I now live in a small retirement flat after leaving my unsupportive husband. I'm so much happier & feel more relaxed than I have in years but obviously Fibro doesn't go away just because the rows have stopped.
Although my workload is now so much less, I'm in extreme pain constantly & now am having dreadful digestive difficulties on top of the long list of associated ailments. Recently I've been very unwell but what's the point in seeing a doctor? Everything I say is swept away & I'm told that it's understandable that I'm unhappy ( I'm not!) and that I'll feel better when I come to terms with my marriage break down!
I find it so patronizing, I may be 60 but I'm not senile. I've had fibro for quite a few years, with the effects increasing at a frightening rate, but I'm an intelligent human being! When I try to explain the difficulties that I have through 'fibro fog' I'm told that it comes with age!
My previous GP was great but my new one just sees me as another old lady!!!
I've had to come to terms with being unable to do some of the things that I enjoyed ( as we all have had to) My mobility,eyesight & memory have been badly affected but I've learnt to adapt. I'm learning T'ai Chi, & gentle yoga & have restarted singing & art. I'm certainly not sitting & pining away! But I want to be seen in the same light as any other person with health problems. Now to add insult I've been referred to the mental health team - WHY?
Apparently you can't be single & 60 without being depressed !!! If they keep treating me this way, I soon will be!
I'm off to cry into my cocoa - NOT! x