Hello again everyone,
I have been a real old grumpalump of late, the aches, the pains, the head, the back, the neck, the everywhere. I have been down and deeper down. I have always liked to do craft things, but of late I have lost interest.
A couple of weeks ago, I was rummaging through some boxes when I came across some pencils and cartridge paper. Well I have always liked a doodle or two. so as I was feeling sore and really fed up. I made a cuppa and sat in my favourite char and started scribbling. Before I knew it I was drawing faces, but because I have never had an art lesson in my life - they looked more abstract than human.
Perseverance and a bit of determination, I had a passable picture of my youngest grandson, I copied it from a photo my son sent to me. They live in Vancouver, which is about 6,000 miles away, and I cannot begin to tell you all just how much I miss them all.
Here I was, I had made a picture that others could recognise who it was meant to be. I decided to do a few more, it takes quite a while and a whole load of concentration, but do you know, I don't notice the pain when I am drawing. My mind becomes totally focussed upon what I am trying to draw, that hours fly by and when I am done, I feel rested and virtually pain free.............Sadly I have to confess the pain-free bit only works when I am drawing, Shortly after putting down my pencils that old grizzly ogre is stamping up and down my spine, kicking merry hell out of my neck and shoulders and generally making a bloody nuisance of himself. Until the next time I pick up my pencils and can drive him back into his hiding place for a few hours. I am now looking for an art class that will accept an aged fibromite with a bad attitude to pain. If I find such a person, I will gladly join their happy band of drawers (no I don't mean the ones you wear or keep your drawers in - behave). Just as soon as I get my computer to talk to my whistles and bells all in one printer, I will scan a couple of pics and I will await your professional opinion. Cheers Me Deers.