort to help, of course it was useless and agonising beyond belief. I have a wonderful osteopath who works wonders nowadays but I know that the lumps are where the muscles have gone into spasm and most of the pain that one gets in the lower neck and shoulders can be referred pain. Likewise, but alternatively, the problem can stem from the trapeseus muscle which runs right across your back from shoulder to shoulder and tension and spasm there can also cause your neck to spasm and get knotted up too. It's really a case of finding which is the initial cause. I have found that massage can help, I was shown how to do self massage on my neck but I've had one shoulder replaced and am waiting for the other to be done, so getting my arms into the position to do the massage actually isn't great at the moment.

I really do wish you well with your appointment tomorrow and do let us know how you get on. I will be sending lots of positive healing vibes your way :-) :-)

Foggy x

Shazzzy profile image

Hi poppypoppy, i have had same problems for many years. After having regular bowen treatments and having a mouth guard made by dentist to wear at night (same as beckyglen) I have had a definite improvement in symptoms. I would advise everyone to speak to their dentist about having a mouth guard made, they are free of charge on nhs, and work brilliantly.

in reply to Shazzzy

My dentist told me it would cost me £80 to have a mouthguard made, even with NHS subsidisation. So maybe it depends on where you live/income as to whether or not it's fully free.

The cost means I can't afford to get one.

Shazzzy profile image
Shazzzy in reply to

Sorry Wahine, i am in scotland, maybe this is why mine was free.

in reply to Shazzzy

I'm in Scotland too. :/

Shazzzy profile image
Shazzzy in reply to

I have just checked and you can buy ready made ones online from £12 are also available in chemists, good luck

alisonfraylingiles profile image

Hi yes I suffer with my neck and shoulder all the time as well as my hands hips ,back,and feet its a. Nightmare doctor don't do anything for just take my pain killer's not that easy to keep taking them when I want to stay awake for my six year old little girl good luck anyway sally

marmaris profile image

I have had this for nearly three years now. Had two root nerve procedures but alas it comes back after a few months. Now I have all over pain and waiting for diagnosis, this has devastated my life.

Fibroman profile image

Please don't worry , I have had fibro / ME for 10 years and suffered the same problems with my neck and throat. I wake up most days with pain in my neck and a headache. I also suffer pain in both shoulder blades. You just have to accept you will suffer with these symptoms for the rest of your life when ever you are stressed. Sorry for being blunt but as soon as you start to accept this the better you become at dealing with flare ups. Talk to your doctor there are medication that will help, although the pain never goes the amount of flare ups you get will. Its a vicious circle you get pain , you worry about the pain and the pain increases. I have had every test known to man and all come back negative. Last one at xmas , had to endure a camera where the sun doesn't shine. Another horrible symptom is IBS.


PS. Hope i don't get flack for being blunt.

I found Shiatsu self treatment as effective as acupuncture with this and it's free. I bought a shiatsu chair cushion (cheap from ebay does the job!) and a handheld shiatsu device for front and I love them. Glad you reminded me - after some stressed online work, I ma off to treat myself with that :-)

I also use acupressure (Free again) and meditation (ditto)

All the best!


clare_hart profile image

Hi sweetdreams. I am sorry to say that I did not read the 23 replies you received.

But I have exactly the same symptoms. I do have TMD/TMJ, especially in the right joint, so is the neck pain worse on the right. I get occipictal pain, pain in both shoulders and neck, just worst on right.(I also get back pain and spasms especially in my hips, and have knee problems) I try the same things as you do - moist warm heat, relaxing herbs, teas, or essential oils, my hot tub, and so on - but when I can't stand it, I might use a flexeryl. If that doesn't work, vicodin. I can't take any NSAIDS and tylenol is useless. (sorry for all the american names there)

I also have headaches off and on almost every day, and the occasional migraine. One of my doctors surprised me and I almost fell off my chair by telling me I had PTSD. I have never heard that diagnosis before. I understand that that can contribute to headaches and migraines. What do I know?

Best to ya, Clare

Crazy_Horse profile image

Hi Barb,

I also have lots of facial pain, neck pain and trapezius pain. I have had the best luck with "myofascial trigger point release." Foggy had mentioned referred pain above. When I can locate the trigger point and then release/dissolve that point, a lot of referred pain is then released.

For instance, when I have a severe headache, I can often find the trigger points in my neck and trapezius muscles. When I release those, the pain also dissipates.

If you grind teeth, I agree with the suggestions above, see a dentist. The "guards" available now are less expensive than those made 10 years ago. Some guards are available to try with or without a dentist involved in the trial. If these help, a "fitted guard" made by a dentist may be helpful. It's really personal preference. If a guard is helpful and works well, great! :)

I hope your visit with your doctor was helpful today! :)

In Support,


TheAuthor profile image

I have cervical spondilitis in my neck and it is very painful. I use an orthapedic pllow at night to help alleviate any pain. I gnuinely hope that your appointment went well for you.

Take care


dovetail profile image

Hi everybody,

I have excruciating pain in my left shoulder, I can't move my arm properly & it's really disabling. My doc referred me to a pain specialist at the local private hospital but still on the NHS. It's brilliant, they treat everybody the same & the waiting area is so plush! Anyway, after having an X-ray, I've been diagnosed with calcific tendonitis & I'm off to the private hospital again, where the specialist is going to inject a big dose of local anesthetic into my shoulder, going in from the back. It's on the 21st of this month, so not long now,

I just want everybody to know about this condition because I'd never even heard of it until I was diagnosed!

Love & gentle hugs,


in reply to dovetail

I had supraspinatus calcification a few years back. The shots didn't help me at all, so I was referred for surgery, and my shoulder is now SO much better! I hope you get some relief from the shots, but if you don't, don't be afraid to get the surgery. I'm pain free most of the time now (in the shoulder at least). Just be aware that this can happen in other joints - it's starting in my elbow now.

gilford profile image

Get exactly the same I am awaiting an ear nose and throat appointment but know its fibro related I also get bad headaches with it and jaw pain if your worried go see your GP and have it checked out. Hope you feel better soon.

Gloria_carr profile image

Ik this post is old but Yes ,been feeling like this of & on for a month i really notice when i walk out into the cold air! It aches for minutes then it stops & start back up when i go out into the cold air again my neck hurts so bad its hard to look to the left. & around my neck/ throat aches not like a sore throat from a cold its just aches

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