Hi all some advice please, I have the chance of a mobility scooter for £300 . It's obliviously second hand ,it's been used for 4 days only , I don't know what to do obviously I can walk but I find I go slowly , all the time know ,and get very ache if I have pushed myself to much ,if I am havering a flare it would make life easier I have 2 dogs which I am only managinging to walk about twice a week if I am lucky I am only 52 part of me thinks I am being silly .then the more impulsive me is saying go fir it even if I don't use it fir the first year it will be there waiting for me what do you think ? When I walk the dogs I walk with a stick and have to use wrist splints as my wrist and arm hurt as much as my legs if I don't . Do we get any better or once we get like this is that it ?
Whether to buy mobility scooter , - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Whether to buy mobility scooter ,

from a blog I wrote last year and it's still applies
I've started using my own scooter while out. I've decided that it's a positive step as -
I can be out for a bit longer;
I can get further;
the pain is less;
more quality time with friends as I'm not struggling to breathe/move/keep up;
I get to be out where life is going on;
I meet nice people who smile or pass a moment [eg "cold today"] or ask if I can reach;
I'm acknowledged as a person - not invisible, I exist!
I get to be independent.
I know there are negatives but they're the same as everyday when I'm on my crutch [es] so they aren't botherable [ I just made that word up! ]
try the scooters out in supermarkets first. I hope this might help someone.
Thanks I wasn't sure if I was being silly and yes the breathlessness is the really hard bit which I hadn't mentioned in my post you know when people make you are overreacting or I should say able body people I haven't asked any of them what they think feel embraassed don't know why really but I do ! Chris
Hello I would recommend trying out the scooter in a supermarket first I did and discovered that I personally found that having to hold my arms out in front of me soon became painful, so did my right hand due to holding the trigger in.
My back was agony due to leaning forwards . but may not have been in a less basic model as the they are adjustable.
After trying them out and going to places where they sell them I have opted for a powered wheel chair.
A scooter may be fine for you but like I say try one out first.
I can`t say yet what difference it will make , I only got it last week and it has not stopped raining since for me to try it out.
Hugs sue x
I am only 52 and find it very hard to keep up a reasonable pace when walking, it has got to be a joke with my family, but I want to go to a day long car show with them next month but they are refusing to go as I won't be able to manage the hills and will need to stop and rest up. So in my humble opinion go for it, if it makes life easier why not. I might just join you

Thanks it used to be that nobody could keep with me ,it's so frustrating ,I walk at the same pace as 3 of my friends who are in there late 60's and early 70's my daughter who is coming up 21 just smiles at me and says it's revenge because she could never keep up with me and now I have to tell her to slow down and I used to tease her about in a previous life she was a sloth,we do get on really well I might add ,I find all this really hard as I have always been so damn independent I have to have someone in to change the bed as I can't do it my self I can do pillows and sheets but can't manage duvet , I was having someone in to do the garden but I am managing to cut the grass again now ,I was really chuffed last week when I did that , , I am getting this scooter from the Red Cross by the way it was donated to them from a large Business event park they buy them in new every year for one event and this is the last one to go ,it's literally been used for 4 days last summer and that it so I think you have helped me make up my mind , I was told by the rummie I think that the fact I have been fighting these damn condition and they haven't gone in 3 years that they won't now but I did wonder if they ease off you no go into remission I have fibro ,sjorgrens ,raynaids ,conective tissues , and chronic fatigue , it has improved my spelling though, I used to think I was dyslexic ,my punctuation leaves a lot to be desired but ha ho. Thanks for the advise it's very much appreciated Chris x
Glad I was of some use to someone I hate it too my youngest girl is 22 and she is very good but walks so darn fast that I have to ask her to slow down, my other daughter is 7 months pregnant and has sciatica and even she walks faster than me. I used to walk miles, loved dancing (could have danced all night...just like the song hehe) now a flight of stairs is a challenge. I was hoping that this would go away, but it seems I could be stuck with it too. We are in good company

My 21 year old is my youngest of 3 , she's been my rock through all this it started just as she was sitting her a levels , she's at uni now, and off to japan for a year as part of her course , my son lives in Brighton he good but he still thinks I am invincible he is expecting me to drive to Brighton at Xmas it's a 6 hour drive from here (mid Wales ) he has always come here I keep trying to explain but he doesn't quite understand ,my older girl has issues so I won't there but it's complicated thanks you been a great help . Chris
I only have the two girls, both are good but like you the youngest understands more as she can see it. The oldest girl has her own wee family so only sees me a couple of times a week, where I make a big effort to be my usual self It is hard for kids to see what they thought was invincible not be, but it comes to us all at some time
and thank you for letting me be of some help, that's what we do for each other and it is nice to talk to someone who knows what it is like

Yes agree Evan only see me 2or3 times a year , he is good for a boy he ring most evenings on his way home from work when he's on the bus or walking home ,but Abbi saw me in hospital and has been with me if shes home for some of my test s . She is the one that has witnessed my decline first hand seen the tears heard the frustration and seen the fear ,I don't know if put it in this post but she is going to japan for a year in august on a paid work placement from uni ,I told her not mention my illness as I didn't want them to worry I would be dragging her back , I want her to live her life for her and not be held back by me. In the last few years she has managed to take all her exams doing really well only one small wobble and contend with my divorce ,death and then my illness ,I was suffering with stress granted a lot but I went to the dentist had a root filling and the dentist forgot to give me antibiotics , the hospital called him imcompitant at the time .she been brilliant she is the one who sat her big brother down and explained how I am coz I must admit he didn't really get it till this last few months he has one of his friends walking the dogs for me at the moment ,what are you up to today , we have rain here ,!thats nothing new for Wales :-)that's why the trees are so green Chris
I am in Northern Ireland so rain is a no brainer, that's why we are called the emerald Isle, for all our green grass I am at work at the minute so ducking in and out when I get a break. My work is great and allow me breathers even though I have a desk job, im a book keeper.....boring to most but I love it. Going out shortly with one of the solicitors to witness a will, so that's a bit different.

I was a kitchen designer for a large national company ,but decided it was to stressful for me so changed and went to work as a team leader for a national supermarket chain thought that would be less stressful the plan had been to leave work in work , but it wasor is to physical for me , so know I don't no what I am going to do , think I am going to have to retrain to do something else once I get on top of this latest flare and they decide exactly what is wrong with me the list just keeps growing and unfortunatly not pretty like a sunflower , have a nice day ,my x sister law and family live in Northern Ireland ,port Stewart .
Chris x
Not too far away from me about a 20 minute drive. It is hard to know what to do for the best, I only work 24 hours a week and on somedays its harder than others. Other than banking I sit so I have to remember to get up and move about. I hope you can sort something out, we're way too young to be scrapped
bug hugs, S

Hi yes I know what you mean , I have got to admit I am enjoying the rest at the moment but am so damn tired all the time , that I don't use the time home productively ,the fact that I am not sewing tells me I can't work ,just can't wait to see what box of tricks the rummie has up his sleeve to get rid of this larthargicness I feel , I haven't had a full night sleep since march 5 the fact that I know the date which in is self is sad , hug's to you too x
Sleep depravation is the worst, I get so ratty thankfully the change in meds means I can sleep, so hopefully you can get that fixed. You might not feel as lethargic then in the meantime try and relax into it and maybe get some sleep. I knit to keep myself sane, and hate it when I don't have the energy for it or my hands are too sore, so can fully understand where you are coming from. Bug hugs, S

Hi just to let you know I bought the scooter it's great fun the dogs are going to love it it's not to big , thanks for the support it's being delivered on Monday , x
Good for you, I hope it helps you get about more. Long walks for the dogs
Hello. Tiredalot There are places where you can hire a wheel chair for day trips ect . I dont know where you are but the nearest to us is Kidderminster'
If you are interested try google to see if there is some where near to you.
Thanks I might just look into that, but the show is on grass so that may be a bit harder, I will be fine with a lot of breaks and a few days recovery
Go for it as that sounds a bargain. Will they let you have a try out first. I support a dogs rescue charity and their was a lovely clip on their website some time back of one of their vols on his mobility scooter with two of his foster dogs happily walking alongside. If you only use it when you are having a really bad day it will be worth it. Think that if you use it how much energy you will conserve for doing other things. As long as you have somwhere safe and on the flat to store it I think you have nothing to lose. I used to work for a charity and we were able to get one paid for by another charity for an old soldier and he came down with it to show me when he had had it for a few weeks and he said that it had titakky revolutionised his life. He had a basket on the front and used to put all his shopping in it. Let us know what you do.
Yes I can try it , I have been told it's really nifty ,the person who has found it for me said she would love it herself but she doesn't need it , she works for a local charity run by are town to help people who are over 50 who have difficulties with illness and old age ,she rings to check if I need anything like shopping and bed changing etc , she's lovely. I am going to see it on Friday . The responses on here have been brilliant when you live alone you haven't anyone to bounce ideas off and I have a habit of going round in circles on my own. All I know is it's silver and been used for 4 days at local show ground and I now have first refusal on it as the man that saw it thought it was to fast for him , he was 84. Thanks for replying ,rose wine Chris x
Hiya shadows-walker
If I were you I'd grab it with both hands, I bought a second hand one 5 yrs ago for £480 and its the best thing I've ever bought. It's not one of those with big flashing lights and wing mirrors and I don't have to have Insurance for using on the road, but it gets me out and about and now I can go supermarket shopping with my hubby, he has the trolly and I chase him around throwing stuff in it, and I can now move faster than he can walk, It's brilliant, no more cringing pain when I tried to walk, no breathlessness and best of all no Angina pain.
I have got incredibly bad this last 10 yrs or so, and I cannot walk at all now, just getting off my scooter to get back into the car is very painful.
Believe me you wont be keeping it in storage once you've had a spin round the block and if you tie the dogs to it they will walk beside you , my two dogs do and stop and start when I do.
You'll be out more when you get it, it's a whole new world out there.
Have Fun feather hugs to you
Pat xx
Hi Chris
I have a scooter and find I can walk my dogs at a decent pace rather than them just strolling and being restless until my daughter gets home and walks them.
It gets me out more.
I can go to the local shop when we need something urgent (without going in the car)
I can go to our library and not worry about having to carry books home.
I have an electric wheelchair also for when I go into town or for hospital visits where there is generally more people and less space.
I can go to places where I could not before without taking the car and it can get me to some places where I can take a gentle walk so as I do not lock up totally.
To be honest I would not be without my scooter and it is second hand but it does exactly what I want from it.
Go for it and don't look back
Take care and kindest of regards
It sounds a good deal, however, I know very little about these sorts of things. It could be an investment for you just in case you need to use it anytime if you are not feeling too well?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
I'd just like to say just be careful buying second hand scooters because depending on the model of the scooter if the battery needs replacing they can be priced up to £200.
If you need Batteries then check on the internet for battery companies around you and check them out for a price and if you buy from a local dealer you will end up with a decent guarantee wheres if you buy from an internet company you have to send the batteries back it can be expansive.
Take care and kindest regards
Thanks for that ,it came from the Red Cross and was only used for 4 days , they obviously told me they couldn't give me a warranty on battery's but they have recommended A place up the rd from them that can replace and are decent people and won't charge me the earth they even gave me a free cover for it as I havent got a garage to keep it in
Thanks everyone for your replys this morning and everyone is so encouraging ,you know what it's like I am sure I chase my own tail sometimes I am either encredinlbe impulsive and buy or do the wrong thing or I procrastinate and miss out on what I should do , and as this is all new to me and I have no knowledge of what ifs in this situation ,so I decided to put it to my font of knowledge which is this site ,I don't feel alone anymore thank you all I let you all know tomorrow how I get on big hugs to all of you xxx
It sounds too good to be ture so go carefully. However In your place i would. Anything to be able to still get out.
Hi Chris, I wouldn't worry about only being 52, my daughter is 34 next month and has had hers for 3 years. She said it gave her the independence to go to the local shop without having to ask her husband, plus if they are out she can keep up with everyone without having to stop every hundred yards or so. I hope it is suitable for you, good luck tomorrow, Linda xx
Thanks I am starting to feel quite excited now will post tomorrow night to let you know how I get on x
good thing to do, i bought a scooter and go on it, also bought a wheelchair. great so you can still get out and about without relying on other people. i used the scooter and my dog runs along side me go for it girls your know your right. all the best
The girl said yes it's being delivered on Monday ,thanks for the support x
Hi, I forgot to ask you if it come's apart, for taking in the car for long journey's, the one I have fold's into 3 piece's to be able to put in the boot, which my hubby doe's and he said it's not heavy either. What I have done with mine for more comfort for me, I pull the handle's up close to me then I sit right back, and I've taken the arms off as they kept catching on my clothe's, I found it was a lot comfier( just cant spell that word) sorry.
As for charging the battery up, we always put it on charge the night before need it.
I'm so pleased you said YES I doubt you'll regret it.
Have lots of fun out and about, take care
feather hugs Pat xx
Yes it does, but I don't know whether I will use that feature perhaps if I end up at some point with a different car ,at the moment I have a Suzuki alto , it's one of the new models but it's still small ,it's I suppose a shopping car it can get into small parking places and does 80 to the gallon so it doesn't cost to much to run ,the only down side is that if I go for an hour driving which is the norm to get anywhere from where I live, I am in agony by the time I get back in my arms. You know what it's like .
So glad you bought it. Now you will have to keep us up to date on your outings in itx
Ok will do , I haveI told 4 of my friends and and 3 were positive and 1 was a bit off , but I kind of expected her to be she hasn't been round to see me once since I became really unwell in jan , I have seen her and she has come out to lunch and things with the rest of my group of friends ,when the others have organised something to get me out ,she been ok with me but I know she doesn't really get what's going on with me she 70 but really young in herself and good fun and a really interesting woman but she nearly died on us last year with enfersymer we were all really worried about her but she makes the odd little comment about life and getting on with things anyway that's life I suppose not everybody understands these conditions and I suppose once apron a time I was one to .. My children think it was a good buy in fact my son said it's an investment bless him , sorry for the little rant I suppose a little unsettled.
Well 3 out of 4 ain't bad as they say. You soon find out who your true friends are when you are ill and unfortunately there are normally only a few. I think in all fairness illness frightens some people as they might see themselves in a few years time perhaps in the same boat and don;t want to face the reality. Also ours is a strange and complex illness and in all fairness we don't understand it half the time as it is so fluctuating and nor do most of the professionals so it must be difficult for fit people to get their head around it. Anyway on a happier note your independence is being delivered tomorrow bet you can't wait. Rant any time you like better out than in. Good luck tomorrow with your first outingx