Hi all im a newbie.. Just has me ESA stopped after 365 days cos I was in the WRAG group, and as my husband works he is expected to keep me!!. I have a tribunal in progress this has been going now for 6 months! Im expecting a date soon can anyone tell me wht to expect.. I have OA in my knees.. hips and spine and FM and am so distressed that im having to fight for some money to survive x
ESA STOPPED: Hi all im a newbie.. Just... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

My e.s.a. Stopped last December after being on the Wrag group. I was told the same as you as my husband works. I also failed the hearing for support allowance as I had to tell them how I felt when I appealed which was almost a year before not how I was feeling the actual day of the hearing. I did not have a fibro diagnosis then just spine and neck problems and the after effects of a previous brain heomharrage enought to be on incapacity for many years. The system sucks! Trying for Disability living allowance, hope you are successful.x
Hi there and welcome to our forum I'm sorry that this has happened to you, but I think it is something which occurs often, however, I'm not sure now what the position is with ATOS having withdrawn from handling these matters. Could I suggest you take a look at our mother site fibroaction.org where you will find advice on your situation and a lot of information in general, a very good place to learn lots of things.
I wish you luck in your tribunal
Foggy x
Me too,maybe I could re apply for support allowance.x
Hi Mummybet
So sorry that you are having to appeal to the tribunal. Make sure that you have copies of all the paperwork that they made the decision on as you might find that evidence that you thought had been provided by your doctor or specialist was not in fact provided. Also go through the report with a fine toothcomb as you might find inaccuries that you can bring to the tribunals attention. In my husband's case the doctor had got his medication wrong even though he had provided her with his green repeat prescription form and she had not listed the side effects of the drugs that he had outlined for her. She had also said that my husband's condition had started just a few months before when in fact it had started a couple of years before. These inaccuracies if brought to the tribunals attention can start to put doubt in their minds towards the accuracy of the report. The tribunal decided to request all my husbands medical records back to the date when he said he had begun to be ill and of course it showed every medical appt and report on his condition which proved what he was saying was the truth. We won the tribunal and had the money owed paid to him. See if you can get help from the CAB or a local Benefit advisor as they are more experts in this field. We had to attend twice and found them stern but fair. They may ask you if you have missed any family occasions because of your illness so be prepared for that as if you have missed an important event such as a funeral it proves how ill you are. Good luckxx
Hi mummybet13
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I am so sorry to read that your ESA has now stopped, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to the issue.
I was wondering if you were claiming the new Personal Independent Payment which has replaced DLA?
I have pasted two links below for you, the first is the information page of how to claim PIP, and the second is the FibroAction benefit information page:
I genuinely hope that you find the links useful and that you can find something to help you?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x