Hi I'm new to the forum...leg cramps ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Hi I'm new to the forum...leg cramps like crazy don't understand this pain anyone have the same.knots in upper leg 24/7 just won't go away !

sweetdreams1234 profile image
10 Replies

Any one having major leg tightness and knots that just don't go away.. At least relax just a bit..anything to take for pain...I wish I had some answers.. Help please was on lyrica for two weeks and then doc stopped them because of the muscle spasms..thevlyrica worked on the pain for the tmj also..any attachments that could help me. Or simply let me know if this is the norm for some of us fibro family..



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sweetdreams1234 profile image
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10 Replies

Hi Sweetdreams,

Sorry to hear you are having leg cramps, I am the same it is just constant pain in my legs and back. I was on duloxetine and that helped with the pain it didn't take it away completely but made it a lot better. Could you possibly check with your Gp to see if there would be a medication that would suit you.

I hope you can get it sorted :) and a big welcome to the forum :)

TheAuthor profile image

Hi sweetdreams1234

I have just read the other question that you have posted, and I was wondering if your GP has discussed any other medications with you? I have pasted you links to three different medications that you could discuss with your GP as a replacement for Lyrica?




I want to wish you all the best with this and finding some satisfactory pain relief.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

bwaite profile image

Yes I have them mostly at nite

and it is so painful. You can

Try stretching that leg by placing hands on wall and give yourself

Space between you and wall

And stretch one leg at a time.

mitziblue profile image

I had leg cramps 24/7 couldn't even get out of bed at times. I went on Soma generic and it helped. I get those same cramps now in my neck and shoulders....this was years later and had to go on OpanaER with the Soma. Hope this helps!!!!

I am sorry to hear of your pain. I am new on the forum but have had the tight cramping and jerky legs with horrendous pain for 9 years doc thinks it is RLS it is now affecting the thigh of left leg i also have very heavy legs the odd thing is that pain eases a little if i have any weight put on it (my litttle bichon likes to lay on them :-) i cant remember the last time i felt awake fully as this really disturbs sleep. I had my doc look on monday as i was worried i might gave clot she measured with a tape and said 'no' but prescribed quinine i havent taken it too nervous of side effects. i had blood test fri as i poss have RA joints are so painful from neck to ankles and everything in between and puffy like there is fluid on joints. I am brain fogged most of the time anxious bordering on paranoia mood swings and burn up to a hot furnace at night im losing my grip cant open bottles anymore without help and feel as if i dont want to go on with all the different pain that is increasing daily i am so stiff if i sit or gey up from bed i walk like a robit as nothing will move easily for a few mins stairs are laughable as i cant get down with ease my spine aches i think i need some answers after all the years of pain... I hope the blood results will tell me just what is causing this as i am only 49 yet move slower than my gran did in her 80's when i finally get moving i can walk for miles but go through hell at night because of pain not only muscular but deep within the bone too. Does this sound familiar to anyone does it sound like fibro? My legs also jerk uncontrollaby mostly if recline position but sometimes on sitting. The leg pain etc for 9years the joint swelling and pain fast onset for last few months with increasing severity. Sorry this is so long but ineed some help i dont think my doc has taken it seriously in the past and i need answers i did have a frozen shoulder from april 2011 to october2013 was given injection by a dif GP didnt work as physio said was administered in wrong area then it defrosted afterone in correct place any answers please

sweetdreams1234 profile image
sweetdreams1234 in reply to

You must be my twin or either somewhere along the way they cloned me.I have identical symptoms. Everyone except for the opening of the bottles and I'm sure that will come all to soon.

Well I'm getting pretty good at this stuff now I'm almost a pro..I mean to finally realize I have Fibromyalgia and haven't seen a doc yet ...well that's not intirely true if you put all my emergency room and ambulance trips to so many hospitals i guess I've seen a doc or two.

Firefairy I've been like this for years muscle pain ..major changes in the bodyvall over night sweats were any time but in the evening all hell breaks loose. Rls and sleep that's something from the past.. I finally had a venous Doppler test and it was negative. So no blood clots .however I have been told I have RA and that's a relief for me at least I can work on that I think at least with physio and a positive attitude.. I'm trying anyway.. I'm not sure what today will bring as I'm still laying here just a thanking I've found you all at this forum and helped me to see you hat I'm not alone.. Nor are you firefairy .Well I'm about to creep or crawl whichever comes first out of my bed and make way for a cup of hot tea..I was given a topical cream last night and I'm hoping it helps with the muscle and joints some today.. Ii s called diclofenac 5%..well I'll see .so far though my neck is killing me .can hardly lift my head for the pain and I'm sure that the myofacial pain I have is at about a 5 already so hear I go off to the races and it's only 8:20 am here in Canada. Firefairy keep as well as you can and remember that your never alone and speaking for myself yes I believe you have lots of fibro friendly symptoms I call them that because they are all my new best friend for life so I'll have to live with them even if I don't like them .remember though I learned from lots of great fibro family on this forum if its a new symptoms and you feel anxious about it pleas get it checked by your GP.. Oops I forgot to mention that one I have as told to suck it up buttercup by my GP.. So yah there are some of those who just don't understand the Pain we sufferon a daily basis. With that being said welcome to the forum and god bless.

Take care of you.

Thank You sweetdreams for replying, i feel bad as I sit her in tears thanking someone for having the same condition. but I am so glad I found this forum, and if the results of the bloods come back inconclusive again, I will give my GP a list of all my pains and see if she will actually open up to the idea of it being something other than 'my age' if its my age then I've been at that age for almost 10 years now, and not getting any younger :-)

enjoy your cup of tea I might join you in a coffee if I can get the lid off the jar.

sweetdreams1234 profile image

Good morning

Fieryfairy I'm glad this message found you well.

I'm sure I could sit along here and shed a bucket full of tears with you but instead I find myself smiling thanks to you.

I have been searching the last 3-5 mths for another me!!!And low and behold I finally found you..I'm glad we me through this forum as well as all my new found fibro family on here. I find it amazing just being heard makes such a difference in a day even minutes for some of us depending on our day.

Well I made it to the teapot and it was a crawl this morning..its tortoise day here at my place.. So anyways make yourself a coffee and I'm now raising my teacup to you ..cheers and have a lovely day.

Sweetdreams1234. If you have any questions or just want to chat you know where I am .

lol tortoise I wish I was the hare :-)

I attempted to get off the chair at the computer and did my usual robotic take on a bent over moon walk ;-) now I have got moving, I am going to take a gentle stroll with my dog I will have the coffee when I return if I don't grab an ice-cream first, the sun is shining and its a shame to waste it.

I look forward to chatting to you and thanks for making me smile and feel welcome


sweetdreams1234 profile image

Enjoy your walk...and thank you as well for making me smile.

May I ask what state you live in ..I'm wondering if you're close enough to land some of that sunshine my way. Here in Canada its foggy and cool.

I sure could use some sunshine.

Not what you're looking for?

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