I have just read about the Gupta Programme for ME/CFS/FIBROMYAKGIA, has anyone heard of it or tried it, came across it on Google.
Fibromyalgia: I have just read about... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

never heard of it, just searched for it as well. No idea from that what it is, but he is very careful what he is promising - some people will get a little bit better if they completely follow the programme 100% for six months. HUH
Learn to relax, meditate, pace, be careful what you eat, reduce pollution, and some people will feel a little better. My charge is a lot less x
I guess all thoses things help, do you meditate, is it difficult? I am trying relaxation at the moment to try to reduce my stress levels. But am find ing it difficult.
I am thinking of trying some supplements my Dr said my blood levels were within range, but feel I am missing something, as my appetite is poor.
I just found the Gupta Ptogramme whilst looking on Google, it seems to have mixed reviews, I guess we are always looking for something to give us hope, but as you say most has to come from yourself.
Thank you for your reply
Hi Fluffymare
I sincerely hope that you are feeling well today? I must admit that I have not heard of this but I will look into it. I presume it is a legit, free treatment or investigation? As there are quite a few scams out there?
I genuinely hope that if you go in for this that it works really well for you.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
A member on Patient.Co told me of this and I looked it up on on Google, it is a set of DVDS with a promise that if after six months you get your money back, if it does not work, it costs £150
That's why I put the post up wondering if anyone had heard of or done it.
I know there are quite a few scams on the Internet.
thank you for your good wishes, but I am going through a very bad patch at the moment,
My husband had a stroke on the 23rd of August and and what with going to visit him in Hospital and having Fibromyalgia with Anxiety and Ibs, it has put my Anxiety through the roof.
They are bringing him home on Wednesday for a visit to see how he gets on with the aids that have been installed, he will get a package if care for six weeks, but Inam worried sick how i am going to look after him, he is 82 and I am 78, everyone says tske it a day at a time. But it is very hard to do that.
the Psychiatrist I am seeing has suggested that I do 30 minute relaxation CD twice a day
but do not know how that is going to fit in when he comes home, I have tried several antidepressants without any success, and have a very sensitised system, so depend on .05 lorazepan and Zopiclone for my Anxiety, Fibromyalgia and Co-codamol. Atenonlol for Blood Pressure, and two lots of Eye drops for dry eyes and Pressure behind my right eye.
I wonder whether I need some supplements, although Dr. said that blood tests taken in July were within range.
Sorry to go on and on but need to talk at the moment as feel overwhelmed.
Sounds as though you could do with a break yourself. My parents are just a little younger than yourself and when my dad was ill my mum nearly wore herself out trying to look after him. Please do not do as she did, accept any help that you are being offered. I am assuming you do have family that will help. My mum would insist she could do it all and didn't want to "bother" us with her troubles, her troubles being my dad.
Talking is a good place to start
I have 1 Son but he lives near Melton Mowbray Leicestershire, nd we live in Birmingham and his wife is expecting a baby in 6 weeks time, and they both work, so can only manage to come once a week it's a 3hour round trip for him and they have two girls at School.
My Daughter in law is a Specialist Nurse in long term conditions, but she said that Inhave to unlearn all the Anxiety habits and take a Antidepressant, but I have tried 5 and all I got was bad side effects and no success, The Psychiatrist said iI am suffering from Emotional stress and need relaxation, and my body is too sensitised to take Meds. 15 months ago inwas ok with mild fibro and anxiety kept under control with Citalopram for 10 years
When Graham was in QEHospital Birmingham the taxi fares cost me over £200, now he is a Rehab Hospital a very good neighbour takes me and brings me back, but she is 83, i can't drive at the moment because of balance and fog.
I think Imust have every symptom of fibro, partially bad parathesia, headache, fatigue,
And my clothes are driving me mad.
Glad I have my Zopiclone for sleeping, else I would really lose it.
Thanks for your message
Have a lovely cold virus to top everything off,
Sorry about that seems my iPad is feeling like me, having a bad day
Hello Fluffymare,
The discussion of Gupta has been raised before, so he is just one post out of 3 about it;
A closing thought for all members, if this was a recognised & was considered a viable treatment the large FMS/ME community would be talking about this more, don't you think?
Hope this helps
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Hi Fluffmare,
Sorry to hear about all the things you are having to deal with and, as we all know, the stress makes the fibro worse. Please be careful about spending your money on these so-called cures and I would be very surprised if you ever got any money back! You would probably be better off paying someone to come and help you out at home from time to time. There should be a social worker or similar connected to your husband's hospital team that you can discuss all these concerns with and, hopefully, they will do all they can to ensure that neither of you ends up back in hospital. Failing that, please contact Age UK (ageuk.org.uk or tel: 0800 169 6565 or visit the local Age UK charity shop) who know a lot about these things and can put you in touch with all the right people, they will also know what your rights are in this situation.
Please stay as positive as you can, ask your psychiatrist about "mindfulness" as I have found this brilliant.
Good luck and God bless,
Om Shanti 12
Thank you for your message, I just need to get my anxiety under control (easier said than done) with everything going on at the moment, I have seen the social worker today, and they are going to give my husband 4 visits a day, They are bringing him home tomorrow to see how he gets on with the aids they have installed, so will have to see.
Did you get into mindfulness yourself, I have looked at it but some friend who lives in Liverpool did hers at a Pain Centre and she said it helped her, I am finding relaxation very hard to get into at the moment with everything that has happened .
Have been in touch with Age UK , also with Headway a charity which helps the Patient and the carer, they are sending a councillor to see me
I do have a Psychologist who I thought would help with my GAD, which I gave had since my Teens, thought she would help me change the way I think but after four visits she has not been very helpful, this fibro has given me Ibs, which makes me very wary of what I eat
So my appetite is very poor, have to force food down, anxiety is such a bind.
Sorry about some of the spelling this Ipad sometimes has a mind of its own or is it my finger.
Hope you are feeling well,
Best Wishes
bye the way, a member on Patient.co is going to try the a Gupta Programme so will interested to find out how she gets on, sounds very intensive to me.at